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Streaming With Dr. Joseph Lee MD -

Oh wow, where we go, that was, I am, just woke up and struggling to get organized here, but today we'll be speaking with Dr. Joseph Lee of fame, if you're following him on Twitter, I think his Twitter account is great, as a, how shall we say, a connoisseur of edgelord shitposting on the internet, I have to say, I have to appreciate Dr. Lee's style. Let's see this, just my zoom is, start, start, see what's going on here, hang on, let me sort out my zoom and I've got to wait for participants and I'm hoping that should work and let's see, did that, did that, let me just do this, I don't see him just yet, but what's been going on, I had a day off yesterday, the doc had a day for himself to think about all that's going on in the world and still we have no rumble chat working, that is really, really bugging me, why? And you know what, I've got two layers, it's bloody cold at the moment in Japan but the, I'm wrapped up a little too tight, I see Dr. Lee is about to join us, wait just one second, I might, before I start stripping down, let's do this, let's do this.

Good morning. Good morning, Dr. Lee, do you mind if I call you Joseph? No, that's fine. How are you sir? Very good. Your camera is not working unless you want to just remain off screen. No, no, no, I'll turn it on, I didn't realise that. And I have to just beg your indulgence for a second, I've got a few too many layers on and I've got to take one off, I'm sweating bucket, just bear with me a second. I don't even know how this interview got set up, so. This off the screen. Okay, I was, I was sort of introducing the stream, I was just saying, I follow your Twitter and I enjoy someone who's not afraid to go out and call a spade a spade and you. Moron, moron. Yeah, whatever it takes, whatever it takes. And the, yeah, we live in a, we live in a time of, well, weak men and lick spittles, as far as I'm concerned. And, you know, we've got to start clearing house and if that requires some salty language, then I'm all for it. So yeah, where would you, where would you like to begin? So a little bit, what's, what's your background in? Systems Neuroscience. Perfect, perfect. So, I'm not an immunologist though, I've sort of looked through your documents and looks like been following what you're doing. Well, if you were an immunologist, you wouldn't be talking to me. Maybe, maybe. I'm just, as a scientist, I'm, how should we say, I'm in a state of despair at what I've seen science become over the last. Oh my God, me too. It's, it's, well, it's depressing and to see, well, I, you know, I was a believer in the system and to see, to see it sort of crumble the way it did in the last few years and very, very few people sort of stepping up to the plate. And then, you know, those that did were either late or I, in some instances, I tend to question their motives. Right. And no one is paying me. I'm not getting paid by big pharma. Soros didn't pay me anything. No one's paid me anything. Same. You know, I have to do this sort of streaming. I was, I was medically retired from a head injury. And, you know, I just, I was just prepared to sort of sail off into the sunset. And like I say, I was just left dumbfounded at the, at the response to the pandemic. You know, I sit very much in the lab origin camp. I was one of the first scientists. There was a few of us very early on who, who came out and said, look, something doesn't sit right about this. And then it's just sort of cascaded from there and just, you know, our worst nightmares have sort of come true. And so culminating in email releases and as to what Fauci had done, the, the extent of defence, intelligence, community involvement in these programmes, et cetera. I don't know much about that. I had no idea that they were very involved in it. So. Oh God. Where are you? Where are you located? I'm in Japan right now. I just rolled out of bed. Desperately trying to get the stream together. So yeah, I'm ready to go wherever you want to go. And just jump in and ask questions whenever. But so I think the best way to start is like, if you're just a lay person and I was trying to discuss this with you, I would start, you know, because I've been talking nonstop, you know, I'm a LASIK surgeon and these are my reading glasses, but I'm a LASIK surgeon and I've been, what, since January of 2020, when it hit me that it couldn't be the antibody. I mean, I fleshed out my theories, but by the time I caught up my mentor, who's a director of Ophtho at Hopkins, that was like May or June of, of January of 2020. And I explained it to him and he quietly listened. And I had no idea what to expect. And 10, 15 minutes later, he says, you know, Joe, I think you're going to be going to Stockholm. And I didn't even really, really match. Take that in two ways. Stockholm syndrome or the Nobel peace prize is the, I'm presuming the Nobel. Yeah. So basically we've had, we've been in constant communication for the past two and a half years. Okay. And he's told me this over and over and over again. And he just, he just can't believe the state of science either. You know, this cancer culture, the censorship a couple of times before when we were chatting, he goes, you know what? They might even try to put you in prison and I'd have to fly out from Baltimore and bail you out because your daughter needs a father. And we were half kidding, but you know, after that Gavin Newsom signed that bill two zero nine eight that makes it a, a, a crime for a physician to discuss misinformation with their patients. Yeah. So look, it was very, very obvious to me, uh, from very early on, uh, the, the, the censorship wasn't something that was sort of dialed up slowly. It was ready to go from day one. Right. And well, so the feeling was, you know, everyone had this basic feeling about anti-vaxxers at the beginning. And I did too. Everyone just kind of felt like, well, why are they resisting so hard? And, uh, there was a very negative connotation about anti-vaxxers from very long ago. Right. So they just added to that. It was, oh, it's already assumed that they're anti-science, anti-scientific. So it's okay to stop that kind of misinformation. And so I didn't, I didn't feel like I was part of that. I didn't feel like I was going to be lumped into an anti-vaxxer group because I'm very scientific and I studied hard my whole life, you know, past college, medical school, residency, fellowship. I mean, how, how much more training can you get in science? So I didn't even assume that they would ever consider that I would be an anti-vaxxer. And so when I joined these Facebook groups and discussed things immediately, you could see that they didn't like where I was going because I was anti-COVID vaccine. Well, I think there's a, we should draw a distinction here and that, um, them shifting the goalposts with respect to gene transfection technologies and trying to call them vaccines, I think it was a very, very surreptitious move on behalf of the scientific establishment and to be against, uh, gene transfection, a, uh, a novel way. I mean, the technology is old, biologics is old, you know, a few decades, but, um, you know, it was reserved for cancer and, you know, something that was between the individual patient and the doctor and them saying, well, look, we could potentially try this approach with you. Would you like to do it? And it suddenly changed from that to, oh, we're going to force this on people, uh, essentially by a threat of force or loss of job, et cetera. And, um, so I'm, I don't, I don't class these current, uh, technologies in the, in, in the vaccine camp. I was always very vaccine skeptical myself. Um, no, for sure I was too, but my kids got vaccinated for everything. They're 19 and 20, but they got vaccinated for everything also. Right. So the way I usually began is I explained, okay, so in the year 2020, did anyone in the U S have a COVID antibody? No, they didn't. They couldn't have because it requires an infection which no one had had, or it requires a vaccine which had not been rolled out yet. So in the blood of 20 million Americans, there were no COVID antibodies and 20 million of us supposedly, or 20 million plus of us got COVID in the year 2020. And when we got COVID on day zero of our illness, we didn't have a COVID antibody in our blood. On day seven, we didn't have COVID antibodies in our blood, but the majority of us healed within a week or we're well on our way to recovery within a week before antibodies even showed up. Okay. Let's say there were one, 1% antibodies in your blood. It doesn't make a difference. So then the question is in science, it's always about explaining how, and to me, 7 billion people on earth, hundreds of millions of scientists, and no one explained how we actually healed from COVID in the year 2020. Not one person. You cannot just say we healed. You cannot just say we recovered. You actually have to describe what happened mechanistically, right? Right. I'm getting a little feedback. You might just have to turn your speakers down a little bit. Sure. It's getting hold of it, but just initially when I speak. How's that? Check, check, check. Yeah, it seems okay. So the... Look, I love what you're doing. I'm sort of on your side with... But what I'll try to do is sort of steel man the other side and bring data and steel sharp and steel. So the response to that would be that there are a number of factors which could be at play. One is sort of innate immunity, crossover immunity. So let's deal with them one at a time, crossover immunity. So there are some coronaviruses in the population, and you had some people who had been exposed to that, not the same spike antigen, but other common antigens within the coronavirus. Okay. So if that's the argument, what I would say is, well, your COVID vaccine, its effect is gone in eight months and you need to be reboosted. Now this coronavirus out in the wild that you had some exposure to with antigens that are different, mildly related, and it's been over a year or two, and that small immunity somehow helped you with COVID-19. Okay. So that argument is destroyed, it's gone. And then a six month old baby, no history of any exposure to coronaviruses anywhere. And that baby, how did that baby survive COVID-19? So see the argument of, well, there was some coronavirus in the community. Well, your amazing vaccine that trains you really well, that effect is gone in eight months. And you've gotten quite a bit of antibodies in your blood from that. And some coronavirus out in the wild that is endemic in the population with antigens that are unrelated, and now they've dropped off because it's been over a year, two to four years, it's dropped off. And somehow that tiny bit of cross-react, it doesn't cross-react very well. But that little bit of antibody in your system somehow helped you and prevented you from dying. I don't think so. Well, I think the rebuttal to that would be T cell memory. And those- Okay. But then my argument would be, then the COVID vaccine provides T cell memory too. Then why does that drop off in eight months? I'm not a fan of the gene transfection technique. They don't have an argument because no matter how you want to slice and dice it, it doesn't require training. These infants, six-month-old infants, didn't have T cell training, didn't have B cell memory, had a mother that didn't have COVID, and yet within a week wipes out billions of COVID-19 viruses from its body. It didn't need training to know exactly what to do when it faced the enemy. See, it's this idea of training that keeps coming up, and I just keep trying to make fun of it. Because your amazing vaccine, the effect is gone in eight months. But a 70-year-old, for seven years, he's never been trained. So he's never had vaccines for COVID-19 or any other coronavirus. No training, no boosting gets COVID in the year 2020, recovers with no training. But your amazing vaccine, it's incredible that it needs to be rebooted every eight months. So I have to ask, would you say that people, or do you deny that people got COVID and died from COVID, et cetera? Absolutely not. But you're trying to explain why many who did get it recovered and... Well, do we not agree that at least 99% of us recovered, or 98% in the younger population is higher than that? Well, I think that's a complex argument, one because of age, risk stratification, and also the disease burden that comes from the long or post-acute sequelae of COVID. And that number runs, on average, depending on the study you look at, 30%. Okay, so basically what I'm saying is, their arguments are getting weaker and weaker because in the year 2020, it doesn't look like a COVID antibody did much. And so I have this bet on Twitter. So the bet says this, a million dollar bet that the COVID antibody destroyed a million times less COVID RNA strands within lung cells than the ribonuclease in time did. So their molecule can do a lot less than my molecule did. So within lung cells in the year 2020, okay, because here's the cell, there weren't very many antibodies to block the RNA, the virus from injecting the RNA into the cell. How did we handle that? I am saying that the ribonuclease enzymes destroyed that virus RNA within our lung cells, and that was the first phase of how we recovered. Okay, so does anyone have an alternate theory? Does anyone have an alternate hypothesis for how this virus RNA within our lung cells was destroyed? No one has. No one has an alternative. No one even has a suggestion. Or it could have been this molecule or it could have been that molecule. No one even proposes a separate enzyme. And the antibody, we know, doesn't go into cells. Yeah, so that's something that we can maybe touch on a bit later. I agree with you that the hyperfocus on antibodies is a throwback and a battering ram that corporate science uses to push an agenda because it's an easily measured biomarker of their product inducing a response, right? It's much, much harder. But that's also how they determine efficacy of the vaccine. And when that marker drops, they also determine that your training has dropped also and that you need to be reboosted. And by definition, a vaccine is a neutralizing antibody. Well, I've had these discussions with a few people and, you know, there's the claim that there is a T cell. It induces some T cell memory as well. And it's not entirely dependent on constantly circulating antibodies. So if you take a measles vaccine, for example, you don't have high titers of measles antibodies flowing through your blood all the time. It's understood to wane. But in that period, you've given some training to the other, you know, the B cells and the innate immunity and those. I have to jump in because, you know, in science, if we have a theory, if they're certain that the measles vaccine is responsible for the decrease in measles in the US over the past 40 years, I'll propose another theory. You see red dots, a mom sees a red red dot on a child's face, red dots on the morning, isolates the child. Can the child spread measles? No. Is there anything known to science that is stronger than isolation at preventing viral spread? No. So that in itself, here's the alternate hypotheses for why we had a decrease in measles over the past 40 years. Visualization of red dots and isolation is a powerful hypothesis. Now once I have a hypothesis like this that I present, the other side can't take credit for the decrease in measles in the US. They can't say their vaccine did it all. They can't take it because this alternate hypothesis is very viable. And in science, there's nothing stronger than isolation to prevent viral spread. So now they actually have, in science, we test things. Oh, I have an alternate hypothesis. Okay, then let's do a test to see whether your theory is correct or my theory is correct. That's what science is. So then how would they do that study? Take a thousand people, blindfold them to remove the very good useful effect of visualizing red dots. Blindfold them and blindfold everyone around the child because if a teacher sees the red dot, the teacher can say go home or the other students can see the red dots and say, no, no, he's got red dots and send the child home. Everyone around that child, this group would have to be blindfolded for a couple of years and it's not ethically possible. So the study cannot be done. Be careful there in the current environment, anything seems ethically possible. Of course they won't do it because it would prove my point. It would prove my point that visualization and isolation is, imagine if COVID had blue dots when you were infectious. It'd be gone by now. Well that begs the question then about why I didn't isolate or the strict isolations the two weeks. Look, I live in Japan, right? And they did a sort of, I wouldn't say super strict lockdown, but the kids were back at school within a month and they didn't lock down much. Bars were allowed to stay open. They just asked to close a little early, etc. And Japan was doing very, very well, I would argue, until the introduction of the gene transfection technologies. And then there was a, how should we say, yeah, a signal coming through in the data. The deaths started to rise and wave upon wave went through Japan. So I'm reluctant to oversimplify the disease mechanisms to begin with. But no one's even proposed a mechanism for how we survive, right? I'm proposing one. Then if no one else has a proposal, they have to look at the one I'm proposing. And the one I'm proposing is very simple. If this is a cell and there were no antibodies to block, because antibodies are basically to block the virus from infecting the cell, there were no antibodies to block the virus, the COVID virus, from infecting cells. The virus infected as many lung cells as it wanted to. And yet, at least 95% of us survived. I'm not going to say the others didn't survive, but the ones that survived, let's understand the mechanism. And then the moment inside the cell, the virus RNA is the enemy. And what should we do to the enemy? Destroy it. And what are the options to destroy the RNA?

Ribonuclease, endonuclease enzymes. There is nothing else. And then if that in fact is what destroyed it, then a lot of us survived using that early mechanism. And then of course later other mechanisms chip in. Interferon is produced, all sorts of other things, chemokines are produced. But in the early phase, this is what helped us. And how do you activate ribonuclease enzymes even further? So the ribonuclease enzyme is a pit bull, and it's very efficient at destroying RNA. And you have this inhibitor bound to it that is some of the tightest protein-protein interactions known to scientists on earth today. And the inhibitor has six self-hydro groups. The moment those six self-hydro groups are oxidized, it lets go. When it lets go, the ribonuclease pit bull is ready to destroy RNA. How do you oxidize the inhibitor? Fasting. Fasting increases reactive oxygen substrates within a cell.

The inhibitor is oxidized. It lets go. The ribonuclease clears RNA, including ours. But we have DNA, we can make more RNA. Now that is a very simplistic explanation of how we actually healed and what we can do. Because see, people are always confused. The human body did an amazing job without antibodies in the blood. You have to understand what the human body did because you're never helping unless you know what the person is doing. A little kid tries to come help you build a cabinet. It's not help when the kid doesn't know what you're doing. I have a surgery tech that tries to assist me in surgery. They don't know what I'm doing. It's a nightmare. I'd rather not have them. And a surgical assistant who's with me and who knows what I'm doing, very, very helpful because they're helping me. They know what I need to do and they're assisting me. So the human body does this amazing job. At least 95% of us recovered. If you want to assist the human body, you have to know what it did. And in the early phases of the disease, it used ribonuclease enzymes to destroy RNA. No one on earth has another hypothesis. No one on earth has another idea of how the RNA within the lung cell was destroyed. No one. Not even, oh, what about this? No one has even thrown anything out there. But again, it sort of begs the question. The way you're sort of presenting it is it kind of sounds that people didn't get ill because of ribonucleases. Oh, they got ill. No, I didn't say they didn't get ill. They got ill. They didn't die. Yeah, but is that not a consequence? We know people got sick. You and I both agree people got sick. I did. Very. Yeah. We both agree that over 95% survived. We're trying to explain how the people who got sick survived. There has to be some mechanism that the human body used. And if no one else has an alternate hypothesis, you've got to go with the most straightforward one. And the ribonuclease enzymes, it's not a new thing. There are thousands of papers on it. It's not a new thing. It's not something I found. But they didn't realize the impact that it had. The antibody did nothing compared to the ribonuclease, meaning I said, look, make a bet. A million dollars I'm offering. If you think something else did it, make a bet because I'm giving you a million to one odds. Well, it's a million dollars each ways. But my molecule has to destroy a million times more virus RNA than your molecule, whatever molecule you want to bring up. And I'll still beat you. So this is the thing. This is how simple it is. And so how do you further activate what the human body did? You fast. Now, let's go back to a very basic layperson's understanding. We all know viruses don't grow on their own. Every school kid knows a virus does not grow on its own. Where does it grow? Inside human cells. Are our human cells always growing at the same speed? No, they are not. If you're not eating, they slow down their growth. If they keep, if our human cells keep growing when you're not eating, that's called cancer. So every school kid knows viruses don't grow on their own. They grow within our cells. Our cells don't all grow at the same speed. When we don't eat, they grow a lot slower. So feed a fever, starve a cold. It turns out it's a star of both. Every infant, every person under seven billion, when you were a toddler and you got sick, you got fussy and you didn't eat because evolution figures this out. It has time on its hands and it usually gets it right. Seven billion of us, 99% of us when we were three and we got sick, we got fussy and we did not eat because that is the answer. The way to fight the virus is don't grow it. And you know, I'm focusing on pushing because look, people don't know this. When you get a sore throat and you get COVID, the next few days food could kill you. Now if people knew that, would they really eat? Some people tell me, well, I didn't feel like eating anyways. That's not the point. What if you had been invited to a birthday party and you had a little cake or you know, you had a dinner, you know, your wife's anniversary and you're going to have a steak dinner. You might've eaten half your steak. It can still kill you. See, we didn't have good food. We didn't have spaghetti factories and now burgers a thousand years ago, 10,000 years ago. The food on the ground didn't look so good when you were sick. But if you've ever been out in the wild and you didn't have enough food and you're hungry for a couple of days, you'll eat anything. And that's how we were 10,000 years ago. But this modern civilization, we have all this food. Our instinct to not eat was enough for anyone 10,000 years ago. It was enough. But is it enough today? No, because we have much more tasty food. I have to emphasize over and over because look, it's winter, people are getting sick all over and Asia and China is a huge deal. And the solution is that simple. Now, see, I gave you the layman's version, right? Every school kid knows viruses don't come out of their own. They grow within our cells. And if your cells are growing slower, it grows the virus slower. Then less virus is released. And if less virus is released, less of your cells are sick. Then you're coughing out less virus. Then less people around you are sick. And even if they're sick, and if they know not to eat, then it's not a super serious issue for them either. And the pandemic is over. Yeah, everyone talks about, oh, if it had been locked down for two weeks, theoretically, then the pandemic would have been over. Theoretically, if everyone fasted for three days, the pandemic would have been over too. Well, that presumption that they had the virus. Whether they had it or not, we wouldn't have to say in theory, because we really can't shut everything down for two weeks anyways. Ah, they tried. Oh, they did. Because inside a family, right, if there's one person who has it, and he started his illness and the other person didn't get it for a week and a half later, then that person would be sick for two weeks. And if you release that family, after two weeks, there will still be COVID in that family unit. So really, it wouldn't have been over in two weeks unless everyone was completely isolated by themselves within the household, which can't happen because you know, you have AC circulation, ventilation. So when we talk about theoretical, what could have been, you can go down that rabbit hole forever, but it's silliness. And if you want to talk that way, which is silly, I'll say the fastest theoretical way is if everyone just doesn't eat with radiation, which is silly, but it is secure. So that, yeah, so from this, from your line of argumentation, your, let's not say medical advice, but your theory, your theory would just suggest that if you think that you are becoming ill, fasting. It's critical. You know, if you love your elderly relatives and your parents and grandparents, if they don't know this, they can kill themselves. My 99-year-old grandmother was in a COVID unit in Georgia with the flu, a year and a half or so ago. I called up the doctors because I'm here now in LA. And I said, don't put glucose in her IV. Don't give her anything. No calories. She walked out in four or five days. She walked out on her own two feet at the age of 99. And when she came in, she was intubated for like three days. Oh, she was intubated for three days. Well, she had the flu. And so they intubated her and she was in a COVID unit where, you know, the virus is everywhere and they think, oh, Dr. Lee, don't worry about it. I'm like, what do you mean, don't worry about it. You're gowned up, you're masked up, but you don't change everything from patients. You might, you might, who knows whether you're giving it to her or not. I don't know. But the point being, and then my parents had COVID a few months ago and I made sure they didn't eat for two days and they were both fine. My mom passed away a couple of weeks ago. She had a big stroke. But the point is there are so many people around me that tried this. I know more about lung issues than most because when I first came to California in 1994, I got this bad cold. I had this dry hacking off six months, eight months, and I had that recur maybe at least a dozen, at least 10 times in the past 24 years. So I was attentive to this. I thought more about this than any person on earth before COVID even occurred. And I finally figured out what all my issues were. And I took care of it, but I was very well aware of issues in the lung. And so when COVID came January of 2020, I was on the phone with my friend and I said, you know what, I'm going to do this little thought experiment. You know, when I get a cold, that rhinovirus infects a lung cell or nasal mucosal cell. It infects it and it propagates and it goes out and infects other cells. And I can feel it in the back of my throat. So at least 10,000 cells had to have been infected. And I told myself, I asked him, what I don't understand is this, why would that process ever stop that cycle of infecting a cell, propagating, leaving, infecting other cells? Why would that cycle ever stop? Because something stopped it. And I said, if I can understand what stopped that, maybe it's the same for every respiratory virus. And I told myself, I'm going to exclude antibodies. And the reason is sometimes like I have a cold, I know it. And in four days I'm over it. No time for any kind of antibodies whatsoever. And if you want to talk about T cells, okay, there's 300 million lung cells in your body. T cells. You have to go interview every cell and figure out at what state of infection they're at. And when you decide to kill them and if they're infected slightly or more, when you kill them. And then you have to redo this every two days. It's like testing how we test for COVID. The cells would have to test lung cells for COVID. There is a phenomenon called, they're non-specific antibodies, which do still bind, which are in... And if they're so important, why do we have vaccines? Yeah. I mean, look, I'm not on the vaccine side here. But I did clinical neuroscience and my take is always be very, very careful about sort of binary thinking with respect to complex systems. And... And that's what I'm saying. That's what they do. I'm not doing it. They're doing it because if you have a complex system and you have 50 engines in a car, you take out one engine and the engine runs and you put it back in the car. You can't tell me that that car is running because of that one engine that you found. There are other engines. This is the analogy I always give people. I live in a farmhouse with 30 cats. I never see mice. Just never see mice. You're a cat person? I'm stopping the interview right now then. I'm joking. I'm a dog person myself. If there were no rats and then one day, one year in the year 2021, I put out a rat trap and I catch a rat, is that rat trap now the reason why I never saw rats before? No, because there was another... It's a false positive. And you know, in medicine, in science, false positives are a huge issue. And that's what you're describing. Complex systems. There are huge issues with finding a positive. Doesn't mean that's your reason for the recovery. Okay. They found one. I go all the way back to polio. I say, your first vaccine was on polio. All right. And here is my theory on why polio was not your vaccine. So if I can create another alternate hypothesis, you have to listen to me and you have to test it because that is what science is. So you think it was your vaccine. I'm going to say, okay, I'm a 14 year old kid at the time of polio. I'm scared to death. Like my friends got paralyzed, a couple of them. They can't move. I don't want to be like that. I'm scared to death. Everyone is scared. You don't know where it's coming from. It could be anywhere. It could be some malice disease. You actually had friends who got paralyzed from polio? No, I'm coming up with a... So if this happened, and I'm living at the time of polio, and if this happened and I'm a 14 year old kid at the time, then everyone's freaking out. Here's the theory. The moment the researchers developed to understand what the mode of transmission is for polio is fecal oral. That means an infected person with polio has to have a bowel movement. That feces has to end up in my mouth and I have to swallow it. Then I become paralyzed. So if I'm a kid at the time, I'm like, okay, I can handle that. Not too hard. No one else's shit is coming into my mouth. And I'm not going to swallow. I'm going to keep my lip sealed. I'm going to wash my hands everywhere. I'm going to boil all the food I eat, and then polio disappears. Okay. So this is an alternate hypothesis, and it's a very good one. And what they found... Do I really care that they found an antibody that binds to the polio vaccine antigen? I mean, that they found an antibody that binds to the polio antigen inside a test tube? Do I care? Because that polio never came into my mouth. Do I care what's happening in the test tube? I don't care what they found. That's not the reason why it went away. I don't care if you found one rat in a rat trap. That's not the reason why you don't see all these rats. You've got 30 cats. It's a false positive. So the first vaccine ever, false positive. And how will they ever disprove me? How? We can't go to our dirty ways. Now, interestingly enough, in Pakistan, I was talking to a nurse at my mom's bedside. And this nurse was... I talked nonstop about vaccines to everyone, especially medical. And she's listening. She's listening. Usually people shut me up and they want to back away and leave. I keep talking. And then she's so interested. I keep talking to her. And she goes, well, what do you think about polio? Oh my God, I know a lot about polio. She goes, because we still have polio in Pakistan. I'm like, well, I know it. The vaccine does nothing. They're trying so hard with the vaccine. They're trying to educate everyone, make sure all the kids get vaccinated. I'm like, has nothing to do with it. So I said, I have Indian friends from medical school. I said, do you guys still eat with your hands like they do in India? Yeah, they do. I'm like, there you go. That's it. Okay. If everyone goes to eating with utensils, you have to keep your dirty water separate from your clean water. Public sanitation has to be improved. You improve your public sanitation.

Just as a little anecdote, my wife is half Pakistani, half Japanese. And so I've got some insight into the culture there. So they have a thing with their left hand is for wiping the back side. Right. So you don't go. You gotta keep your hands like this then.

I guess. Just never offer your left hand to someone from the Indian subcontinent for a handshake, I guess. So you see how silly this is? The vaccine built itself on a false positive and a very, very impressive false positive. Extremely impressive. But that always begs a question to me. You found an antibody inside your body that binds to the antigen and you concluded that was the reason why you recovered. Well, to me, it's a false positive. It happened at the same time. Okay. You know, when an antibody attacks our joints, that's arthritis. You don't appreciate that. It's not useful. So why would every antibody in our body be purposeful and beneficial to us?

It could be a side effect when the antibody attacks our heart valves and rheumatic fever. It's a very bad side effect. When it attacks our joints, it's a bad side effect. Sometimes it doesn't mean anything. Sometimes it's very beneficial. You've got to decide, is this antibody very beneficial or is it just a side effect or it doesn't matter? You don't know. You can't just say, I found it. Now it's useful. That's the jump they made. I found it. It's useful. That jump is real. They made that leap and it seemed really small at the time because the antibody binding the antigen in the test tube was so incredible, but it's meaningless. You know, strep throat, horrible.

Those are antibodies. Rheumatic fever ruined millions of lives in the early 19th century.

The number one cause of death for children under 20 was rheumatic fever. From one antibody to the strep throat, but we don't say thank you to the antibody. We curse it. So just because you find an antibody in the blood means shit. Yeah. It falls into this domain of, it's an easy metric and yeah, it's an assay, right? It's something that they can quantify and in a corporate environment where, you know, I think on the list of priorities, health comes down here and the money-making aspect is a I completely agree. And that's a problem. And you know, there's a, you know, I think a strong argument to be made that a lot of what happened over the last few years was them looking to reshape and reconstruct the system in such a way that this, that they were true believers in this new mRNA type platforms. It provides, or in theory, it provided a easy, easy way of finding a disease outbreak to disseminating the sequence electronically to then being able to quickly ramp up production. And you know, why, you know, it's a deeper, it's a deeper question than that, but I think a lot of, a lot of what we've seen is them trying to completely do away with the old, old way of doing vaccinology and, you know, which was eggs traditionally, and then sort of subunit type vaccines, et cetera. But the, yeah, I mean, I'm, I'm in perfect agreement with you that as a, as a, if you look at, if you look at all the vaccines that actually work, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, you look at them all, they're all viruses that we heal from fairly well. And mostly viruses that give us a very good indication that they're present with red dots, smallpox, huge red dots everywhere, still red dots. And you can stay away very easily.

The moment you're in, you understand germ theory, then you can stay away. Isolation works. Isolation is extremely powerful.

And so of course, if somebody has smallpox and they look like, you know, they're just some crazy alien, no one wants to get close anyways. Well, with measles, when I was young, they had measles parties. It wasn't the end of the world and you healed from it pretty well. So this is what I call the rain dancing. There's a drought, it rains. There's a drought, it rains. There's a drought. You put a rain dancer, that rain dancer is going to make it rain every time. He's got a 100% success rate. Temporal correlation. He came before the rain. That was it. So you, you have measles, you recover. You have measles, you recover. You have measles, you stick in the vaccine. You're going to recover anyway. You're going to recover. You're going to recover. You're going to recover. You have measles, you stick in the vaccine. You're going to recover anyways because you always did. Not always, but 99.9% of times. Severe measles, measles encephalitis, encephalopathy was very rare. So they picked the viruses that we heal from pretty well. Look at all the viruses that we don't heal from very well. Encephalitis, EEV. No, we don't heal from them very well. Vaccines don't work. Look at HIV, does not work. Look at hepatitis, does not work. The really severe viruses, the vaccines do shit for. So they have this amazing thing where they always look for a good result. You have to have a good result with vaccines. Well, you know, 99% of people recover from COVID. You've got a pretty good result. I always describe this village. You have a village of a hundred people. Everyone gets COVID. Five people die. That means 95 people did not die.

The next year, if all 95 people get COVID, the chance of somebody dying is very low.

They survived the first time. Why would they die the second time?

So this village, 100 people die, five people die. You give the vaccine after the first, the 95 people that survived get the vaccine. They're going to survive. They were going to survive anyways. The science they're doing is so shoddy. It's unbelievable. Yeah. Look, you'll get no argument for me about the shoddy science. That's why I said it, because I wanted an agreement from you.

But there's the issue around, and you could probably maybe point a finger at the gene transfection technologies playing a part in this, but there does seem to be a phenomenon of reinfection, particularly in a large cohort, but a significant cohort. And I don't want to drag too much into sort of the... Well, I don't know. Maybe you want to, but there's a lot of indicator that SARS is able to attack CD4 T cells. And I recently learned that RSV does this and and the other canonical disease is HIV. And I'm wondering, how would you factor that into your sort of host response? HIV, RSV, they're very difficult viruses. Influenza is more mild. So where does COVID stand within this range?

I would argue that COVID is more mild than influenza and the reason.

So influenza has been within humanity for at least 10, 20,000 years. If COVID can mutate, influenza can mutate. It can try to get trickier and trickier within our human population. Human population, influenza has been in this a long time, COVID three years.

So if you want to give COVID amazing mutating powers, you have to give influenza amazing mutating powers. And influenza has been with us for 20,000 years now. COVID came from bats, penguins, whatever animals it came from. Penguins diverged from carnivora 50 million years ago.

So they don't look like us on the outside or inside. They're all subtly different. Yeah, I think it came from a pangolin. Well, I might have a bat backbone.

So either way, it mastered the pangolin. It mastered it. Now, every little mutation to get better and master the pangolin, those mutations don't work against us. For humanity, for humans, it's a baby virus. It can get worse, it can get stronger. RSV is quite tricky. RSV even actually tries to hide inside the cell. RSV has all these little strategies. COVID is a baby virus within us and when it comes in, it can get in. But when it comes in, it just gets wiped out. Well, the problem with COVID in this instance is that it does... So one of the problems with it is this fearing cleavage site, which allows it to... It gives it this enhanced tissue tropism. And we learned from the first SARS that it can... It's a neurotrophic virus, which means it'll get into the central nervous system, which is sort of immunoprivileged domains. And it seems to be able to sit in reservoirs. And perhaps this is one of the reasons that we see...

I don't really believe that because it's RNA virus. I really don't believe that.

And I think it gets wiped out pretty easily. Well, HIV is an RNA virus and that's one of the classic... Yeah. It inserts itself into our genome, yes. But this one doesn't know us at all.

Okay. So HIV came from chimps and it's been in chimps for how long? Or monkeys or whatever it was. They're 99% identical to us inside. All their proteins, very, very similar. COVID is a very, very... Come from a pangolin, but it's completely different inside. So this is the way I say it. Then what they want to argue, then why did you have more deaths from COVID? Okay. Let's pretend it's year 2010. And I am the director of infectious disease, not Fauci. And out of your 30 friends, three get the flu every year. And they stay at home and sweat it out. Well, this year, 2010, I scare the living daylights out of them. And I say, no, this is a bad strain. This one's an evil strain. Its pathogenicity is huge. Everyone's going to die. Everyone panics. 30 million Americans, they get the flu every year, sweat it out at home. And they're young and they're healthy. And now they panic. And 20 million go to the emergency rooms. There's only 5,000 emergency rooms in the US. 20 million young people I scare with an April full stroke in the year 2010. And they all rush into 5,000 emergency rooms over the span of eight months. You know what happens?

Every person that goes in, whether masked up or not, you've seen the videos in cold air, steam coming out everywhere. Everyone's going to infect at least seven elderly, five, three, five, seven elderly people. You're going to have 60 million elderly people infected and six million die of the flu. Influenza, if you ask me, which would you rather give a baby, COVID or influenza?

I would give the baby, if I was forced to, under duress and they're going to shoot everyone, and they're going to kill a hundred people if I don't do this, I would give the baby COVID. Because the COVID virus is a baby virus for humanity. You talk about HIV, HIV came from something very chimps, monkeys, whatever, 99.3% identical to us in our genome. Penguins, no, completely different. And so if COVID mastered the penguin, it's a baby virus for us, which is why our infants, having never faced that enemy, know exactly what to do and whack it. Well, I said, you know, I want to, I want to be here to sort of help you refine your argument somewhat. So, you know, no one, no one buys the pangolin argument. And the issue that we have is, like I mentioned, Department of Defense funding into these programs. And what they were doing was inserting human furin cleavage sites into the spike protein of various candidate spikes from bat viruses, potentially. But what, again, what this, what this did, if it's, and, you know, we can have a discussion about what the intent was, but I would, I would, I sort of sit in the camp of, we've seen a very, a freakishly weird coordinated response globally that everyone sort of, they were, they were ready to roll with the same programs globally. And so, you know, at the sort of flick of a switch. And so, they, they had to, they had to come up with something that was, how should I say, enough to spook enough of the population. And, you know, doing what I do, which is sort of stream about COVID, I tend to focus on the sort of neuroscience aspect of it. But the, the impact of the virus itself, well, again, you know, it varies among individuals, but the, this larger cohort that comes out with longer term issues is significant. And a lot of that I would put forward is because of its ability to penetrate into the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and areas that are hard to reach and, and get to. So, we have to, we have to sort of find ways to thread, thread the needle with respect to, you know, I'm liking a lot, a lot of what you're saying, but, you know, the, I mean, being in neuroscience, you're completely well aware of the blood brain barrier. And typically molecules that can cross blood brain barrier, the blood brain barrier, have to have a molecular weight of under 500 daltons. So, you know, glucose is six carbons, six times 1270, six auctions, 16 times 600. It's under about 350 daltons. So glucose can definitely cross the blood brain barrier. But molecules that are larger than 500 daltons have a very difficult time crossing the blood brain barrier. And that's the second point to my issue. So, the lung is an air space inside our body. And our body is 70% water.

There's also a blood lung barrier. Without this blood lung barrier, water would rush into our lungs and we would drown in our own fluids. So the blood lung barrier keeps the lungs dry. Water, H2O 18 daltons, has a hard time crossing this blood lung barrier. It's just, if you look at a picture of the alveolus, there's a little round sack, air sack, with a capillary wrapping around it. That is in essence the lung. And inside the alveolus is where the lung cells are being infected. The alveolar wall is a lung barrier. The capillary with water, red blood cells and antibodies wrap around it. Now the wall prevents water from crossing in. 18 daltons. COVID antibodies are 145,000 daltons. It's not like, oh, it's a thousand daltons and it might squeeze in. It's a hundred and forty-five thousand daltons. There is no viable path for the antibody across this alveolar wall into the lung, where the lung cells are being infected by COVID.

So then how will the antibody ever neutralize a COVID virus before the virus infects a lung cell?

Yeah, so this is, I had to sort of go digging around and having a look at these claims. So, you know, and I want you to succeed with what you're doing, right? Which is... I know, you're trying your best to get in there as an advocate, but I'll just ask you. So, you know, there's the issue around mucosal secretion. And so there's a, it's not a dry layer. There's a mucous, it's covered in a fine mucous layer. And it didn't, it didn't take me very long to find the IgG, you know, we make the presumption that IgA, et cetera, are essentially at the mucosal barrier. That's the primary antibodies. But the, the, I could find paper after paper, which can identify IgG as being detectable within this mucosal barrier, transcytosis being the mechanism by which antibodies are passage through, you know... Yeah, it looks like 0.2%, right? You know how complicated transcytosis is. I mentioned that in my papers, you know, my 73-page paper to Fauci February 2021. But the issue we have here, though, is that your claim is that there's, it's not there. And when you... No, no, no, no, no, everything is gray. It's the amount that's there. Because if it's less than 1%, well, in your blood, if it drops by half or by 80%, they freak out and you need another vaccination. But you get less than 1% across the blood-lung barrier. And that's enough. Well, like I said, what I would like to be able to do is... When I presented this information to Dr. Fauci in September or October 2020, he passed it off to Dr. Emily Rebelding, who responded to me. And she said, and I have to have her email. And she said, she only gave one word for it. She's basically focused on their good data. She gave me one word for it. Her one word was, Dr. Lee, the COVID antibody crosses the blood-lung barrier by a process called trans-udation. And then she quoted Wagner, 1985 article.

So I looked it up. Wagner says trans-udation is simple diffusion. And then he describes exactly what would cross a blood-lung barrier via simple diffusion at certain sizes of molecules.

And at 100,000 adult molecule size, Wagner says by simple diffusion, fixed law of diffusion, less than 1% would cross this blood-lung barrier. Yeah, I don't think that's a sort of viable mechanism. It's the same for the blood-brain barrier, right? So generally, antibodies are kept out. But under... Remember, this is Dr. Rebelding. She's the director of infectious disease at the NIH.

And she's quoting a 25-year-old paper, longer than that, 35-year-old paper to justify vaccinating 12 billion people. When I bring up this issue, I'm like, you guys know this cold, right? So you see the huge issues. One, it wasn't even there in the year 2020, the antibody.

And when it arrives late, it has a really difficult time getting in. And even the top doctors can't really figure out how it gets in. Simple diffusion doesn't work.

I don't think it's a simple diffusion. But in disease states, membranes become leaky.

Like I say, there is a mechanism of passage into mucosal secretions. By the time the blood-lung barrier is leaky and fluid is rushing in, and you're getting white out in your lungs, by that time... The reason why that occurred is because lung cells were dying, white blood cells were freaking out, and they're releasing elastase, other proteolytic enzymes that just destroy membranes and destroy the whole area to try to contain the infection within that area. They don't even know what they're doing. It's not a coordinated effort. They're just trying their best. And so when the blood-lung barrier is breached and fluid rushes in, for sure, antibodies go in too. But you're sending in voice gouts with little dark guns. That's what the antibody is. These white blood cells are what? 10,000 nanometers in diameter, and your antibody is nine nanometers in length.

And these white blood cells have released all these crazy proteolytic enzymes. And now you're going to send all that up with these little antibodies that are just basically touch, they touch, they touch, and that's it. And when they touch, the theory of how they destroy something is they touch, and the white blood cell sees it and gobbles it up. That's the theory. But the white blood cells, they're destroying everything. So why do you need the marker there then? Okay, I agree it gets in. And I agree the virus comes out. It's all too late in the game. In a war, the sequence of operations is critical. I mean, there's no point sending in the boy scouts after you send in these apostate helicopters with white phosphorous that have this nuclear area. There's no point.

Yes, I have it there. But what's the point?

Again, I would be... The people listening to me who follow my stream, we've gone through a didactic process of me trying to relay experience and learning together. I've had to learn a whole bunch too over the last few years as we try and undo the gaslighting that they've done with us at a public health level. My concern would be... I get that you're trying to reach a lot of people. And so that requires you to simplify the message somewhat. I'm not simplifying it. It's exactly the way it's occurring. Yeah, but what's going to happen though is as you try to come at the system, then what they're going to do is they'll gish-glop you with article after article, which will say, for example, the mucosal IgG and the secretion, et cetera. These are things that they can point to and say, well, we can see these antibodies as being present as part of the mucosal barrier. I did a quick scan for these papers and the interaction between IgG and IgA and all the other components of... Even the antibodies themselves get split down into different subclasses, et cetera. It becomes a very, very complex tapestry of... And that's what they always want to say. They always want to say, you don't understand it's complex. I say, well, you got your COVID vaccine approval based on this hypothesis of a neutralizing antibody in the lung airspace. You can describe it as complex as you want to. Go ahead, do it, but put it in writing and resubmit your FDA approval, because that's how science works. You can't just tell me, I don't understand it and it's complex. It doesn't end in what they did. They've shown us that these systems... And look, three, four years ago, I would have been a believer in that there would have been scientific pushback. Were the data there that says things... Or there are problems in hypotheses that are being presented. We're dealing with a system that's... It has a mission that's barreling towards a mission goal. And they're unconcerned about what academics or clinicians had been trained to believe would be the safety mechanisms that we had in place, or I thought we had in place, because I thought we had ethics boards and we had review and we had all these steps towards making sure that the best... You have humans at every step. Oh, yeah, yeah. Paid off.

This is how ironic it is to me, because over the past two and a half, three years, I've talked to so many doctors. Every FDA, NIH, CDC doctor, I call up and I start explaining this to... Not one of them says, oh my God, Dr. Lee, we've got to take care of this. We've got to fix this. Not one. But on the outside, the med students, the nurses, the doctors, they come in for a consult for LASIK with me when I discuss this. Every one of them is like, wow, wow, they really screwed up. So why the difference in response? They're going to protect their turf. They're going to protect their money. Now, I remember at the FDA, there's one director that responded back and forth at least four times to me. She saw the issue. She was new, brand new in her job. And she still had her morals and ethics. And I could tell her she was trying to help me.

But up the chain, they're all going to ignore it. And then she realized that she had to get away from this. I've made that decision too, because I can't countenance what I see going on, which is a complete failure of these institutes and systems. It just means that they've been bought out, or the positions have been filled by spineless lickspittles who are too concerned about their next grant or their pension to wanting to be raising their hand and saying something doesn't look right with the data that we're seeing. Personally, you could burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. If these people didn't speak out in the life sciences, we can start over the last three years, clinicians as well. And they've especially kept quiet with respect to what they're seeing in the clinics with adverse events, which if theirs is anything to go by, dwarf anything that we're seeing. I've been on this earth 50 years. I don't remember seeing celebrities and news presenters. Brainwashing was pretty complete. But they're just keeling over and dying on a weekly basis now. The ex-CEO of Gilead, the hepatitis drug they made, and they made a lot of money on it. I was talking to a VC. He's like, yeah, you got the vaccine a couple weeks later. It was just after he retired. A couple weeks later, he was taking a walk and he collapsed on the hard neck. My brother, after a second dose, two weeks later, two, three weeks later, big heart attack. It's everywhere. It's happening everywhere. I even have a whole thread on how this possibly might occur. This mRNA technology, I break it down in several different ways. One of the ways I explain it is, let's say you have a thousand units of RNA in this vaccine. You know why it was frozen? Do I know why it was frozen? Yeah, because it's such a sensitive molecule to what?

To transfect into people. So you've got to keep it at the...

It's very labile because ribonuclease enzymes destroy it.

So you're not in that area of research, but there are areas of research labs where they have ribonuclease free zones because they deal with RNA. No, humans, we shed RNA everywhere. Not just humans, every cell on earth that is DNA comprised, bacteria even, have ribonuclease enzymes. Plants use ribonuclease enzymes. Every cell that has DNA has ribonuclease enzymes because you can't withstand the virus onslaught. Ribonuclease enzymes are one of the most ubiquitous enzymes on earth. They're in the mucus that you're describing, mucus secretions. They're everywhere. They're on your skin. They're in your hair. They're in your beard. They're on your hat.

It's virtually impossible to have an area free of ribonuclease enzymes. You have an area free of ribonuclease enzymes. So then Pfizer and Moderna, they're vials contaminated with ribonuclease enzymes.

And it's hit and miss because you can have a click perfectly clean one, but you might not because it's in the dust. So then you would think, okay, autoclave that, take care of it. No, ribonuclease enzymes are unusual in that most enzymes you autoclave and you eat up and they coagulate. They're not functional. Ribonuclease enzymes maintain a very good function.

Not all of them, but even after autoclaving. So that's why they were frozen at sub-zero.

Okay, so now they're frozen at sub-zero because enzymes can't move. They can't do anything. Yeah, so I would sort of push back a little bit on this, that extracellular signalling does require secretion of messenger RNAs. And the way that the body gets around those is by packaging them up into exosomes and releasing them that way. And with that protective layer, they're able to passage through the body and signal to other cells what's going on. What's going on? Joe down the vein, the blood vessel is secreting this now. I should pay attention to what's going on. And it might be signaling that there's a viral disease. Well, any disease, but there are ways that the body gets around these protease breakdown mechanisms. And this is wrapping them in lipid vesicles. And naked RNA, I can see the point that, yeah, it gets broken down very easily because you don't even want your own body's RNA just sort of leaking out because it will do. You don't want it sort of getting into the sort of systemic circulation and causing misregulation in cellular communication. It has to be a very controlled environment in which to do it. If you ask Pfizer or Moderna, they're scientists, every one of them knows why it was frozen because of the RNAs. And there's even papers on it. Okay, so basically what happens is if you have 1,000 units, if it's frozen, if you thaw it out, the RNAs starts working. And then the 1,000 units could go down to 900, could go down to 500. You have no idea because if you thaw for 30 seconds versus a minute versus two minutes, you're going to have a different amount of RNA left over. Well, which is what they found in the files. Yeah. Once you inject it, once you inject it, now some of them get into cells and some don't.

You're going to have a variable amount. It could be done by half easily. 20% get in, 80% don't.

80% get in, 20% don't. You don't know. And then once it's inside the cell, you have a varying amount of production of the COVID antigen. And once you have the production of COVID antigen, you have a variable amount of secretion of the antigen. You could have a thousand percent difference in the amount of COVID antigen that you actually produce given the identical same starting 1,000 units. Now if you have a thousand percent difference, what happens? You have a thousand percent difference in the amount of antibodies you form. And if you form too many antibodies, you know that albumin makes the blood thicker. And it's a 50 kilodalt molecule.

And this is a 145,000 adult molecule. And if you make a lot of them, you're going to make the blood much thicker. And cardiovascular, the heart, cardiovascular system is basically a pump system.

And with pumps and pipes, when the fluid is more viscous, the most difficult part is for the pump. The thicker the fluid, the more work on the pump. Well, our heart is the pump. And our heart is fed oxygen by these little blood vessels. And they're really small. And the smaller caliber pipes have less flow as the blood thickens, increased viscosity, less flow through smaller diameter caliber pipes. Coronary vessels are really small. You have more work required on the heart because you have more work required on the heart because of thicker blood. You have less oxygen flow through the coronary vessels. And so normally walking up a flight of stairs might not be enough exertion to cause a heart attack. But when you've thickened your blood with an unknown amount of antibodies, you could. And see, this is how stupid their whole platform is. Every part of their platform. Now this mRNA technology, let's say it's for another medication in the future.

Well, if I need insulin, I need 10 units in the next 10 minutes.

If you're telling me that the amount can be off by a thousand percent, I don't want one unit. I want 10 units. I don't want a hundred units. I want 10 units.

There is no medication that they can possibly make that can be useful if the amount that they produce is off by a thousand percent.

Yeah, it's essentially an unpredictable pro drug.

You can talk about transfection and everything all you want, but once everyone realizes, holy cow, their amount, they're never going to be able to regulate how much they produce.

It will never be used. I don't want to be a Luddite in this respect, because maybe in 20 years they can refine the technologies and it may be great for, I don't know, what was a good example I saw the other day, cystic fibrosis, right? So maybe that they can give you a sort of Ventolin-like inhaler and put in... Anything that they think they can do for you, they can make outside your body and give it to you.

Yeah, but you could argue that that's what they're doing in this particular instance. Which is what they're doing. So if you're going to think, if you're going to, you know, this is the thing about science. If you can't do a thought experiment, you waste your time. You have to be able to do thought experiments so you don't waste your time. Like, for example, I'm 100% sure that an eye transplant will never occur in a million years. Now, how can I say that? The eye is connected to your brain via the optic nerve, which is about one millimeter in diameter, has 1.2 million fibers. And in order to do an eye transplant, I have to cut it, that one millimeter optic nerve, I have to cut. And the donor, I have to cut and reattach it. I have to reattach 1.1 million, 1.2 million fibers in a small space in 30 minutes. And I can't just connect it.

It's like a telephone cable. You connect, you smash it together, no one's going to get a phone call. It has to be in perfect orientation for it to work. 1.2 million fibers, perfectly oriented and reattached in 30 minutes. I'll give them two hours. Cell death, tissues die. That's why I know I'm 100% certain. You see, if you don't know the impossible obstacles in science, you're not going to improve and you're going to waste your time. There are certain things that can never be overcome. And the fact that we keep, you know, there are pillars that we can't overcome and science wraps around it, doesn't overcome, it keeps moving out, extends. And people think it's amazing. Things that can't be done will never be done. So an eye transplant will never be done.

Well, I wouldn't say, I wouldn't say, I would never say, never say never, is that right? Exactly. But this is why I know I can say it. Because I've been through the thought process and I've done the experiments in my head.

So, you know, I can give you a good example. So I would help out with spinal cord transsection recovery, right? And that's a very gross signal to one muscle. A little different.

Yeah, but let me finish. So you could, so we have peptide factors and growth factors that we would sort of put in with a sort of osmotic pump. And the, we could get a degree of, it wasn't perfect.

But there's definitely, there are definitely ways to help the body in a situation, provided you get in early enough, right? So look, if we transect the spinal cord and wait a week, nothing, anything that we put in, it just wouldn't work. But make the transection and get in there within a sort of critical window. And this is still very sort of early research. And these fibres would begin to reconnect and begin to... And even if they reconnect wrong, if it's, if it's innervation to your, you know, thigh muscle, if they're innervated incorrectly, it will still cause a breakdown. So, you know, incorrectly, it will still cause a basic thigh muscle to contract, which is why it can work. But you see vision, it's 1.2 million fibres. If you only have a thousand data points, it will never work. You'll get snow on the TV screen. Yeah, I mean... You get 10,000, 10,000, 10,000 correctly, 10,000 perfectly correctly connected, won't work.

Yeah, the eye is an exquisite... Right, what I'm saying is thought is too. So what I'm saying is what you're describing as healing, to me, I understand what's happening. It's not healing as in, like, if you're going for an eye transplant, you don't want it to be just as good as your old eye, or similar, or 80% function, you won't get that. That's what I'm saying will be impossible in a million years. But if, just as an eye specialist, you know, there are prosthetic devices that are, you know, so I used to, my speciality was deep brain stimulation and sort of getting devices into the brain to sort of modulate disease states. These aren't cures, per se, but this was about suppressing or modulating the disease states such that the symptoms were not so debilitating. Something like vision, where if you had someone who was sort of functionally blind and you're able to run a, you know, let's say a multi-electrode implant into the visual cortex and you can, you can give someone the sense of edge and, you know, a little bit of depth, perception, and you're able to do that. That's a significant improvement over nothing, right? So I'm, you know, I mean, that's interesting because I did my fellowship at USC Doheny and when I was there at the time, and there's no one there who is going to get mad at me now because it's been too long, but they did this to a blind musician and they implanted a little chip and I just said, oh my God, it's not going to work, it's not going to work, and they're just going to, he's going to be mad. And of course it didn't work because there was 100 data points in that chip. 10,000 will not work. I mean 10,000 will give you shades of gray, maybe. I mean, it won't be much different than what you, the snow you see on TV and maybe a shadow. Yeah, the question becomes... 10,000 is virtually impossible to do. This is, you know, so modern neuroscience approaches is about where in the network, primary tertiary or secondary tertiary networks, that you can input the information to be able to say, here's some data points. Can you extract some of the data points? Can you extract some data points? Can you extract something from it? And, you know, there are technologies coming online with, you know, thousands and thousands of contacts and to be able to sort of stimulate and, you know, just look at Elon Musk's... Yeah, I don't believe in that. This is, you know, I've worked over 20 years, you know, implanting this stuff into the brain and, you know, I've seen spectacular results. See, this is science. This is science. I keep...

people don't quite understand what science is. And I say, look, if you understand science, you know, there are diminishing returns on everything.

You know, we have Prilosec, which when I was in medical school, it could only be written by a GI doctor and it cost thousands of dollars. And I was like, three cents a pill. And the human animal did not change in 30 years. When it was effective then, it's effective today. And now next thing, and everything else that's come out after that, what I'm saying is diminishing returns, because you can spend a hundred million dollars on trying to find an improved acid reducer, and you might get something one percent worse than what we have right now. And that is diminishing returns. Just because we've made progress does not mean we keep making progress at the same rate. It flat lines because the human animal hasn't changed in the past. Okay, we do change, but it's incremental over thousands of years. So then our science caught up with our evolution genetics, and we're not going to find a food that tastes better than In-N-Out burgers in 10,000 years. You see, if science doesn't get a grip on this and grasp this concept of diminishing returns, they're going to kill us all. The known universe is 14 billion or whatever it is, and they're trying to put up all sorts of things to even find further, further, further, but we can't because there's a limitation to light, how fast light moves. See, over and over again, science has this problem of not wanting, it's the, just like Galileo, when he said, oh, the earth isn't the center, they went crazy mad. Science, it's forever flaw is thinking that humans are at the center. Yeah, we just get into very, you know, we talk about this a lot on my channel, which is, you know, where, where are they going with these technologies? And diminishing returns explains it all right now. So, you know, a good example is the technology that I was working with, which worked for Parkinson's disease, and it became, it's become the gold standard for treating it. And, but, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's treating it and, but we're like, well, you know, what now? And, you know, that's exactly and basically what they're, what they've, what they've done. You, you, you are doing research at the time right when everything was on an upslope. Me too, right?

Will it stay that way? No, it can't. So here's what I think is going to happen. So pharmaceutical, whatever those horrible entities are, have realised that there's a limited window, they've simulated and made most molecules already, and they have an idea of where they're going to be functional and what have you, and they've got those libraries and they'll bring it forward if they have to, to get the 20-year patent that allows them the exclusive rights. I think what's coming is them trying to aim for personalised genetic medicines where they don't have to worry about the patent because you're the patent, right? So they don't have to worry about saying, because you're unique and your genome is going to differ slightly to the next person, they tailor to you and thus can maintain the profit margin as they go forward, and I think a lot of what we've seen in the last three years is them, again, smashing the old model and trying to build public acceptance to these gene transfection technologies as a way to say, oh, we can treat this disorder now via our wonder RNA, DNA technologies, and look, maybe that's true. Maybe that's true. What I have a problem with personally is the way that they've forced this at a metaphorical gunpoint on individuals or populations and done it in such a surreptitious manner and coupling it with a very, very dystopian-looking surveillance state where they want to keep grabbing more and more real-time physiological data to start mapping onto their big data genomic analysis. I think you said that really well, and I worry about that too. Being in medicine, the simplest example is we're all at fault for this and I'm not casting more judgment on anyone, but I went to Indonesia once to do something, to make a little project I was working on, and peanuts and all the food, not a single kid with a peanut allergy in Indonesia. Here in the States, you can't have a classroom where there's at least one kid with a severe peanut allergy, so we had EpiPens. We kept them alive, and I'm not saying they should die. I'm saying we kept them alive, and then they had children, we have a higher check. Now there's more and more. You wait, and in 200 years, we could have 50% of the classroom, 100%, 50 to 100% needing an EpiPen to survive, so let's see, this is what I feel about health. The more that is contained within the male and female of the species, the more that's contained within the male and female without needing extra things aside from food and water and shelter, the more that's contained within the male and female, the healthier, and EpiPens aren't contained within us, and an EpiPen manufacturer, with that, you know, Elon Musk wants to go to Mars, you think we'll have all these other things in order, the more that's contained within the male and female without something else on top of it, the more healthy we are. Everyone has a different definition of what health is, Sam Harris has the least pain for the most people. I completely disagree with that. I can't say much. He's a pretender scientist. I agree with you. I mean, you do real science, he doesn't. And then, of course, I had to be bashed on him on Twitter, and he blocked me, and then three days later, he just deleted his Twitter account. He's making so many statements on the vaccine, and he doesn't even know medicine, right? And you know, I mean, I'm assertive, I've done 80,000 surgeries, you know, I haven't had a lasik lawsuit against me since my fellowship in 80,000 cases. I tried to do the right thing, don't tape the face. And you see, Sam Harris has no idea about medicine, and he's talking about health, and he doesn't, he never, he doesn't understand the body. He doesn't understand biochemistry, he doesn't understand, I love biochemistry so much in medical school at Michigan, I made 100% of my final. No one does that. I mean, I memorized the Krebs cycle, it could draw out all the molecules. I loved it. And of course, I didn't feel that way about gross anatomy, because it's just big structures everywhere and the small things is where it's interesting. So Sam Harris doesn't have an understanding of what health is when he says the least pain for the most people. No, because what happens when you do that, whatever you think you did, the next generation suffers more. So yes, it's good to be good to humans, and I want that more than anyone else. And you have to think about humans at least 10 generations down. And that's the way you think of health. And if there's that little picture of an infant with 200 needles on it, we don't want to evolve, having to evolve and be, if an infant can take that and still survive, okay, yeah, it's very possible we do, but there's gonna be weird repercussions down the road that we will never understand and know, and it won't be good. So that's why I say health, the modern medical system is corrupt, it's bad, and it doesn't allow us to realize that we need some pain and suffering. We didn't get here from, whether you believe in evolution or not, from a primordial cell to this point in a billion years of evolution, we didn't get here without pain and suffering at every generation. Now for three generations, five generations, we don't want pain and suffering. There are consequences down the road for that kind of behavior. And we can't just assume, oh, it's all good. No, it's not all good. So when Fauci wants to stick everybody and make his money, when they say money is a root of all evil, it literally is. What I hear is happening in China, and I'm not racist Chinese. I love all people. I hate most leaders. You're Korean though, right? So I lived in Daegu. I had a lab in Daegu. And you know, Koreans are pretty, they're pretty racist people, you know that? Oh yeah. But I love a bit of casual racism and misogyny, I think it makes life more interesting and funny. And you know, Japan is like that too, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. God bless them. And you know what I hate about, you know what I don't like about America right now? The American, white American man is about the least racist person on earth and they get beat up the most. Yeah, I know. And you know, you shut up the white man and you have problems, right? I don't like what's happening in America, but you see free speech is critical and the white man being able to freely speak is critical too. And if words are a little bit hurtful, oh, wait, let's call it, learn how to deal with it. Because you know what? Words, okay, it might mean something, but actions, injecting shit into children, infinitely worse. So if you're not going to learn to put up with little mean words, you're going to end up injecting shit into children. So you got to put up with the mean words. I remember I was on LinkedIn, you know, because I used to try to stay professional this whole time. I was just emailing people and I finally got to LinkedIn, I'm like, I got to start getting out a little bit. Three months and they shut me down, maybe two months, it wasn't very long. And it was because they said I was bullying somebody and I'm like, um, so some guy attacks me and makes fun of me because I'm an anti-factor. And then after me politely asking questions on the back and forth, he realizes that he's the idiot. And then I make fun of him and now I'm bullying him when he started with the bullying can only be done when you're clearly superior. If I'm a little kid and I'm bullying this big guy, no one thinks that's bullying. Okay. So it's usually a bigger guy dominating being a little mean to a littler guy. Well, this guy thought he was clearly intellectually superior to me and he makes fun of me. And then I'm very nice about it and back and forth and then he realizes that he does no shit and I know a lot more and that he's the idiot. And now I'm bullying him. See words. Okay. Anyway, bullying, bullying thing, the meanness on the internet, you got to get over that shit because we're adults. We're all adults. If you don't like it, leave and then you won't be bothered. But if you want to have the last word and you don't want the other guy to say the last word, hey, you're staying in and you might get, you know, hear some words that you don't want to hear. But we're adults. There's no freaking such thing as bullying with words when you're adults. No one wants kids, children to be bullied. But you know, if we're so worried about words, what ends up happening is we do actions that are infinitely worse than mean words. And the actions are injecting shit in children because everyone's so worried about words. No one speaks up. The children get injected with shit. So you got to put up with mean words. So I try to educate Americans, Asians are so racist, Chinese are racist, Japanese are racist. All these people are so racist. And that's the human condition to be afraid of something that's a little different from you. It's an evolutionary preference thing. It's evolutionarily advantageous behavior. To have it weaponized in the way that it has been done, you know, it's really accelerated in the last 10 years, I would say. I think it's the Democrats. The words, all controlling the words is a Democrat thing. I would go even higher than that. Democrats are too stupid. There's a corporate government convergence that's happening. And look, I'm of the opinion that we should be treasuring our sort of civil institutions and we should be doing everything that we can to stop the infiltration from corporations into these public-private partnerships and having corporate ideals infiltrate down into institutes that were sort of bound by the laws of the land, right? So common law, constitutional law, et cetera. And what happens is that the corporate thinking- I know how to do that. Do you know how to do that? Do you have any ideas? Burn it down. That's why I said- Okay. That works. But yeah, go ahead. I'm interested to hear what you- Well, I mean, everything that you just said, I completely agree with, and you got to stop it. And the best way to stop it is cap on assets for all public officials, forever. For life. Yep. Yep. Okay. Cap on assets. The moment you- I don't care what the number is. Pick a number, 10 million, whatever. If you put a cap on their assets for life, they can't be bought. Now, okay, Obama didn't have 10 million when he started, right? Cap on asset. Guess what happens? It can't be bought. Okay. You can buy them a little bit, and then it's over. So then knowing this, you won't attract bad people to public positions, leadership positions, because there's a cap on assets. Now, I'm not saying we should do this across the board, but imagine if you did that. Yeah, I did. You wouldn't have the right corruption. Now, the people have to vote. You know, the Wall Street movement in America, I'm like, you guys don't even have a message. You don't know what you're trying to do. You have to know what you want, and you have to have a solution that's going to work. Cap on assets does it. Of course, it's hard to do, and they're never going to go for it. Yeah. That's why we burn it down first. Burn it down first, and then rebuild for the cap on assets. Yeah. One of the problems that I've been trying to think about is how to stop the same thing happening in academia, such that people are not afraid to speak out when there's becoming such a disconnect between what they're pushing out of the public and what experts should understand to be the real sort of basic science. I think there has to be a complete separation between private and public. If you're in public, you can't later go private, because it's all that back and forth. The corruption starts all there, because there's too many connections, too many personal ties. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. If you have a public position, you later expect to be a private consultant in one of these big, big farm companies. If you're a big farmer for a long time, you get a public... It's just a back and forth. I slowly started realizing, oh my cow, because when Biden got COVID, I'm like, I don't like the man, but I know that fasting is a cure, and it drastically decreases the chance of morbidity and mortality after COVID. So the School of Public Health at Brown, half the physicians and faculty, I emailed my 12-page, 8- to 7-page information that describes the issues and how fasting might be very useful. What's the harm in fasting for a couple of days? This is the School of Public Health at Brown University. Not one response, except for the automated ones where I'm out of town, yeah, we... One person. Now, public health, you would think, oh, they would be all over this. Not one person responded, see, because that's a feeder school, to me, in my mind. I don't know for sure, but I think that's a feeder school for all these institutions, all the FDA, CDC, NIH. They have feeder schools. There's a path to get on, to get into these jobs, that once you're at the CDC, NIH, FDA, then you can get a private consultation job at Big Pharma. All that, you just kind of separate it out. If you're on one path, you stay there and you don't go private. If you're private, you don't go public. I don't know the whole complete answer, but I know that, wow, every one of them knew exactly what to say to me. I mean, the moment they sense that I'm anti-something, they realize real quick which side I'm on, pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine, and then they tailor all their discussions with me in that way to support their message. Well, this is how they've managed to infiltrate. I mean, there were a couple of these at once that I thought, okay, I have a chance with this one. One epidemiologist at the CDC, she listened to me very politely for 20, 30 minutes. She actually emailed me back. I said, make sure you email me so I know that you're serious about this. She emailed me. I sent her the information. She acknowledged receipt. I'm like, okay, there you go, but those are so, and there were a couple at the FDA, but they're young, right? Of course, I always start my message very polite, and then the moment they start realizing, oh my God, this is bad for us, then they just stop communicating, ignoring me, and then I have to amp up my language, and I say, look, think about it. Just one FDA scientist that explained how the antibody enters the lung airspace, oh, shut up. Send me one article. Oh, shut up. But they won't. I'm like, then you should have a warning label on every vaccine that says, we have the FDA, not a single scientist, understands how the antibody enters the lung airspace, but we still think you should vaccinate your children. What mother would ever vaccinate their children then? It's just like, there's a couple of things that in my mind would fix things. Transparency is huge. Transparency is huge. You just have to have, not the Freedom of Information Act, where I get your emails a year later, transparency is huge because then they would be embarrassed because if people saw the letters that I sent the FDA commissioner, the chief legal counsel, I'm like, your children are going to be embarrassed. You're not going to have a job because when this story breaks, nevermind. You guys were playing this on us and you don't even know how the antibody enters the lung, and even if Dr. Lee is not right, he sent me 73 pages explaining all this, he even explained to you why he thinks you've got good data and what you should do about it, and any scientist who reads it would think, this guy's being fair, you've got to do what he says because when they did the study, the COVID vaccine was given 20,000 people, 10 people got COVID, the placebo was given to 20,200 people who got infected. I said, it worked, I don't disagree with you, you got good data for the first, whatever, let me explain to you why it worked because I know the antibody doesn't enter the lung, let me explain why I think it worked. The side effect of the vaccine is muscle aches because it tricks your body into forming chemokines. Chemokines include interferon. If the side effect was the reason why your vaccine worked, it's a medicine and the way we can check that out is compared to the flu vaccine, which doesn't produce a COVID neutralizing antibody, but it gives you muscle aches and it tricks your body into producing chemokines including interferon, if the flu vaccine also works against COVID, then the chance of me being all right is infinitely higher than you. Now, I want to say, I'm stretching my memory back here, but one of the studies did use another, not saline, but another vaccine, and I'm trying to, I have to- Okay, so this is what I'm thinking, let me explain it this way, the mRNA is dead cell parts. Evolutionarily speaking, when a cell dies and it releases its innards, other cells freak out because if they freak out, that means the chance of the organism surviving is higher. No cell wants to see dead cell parts everywhere. RNA is dead cell parts, and it's like apocalypse now, cells don't like it, they just start releasing all their enzymes. Okay, so you give mRNA, cells freak out, release interferon, the mRNA becomes COVID antigen, cells freak out and produce chemokines again, you get the booster, four times you tricked your body into stimulating chemokines. So if you want to compare it to the flu vaccine, do four of those, because remember mRNA, Moderna and Pfizer work really well, okay, and then that was four stimulations each. You go back down to AstraZeneca, only two shots, 80% effective, you go to J&J, one shot, one time stimulation, you got 50%, it was a straight line correlating to how much you tricked your body into freaking out and producing chemokines. Your body did it by producing interferon and other chemokines that were antiviral, interferon is antiviral, and why wouldn't you control for that? So if that was as simple as it was, the reason why it worked. So anyone who looks at my paper, 73 pages explaining this, like, you have to do that, there's no other option for you. And then you know a lot less about your antibody than you ever vaccine than you ever thought, you have to do this. But they want to make money, right? Well, I think it goes a bit beyond money. But yeah, that was part of it. See how the transparency, we're taking care of a lot of this, transparency, you have to have transparency. And then you can't have somebody run the NIH Director of Infectious Disease for 40 years, you know, I mean, how corrupt is that going to get? Yeah, I know. And look, he basically had a dual position. After 9-11, they sort of wrapped up DoD because they were worried about Amprax and, you know, bioterror and etc. So basically, he was getting double salaried and- Double dip everywhere. Yeah. And you think, I don't think that he's getting paid in many other different ways, his relatives, his friends, all the sweetheart deals, there's, you track that man down and see how much money he has, yes, infinitely more than we think he has. Oh, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. And I'm about to have my belief and that's what I think. Yeah, I'm with you on that. And, you know, it's, like I say, I have the, I've tried to think about how to sort of rescue academia and because it's failed, right? It's imploded as it is at the moment. And- You've heard of the replication crisis. Oh, yeah, yeah. We have, well, actually, you know, that requires a degree of nuance of thought. So replication crisis is, it's a problem where you have small clinical trials for, you know, wonder drug from Pfizer and, you know, they're- No, no, no, that wasn't the replication crisis. Half the published data and research couldn't be replicated. Yeah, and about the Ionidas study- Heart sciences, physics, chemistry, biological sciences, psychology, psychiatry, they compared everything and it was worse than the software sciences, but it was an issue even in the harder sciences, like chemistry and physics, you know, I mean, look at physics, they talk about fusion, this is how silly it gets. Oh, the amount of energy going in is less than the amount of energy coming out. What does that mean? That it works and they won't include the energy to run the magnet, isn't that part of the energy going in, but that's not actually the energy. It's always on, but no, the amount of energy they put in, the amount of energy they come out, what about the energy to run the freaking magnet? They don't count that. See, this is how stupid scientists are right now and, you know, I know this because physicists call other physicists out. I don't know it because I don't know it, because I'm a physicist, but this is the issue with science right now, only positive data gets funded. Yeah, and so in my domain was the, rather than replication, it's the translation, right? So you could get something that seems spectacular in a culture dish. Then you go to a rodent, yeah, it seems great still, get to the monkey, and then usually the monkey is a good sort of stopgap, a lot of, I've seen a lot of things die against when you're trying to test with monkeys, and even if you get it past the monkey, then you've still got to get it into humans, and the, well, in a way what they've done by bringing in this system that they've done, which is to say, well, we accept that the platform works by putting in signaling or peptide-inducing molecules, and it's safe, right, they say, and so the fundamental theory of the platform in their mind is safe, and so they think that they can go through without the requisite testing right now, and now we've put ourselves into this dangerous spot where they're going to make this jump to this tailored individual medicine, no need to test it in monkeys, no need to have clinical trials, even small ones, the platform works, we can just, they can rush ahead, and yeah, it's, I didn't think that they would. This is how stupid science is right now, you talked about mucosal secretions and finding antibodies, right, but that's called bronchial alveolar mavage, where they find antibodies in the lung. Now, you and I both know the lung is dry, if I put 10 grams on the table, 10 grams of salt, you can't tell me the concentration, can you? So how did they get the concentration of antibodies in a tri-lung that almost always seemed to match serum values? You see the stupidity of science today? Now, the New England Journal of Medicine chief editor, I got to him and I was trying to leave comments because every paper had this COVID antibody issue, and I submitted a comment and he's like, well, you missed a deadline, like, information this important and you're just going to tell me I missed a deadline. I said, apply to any other paper then because they're all about the COVID vaccine and antibodies. So we had this back and forth and he goes, well, I found 20 or 30 papers talk about bronchial alveolar mavage, I'm like, I have a thousand papers on blood-lung barrier, as a scientist just a number of papers is enough, I mean, I have more papers than you, so who wins then? The stupidity of scientists today, and he's a chief editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. And I'm like, if you see gold on a table as a scientist, don't you want to ask, where did that come from? Aren't you interested? You're just like, no, it's there. And even how they determined the concentration, how did you do that? It's air. Please tell me how you found the concentration that so almost always matches blood values in these chimps that you're testing. It's just science is full of fraud in my mind. Medical sciences is really bad. Yeah, very much so. And my solution to dealing with this is you have to scrap the journal system, right? And they've just become, they're gamed anyway, because you get these nepotistic networks that... And then I find out that the chief editor, he's on these vaccine committees. I was really unhappy when I found out. They're everywhere. And the way to do it in my mind, you scrapped the journal system, right? And I'm at the opinion, having spent my career in academia, you would still get the... I don't know, the autistic type would want to do research, right? Look, I classed myself like that. I wasn't interested in... You would screen everyone else out. You would screen out a lot of people. And you make it sort of a more monastic type, how it used to be, right? A more monastic type environment. And basically, if it's an accredited institute, they just publish their data on their department website, and it's all open access. And then you have comments underneath, and you can have up and down votes with respect to what people think, with respect to the research itself. And then I think you would, in one stroke, remove much of the corruption that sort of filled that space as it stands at the moment. You know what I think? Burn it. I think you should just close, cut the budget by 70%, just cut it. Because diminishing returns, the average person who needs this or that, we have it, all right? So the diminishing returns issue is not just in medicine. It's everywhere, like China, the CCP, they built the canal river going uphill. How long do you think that can last? A hundred years. We've got a few billion years left on this earth, and you got enough coal for 40 years of that. Why would you do that? See, if you really respect humans and humanity, you have to understand that there's diminishing returns for everything. When you understand that, you have to clamp down. I'm not completely anti-progress, but 70%, 80% anti-progress. It's a case of trying to rein in the worst avarice of the corporations who are looking to commodify everything. And they're looking to commodify every aspect of your behavior. And even down to the sort of social control of, you know, they'll punish you for your salty language on Twitter. Look, I'm being very constrained on this stream today, but, you know, I'm taking... That's why I ranted and raged and cussed up a storm on Twitter, because, you know, there was a night when I was just really upset, and then I was on Elon's thread and I had this million-dollar bet, and I said, you know, Republicans, please don't comment here so my thing stays up high. And then, boom, I was gone for two hours, I was blocked out of my account. I think Elon must have read something, because two hours later I was back up, and then he started cussing up a storm and everything. And I said, no one, you know, I'm not suspended anymore. And I just don't care because right now, whatever direction they think we're going, words mean something, but actions are infinitely worse. And if anyone who cares about humans and humanity, you've got to have a little bit of harshness. You've got to have a little bit of pain and suffering. You've got to have a little bit of meanness, if meanness in words is nothing compared to meanness in actions, you've got to get out with the words before the actions occur. I'm completely of the school of thought that the Democrats are ruining America. I have a whole thread on how I think Trump saved the world from the CCP, because, you know, CCP communists, some people in power, they had this idea of what they wanted for the world. And once the trade war, Trump started that trade war, the CCP wanted to control the world. They had all, you know, the string of pearls, the Belt and Road Initiative, they're buying out ports everywhere. They had this whole idea of how to route trade throughout all the Europe and back. And once it was all set up, this is what they're going to do. And we know this because Australia challenged the CCP and Xi Jinping punished them by saying, oh, you want to do that? Say that to me. Do you think we should check what happened in Wuhan, Australia? OK, tariffs for you, 80% barley wheat, coal tariffs. And Australia went through the shit for two, three years. But what it taught the world was China still needed their coal. China needed Australian coal for their steel industry. That was the best coal they didn't have anymore. And then they had to shut down their steel industry. And then the rest of the world started realizing, oh, so you're going to weaponize trade, meaning if we don't do exactly what you say, you'll shut off trade for us. And then our country will die. Oh, my god, that's a little scary for a CCP to control the world with trade like that. Well, I don't just think it's the CCP, though. I think this is the problem is there's transnational groups that include elements of the CCP, but it includes a lot of how should we say the 0.01% of the US. These people that don't live in our world, right, they don't mind gutting the heartlands of the US and Europe to remove industries to chase saving a penny on the dollar. I didn't realize how much harm Clinton did because I remember in the 80s when I was in college, I was in Michigan and the autonomous was dying. Wow, it was just, you know, we opened up China to the World Trade Organization and the Midwest suffered tremendously. I just think, again, that's progress that they thought was progress. I have this idea of progress that everyone just hunkers down and just stays in their little area, you know, and you don't need all the latest iPhones and this and that because the way that the world is running right now, everyone's using up too many resources, just way too many resources. There's another little thing that I'm just, I'm not buying into their green agenda where they're trying to sort of constrain individuals by trying to say to them, well, I'll give you a concrete example of how bad it's getting. So in the UK, they've started, you know, I've got about 10 minutes. Okay. I mean, hopefully you'll come back and chat again. Sure. So in the UK, they started something called 15 minutes cities and the idea was that you were going to be, you couldn't take your car outside of this 15 minute zone, like more than a hundred days of the year, right? And what they're trying to do is they're trying to limit people's freedom of movement, people's ability to act as sovereign citizens and all in the name of saving the planet's resources. Another example was in France, they stopped internal flights from sort of city to city. Yet at the same time, they didn't stop private jets. So in my opinion, what we're seeing is, I use this argument, that a hundred years ago Bolshevism tried to use class as the dividing wedge in which to reshape society for a sort of global dominance and control. What they've realised is that, in a sense, that's too divisive and most people want to try to aspire to, they want the next model up of the car, whatever, and they couldn't control the proletariat in that fashion. But what they've cottoned onto is the fact that what does everyone need or require access to, particularly in modern economies, it's the medical system, right? And through the medicalisation of everything, through the weaponisation of the idea around the green agenda, and this is why they tried to sort of push the idea that SARS was a zoonotic spillover. It was, oh, we're encroaching too much on nature, we've got to constrain everyone, we're going to push everyone back into smart cities, and there comes the control mechanisms to hold people into place in 15-minute zones, and you will eat the bugs, right? While these people eat, they continue to eat steak and fly around in their private jets, etc. And that's the world that they're aiming for. Yeah. Asset cap, political leaders, it solves a lot of problems. You know, I mean, it's virtually impossible to do. But for the sake of humanity, over thousands of years, if we ever last that long, if they don't institute this, we'll never get rid of corruption. You need cap on assets for public officials, leaders, you do that, and so much evil goes away. Right. And I would add on to that, the, stop the offshoring of industries. Oh yeah, I know Britain did that, but yeah, yeah. It's a banking system, that's why the money's root of all evil, because the banking system created that. So, you know, wealthy individuals could just hide all their assets, right? And now we're going to pay the price. And I think we've got a very, very small window in which to try to put the brakes on it. And my concern is that the way we've seen them act in the last three years, it means that they're ready, they were ready, right? Everything was poised to sort of spring the trap. They've put all their chips in, and now we're sort of locked into the roller coaster, and who knows where it ends up. And hopefully someone manages to kill the power on that roller coaster, and we're not hanging upside down in the corkscrew, because the power sort of switches off. But yeah. It was a pleasure talking to you, I have to rush, let's do it again, thank you very much, I very much enjoyed being on here with you. Yeah, Jason, thanks very much. Tweet it out, because I've been heavily censored as well for trying to do this for two and a half years. I have to take YouTube down, because they'll just sap this straight away, but there are other channels, Rumble, my own sort of... Yeah, send me the links, and I'll just put everything up. I think I did it in Twitter, I just said... Okay, I'll check it out. I did, yeah, just tweet that out and tell people to watch the conversation. Thank you very much. All right. Thank you, Joseph. Take care. Bye now. Bye-bye. All right, folks, I will just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. I need to get a drink, I'm running a little dry here, so two minutes. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. All right, folks, I'll just give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be back real, real quick. I'll read some comments, and I'll give my... Oh, the camera's still... Give my... Oh, what's that? Okay, the chat popped up as well. Let's just do this for the moment. So what's my sort of take on the discussion? I think Dr. Lee needs to sort of, in my opinion, sort of get up to speed on perhaps some of the bigger issues around the pandemic, the virus, et cetera, but look, it's great that we've got professionals who are speaking up, and that I'm all for. I'm going to sort of forgive knowledge gaps, et cetera. All people can't be all things. So the... Did I... Look, once you get into a discussion with someone, most times, most people turn out to be pretty reasonable, and edge lordship posting on the internet, I'm all for it because they want to constrain your speech, folks. They want to constrain it. They want to shut you up and make white man feel guilty, and we don't want that. We want to be able to push back consistently, methodically, and if you're in this space, you ain't getting onto, I don't know, I don't watch TV, so I don't know a sort of equivalent of daytime TV. You might make it onto Infowars, maybe, or some of the other larger podcasts, but I'm all for, let's say, treating them a bit harsh, especially those that won't think twice about shutting you up for ideological reasons, and for that, I think Dr. Lee Joseph needs some applause and we should encourage him, and hopefully with the dialogue, we can bring him up to speed with some of the more, well, contentious issues, and his approach is one of just looking at the vaccine itself, and there's nothing wrong in that. I try to sort of do a more bigger picture-type approach because, I don't know, it's an unhealthy obsession with the culture war, it's just that I've been in it for a long, long time, and for all of you, nothing but a twinkle in your daddy's eye was subject to exactly the type of mechanisms that are being rolled out right now, and I don't want my kids growing up in that world. So I'll read some comments, and then there's a few things I can present, it's still early in the day, the kids have not got to school, everyone's having a day off, what can I say, the McCairn family are a family of leisure, so keep Dr. McCairn in leisure, send Christmas gifts our way, let me just see if anyone's sent a dono today, maybe I can get a chance to unleash on the soundboard, and let's see, yo, wait for it, as far as I'm concerned, that's it, you're all tight, alright, let's go back, I don't know how far back this is in the conversation, being in a cubicle is no substitution for interaction with a professor who can answer questions and give you resources, what a shame, I agree, it's called the revolving door, institutional capture, I agree, I was bored in school, including college, so I caused trouble for fun, yes, I was very much in that mindset, I didn't like school, I just wanted to be out running around kicking a football, school was for girls and faggots, so, fasting has been touted for many reasons and health issues, yeah, look, it's not a new idea, most sort of religious constructs have this idea of fasting, you're not supposed to be gorging yourself on cream puffs and, what did I have for breakfast today, slice of bread and butter, that's what I had for breakfast, but, excuse me, you know, we live in a sea of abundance and in a way, it's kind of like an inverse famine, right, they'll have you gorge yourself to death, I see, waterboarding might help, says the real Klaus Schwab, I'm not sure who needs to be waterboarded, but, I'm not a big fan of enhanced interrogation techniques, look, sodium pentothal, it's far, far easier, see, my dress says Dr Joe for Surgeon General, there's a testament I could get behind, or sentiment I could get behind, sorry, let's see, fasting leads to autophagy, clearing of cellular debris, eat fast, live longer, I don't have any problems with fasting, but, you know, it's like keto, I'll do keto for four or five months of the year, honestly, you're not supposed to be doing it all the time, I really don't, it's just as bad as going in the other direction, we're omnivores, addentition shows that, let's see, Nancy says, I always got good grades in school, but I had to work for them, always my people could just see the work and know it automatically, yeah, those bastards make me sick, let's see, Jason says, awesome, if you thought it was awesome, please,, there's the links, please become a Patreon, I've lost a bunch of Patreons in the last month or so, I'm presuming because of, I took a break for a few weeks, but, please, sign up, go to the tip jar,, that's the best way to get money to me, it's all Stripe powered, I don't see any of your payment details and you can keep the lights on in the Dojo, of course, Streamfags/Gay-Pal, if you've got a Paypal account, you can use that link and that will take you to Paypal, buy me a coffee, of course, Subscribestar and Digital Tulips, if they're gonna maintain value, please, please, please, send them my way, John says, just dropped a little something in the tip jar, do you did? Oh John, you're such a sweetheart, thank you, yes, there it is, oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, that makes, it eases the, makes getting out the bed, I didn't get to bed till late either, you know what I did last night, I was like, I have an early night and I sat down at the computer and just started watching some dudes, retro, I don't know, he was getting all these retro gadgets, was just reviewing them and seeing if they were, it was compelling viewing, what can I say, that's what Kev does in his spare time, alright, let's do this, China is a house of cards, I saw it in there, I'm not so sure, Tesla kicked butt too much though, yeah, look, I'm happy with what Elon Musk did with Twitter, I'm happy that my account got restored, the banning of linking to other social media platforms, I'm not sure I'm down with that, but it is what it is, I guess, let's see, I'm sure Cyrus and Fauci got sailing shots, yes, maybe, let me keep an eye on rumble chat, let's see, littleprince33 says Dr Joseph Lee is 100% knowledgeable on the money, the most honest and knowledgeable speaker Kevin had, I've had lots of honest speakers, I've got a, how shall we say, I don't tolerate grifters that well and you know, I'd like the Baileys for example, I won't countenance it, sorry, they're cancer as far as I'm concerned, let's see, Jason says I think many of these medical conversations assume most people are still willing to get newer vaccines, most people I know won't even get the flu shot anymore, but yeah, I think they might have shot their bolt a little bit in that respect, what does that mean, potentially, they could try for the environmental push, but I don't think a lot of people are buying that and the problem is what's left on the table, starvation and war and hopefully we can stop them before we get to that, Jigs says the wolves are guarding the sheep, if we're talking about the weftypes then yes, very much so, let's see, Tzixacube says accepting a jab right now is like plugging a hacker's thumb drive into your laptop, no questions asked, yeah, you know, and I think a lot of what they were doing is the, well, breaking the old system and you know, there's a lot of the data that would indicate that perhaps they were hoping to induce lots of chronic disorders going into the future, now how successful they've been in that remains to be seen, but there's, you know, the Shaheeds keep mounting up, let's see, very much based in common sense, I agree, Dr Lee, don't give a fuck about anyone's feelings, legit, yeah, look, I like that, straight talking and on my wavelength, you know, again, I would, you know, I had some papers that I would bring up, but simple fact is that, and this is where I think he needs to sort of tread a little carefully and have his, and I get it, he's tuning for a sort of mass audience, but he needs to be ready for the onslaught of the mutton retards who will come at him and say, look, there is IgG secreted in the mucosal layer of the lung, I'm sure it's more involved than the CCP, yes, yeah, it is, I can't remember what I was watching the other day, someone put a link to it in the Discord and this guy was super, super interesting and he basically summed it up as we've had a coup d'etat at a global level and this is a, how would you say, it's 21st century Bolshevism, as I keep trying to reiterate, your solution is to get back to a form of wholesome nationalism, give the middle finger to the globalists and tell them, tell them, sling their hook, we ain't having it round here, Nancy says, buy Kevin a coffee, yes, buy kev a coffee, I was getting really dry mouth during that interview, I've managed to sort of shove down one cup of tea prior to trying to set everything up, so yeah, more coffee, buy, more tea for the doc, DJ says, we kind of tried that against Russia now, yeah, look, I think a lot of what happened with Russia is project pandemic maybe didn't go as well as they wanted and so yeah, my concern is the push towards war and destabilisation, breakdown of supply chains and starving people and freezing them to death in the winter and what you think it's just going to end this year, this winter, this is going to be the last winter, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, not this time, not this fucking time, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no fucking way, you made me look all right, cunt. not stopping and, you know, degraded immunity, assaults on your physiology and, like I say, get people a bit hungry and a bit cold and you see how the illnesses begin to emerge and ravage people's systems and then you tell me if you don't believe in germs or not as you're squealing out for access to basic antibiotics. AR says Club of Rome and WEF. What can I say? Always, always comes through. Club of Rome says the Banksters. Always, always comes through. I think CCP is much more independent than it seems in the Western world. Look, we've enabled China to get like that just by simply offshoring all our tech and industry. Now, you know, have they reached self-sustainability? Has their Belt and Road initiative gonna sort of insulate them from the naval powers that sort of dominated the last centuries? Maybe, maybe. You know, what I would like to see personally is a less... Well, that's a complex question. Do I want to see America... The problem that I see with America right now is it's going around playing the great game and instigating instability in countries via the sort of Neocon-Wolfowitz type agenda and, you know, I think we could live in a much nicer world, a multipolar world where, you know, there's respect for countries between each other. And look, I get that, you know, you're gonna need some sort of big, big boy on the block that maybe can sort of step in when there's sort of smaller, internecine type warfare and struggles, you know, the Balkans springs to mind. But, you know, the problem we have right now is America is... Its moral and ethical standing has been degraded to the point of nothing right now. And this concerns me. It does. And, you know, we need the United States. But a United States that isn't run by, say, special interest groups... I'll keep hitting that button. Yeah, can we get them under control? Little mob, little mob groups. All right. All day it's been cold and foggy here. Yeah, it's... Winter's kicked here in Japan. It's been like minus four, minus five of an evening. Let's see. But I don't mind the cold weather. Let's see. The CPC has elevated millions out of poverty. The Singapore system has zero homeless. Everyone gets a home, but you can't sell it. Is that true? I didn't know that. You can't sell homes in Singapore. I can't believe that. They must... They have property that they sell. Elderberry is good for colds, safe and effective. If anyone's got some good remedies for Varukas, my youngest, who's a very finicky eater, has helped like six or seven on his feet. And I'm just... It doesn't seem to bother him, but I'd like to sort of get them under control. Maybe just let them run their course. I don't know. Let's see. Everything is a public health crisis. Pandemics, climate change, gun violence, food insecurity, racism. If you don't believe me, Google it. All being orchestrated by agencies like Google, I would say. The Middle Ages look new again. Look, was the Middle Ages so bad? You did your bit on your plot of land and got your harvest in. You had far more free time. Spent time building up families, et cetera. I imagine the diseases and the fleas were sucked by the constant dysentery. But, you know, there's good and bad and everything. So let's see. AR says, I lived in Singapore for a few years around the time that came that US kid. Yes, I remember that. Bit of discipline. Nail them up. That's why I say nail them up. Let's see. Strapped in without a seatbelt. I don't know what that means. They want us in perpetual panic mode and then use emergencies to control us. Yes, very much. The union says, cool, doc. Cool. Okay. AR, would you recommend Singapore as a place to visit? Japan's better. Lisa says, I had a bit too much drink today, me. I would say, buy Doc Kev a drink, please, Lisa. I could do with it. I spent the kids Christmas money on legal fees to make sure that you guys get informed consent. I was there in 1982. It wasn't bad. Just got to get vaxxed up even back then. Don't break the laws. Yeah, it just strikes me as a little authoritarian over there. Japan is a nice balance of sort of Asian culture and not being such assholes. Let's see. Yeah, don't break the law should kind of be a thing. But look, how many of us casually break the law? Speeding. I'm a recidivist when it comes to that. I don't engage in what would be an enthusiastic psychedelics habit where I had to live in the US at the moment. Your easy access over there right now is I'm not sure that's going to play out. Well, it's Yuval Harari's dream. Give you video games and drugs. Shut you up. When in Rome or Iran, etc. Yeah, or when in the Vatican, start diddling little kids. I think is the way it goes. Intermission. Yes, they caned him nowadays. Singapore and China do more business than more shit like the world should be. No one is homeless in Singapore. Yeah, very few homeless in Japan. I've seen a few. Can hear me but no video. No video. Oh, yeah, you should be able to see me, right? YouTube chat is working. Yes, still streaming. Imagine no homelessness. Yeah, you know, it seems like it should be a problem that we could solve in this day and age, but they don't want to solve it. Particularly in the US where they're trying to break you. Let's see. Most docs are normies. Yes. I agree. Primit7 says I don't feel guilty. I don't either. I don't have any white guilt at all. My life was one of struggle too. And let's just say living in many, many foreign countries, I've been subject to racism, probably way more than your average blick in United States. Look, it is what it is. And developer thicker skin. When they kick you in the teeth legally, like they just did to me. Let's say gaijin gets nothing in Japan. You just got to suck it up. All right. Let's see. Your account life science for you has been suspended for violating the Twitter rules. Suspending evading permanent suspension. If you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts. Okay. Let's see. I've seen articles about other countries having better healthcare and communities with less crime, et cetera. Look, Japan is nice. Zero crime. Very little crime. Decent healthcare, not expensive. There's a way to do it, but you know what they have? A relatively homogeneous society. I realized that I am a guest in their country and I act as if that is the case. And look, even to the point that I gave one of my kids names, we gave them a Japanese name as a middle name and they use the Japanese name in their schooling. Right? Because I'm making effort to fit in. Where, you know, Hamilton Ack is turning up in the UK and everyone's called him Hamid. You know, just taking a piss a little bit, innit? Let's see. The VAX is a deal breaker for me. Yeah, me too. And at got suspended. Really? No, I don't think so. Not that I can see. What if I do that? Oh, it's been suspended. So, you know, that's the new Twitter for you folks. What can I say? Buy Kevin a coffee. Yes, please. They've just banned me off Twitter again. Boo-hoo-hoo. King says, stole his money or I toss in the griff can. That I can understand. The funk meme was hilarious, by the way. You're welcome. I can give you my account for posting. Yeah, we'll do that. DJ says I'm eating my first meal, 7.30pm. Spam for when shit hits the fan and dehydrated eggs. Nice. Let's see. Breakfast of professional champions. I agree. The best way to fast is to drink snake juice. It's a mix of salts. Look up a guy on YouTube cheating out fast with snake juice. Okay. Did I miss any war porn? I came in a bit late. No. I'll save that for another stream. Let's see. I loved the stream from the other day with the virologist. I listened twice. It was excellent. Glad Nick could also drop in. Yeah, I'm hoping we can do more in that respect. We'll see how the schedule plays out. Have you read your messages? Yes, I just did. Israel runs both political parties, unfortunately. But, you know. Look. You can spurg about Jews all day. For me, they're just funny. They're a thing to take the piss out of. Who wouldn't want to take the piss out of them? Let's see. They're also going to take out the internet at some point in the future. We'll use CME or something like it. We'll be going down for a few days. Long enough for them to erase as much as they can. Maybe. Sounds like something Majid Nawaz would say. 21st century Bolsheviks. Yes, that's what you're dealing with. Let's see. I think we must survive about the next 10 years. At least of them trying to kill us. Yes. I keep trying to tell you that. You've got to get through this, OK? Countering some type of mass resistance, that's probably not going to happen. You'll get droned or taken out with next-gen weaponry. Try to just get through the next 10 years and see where we look then. Build the community this way. Help Doc. There. Try to stay online. Let's see. They don't have to be self-sustainability. The West should ask if we can exist without China. Yeah. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life. How dare you, sir? Let's see. Take the Zion's out of the equation. Problem solved. I wish it were that easy, Sven. Sorry. It'll go a long way. Armageddon fetishists of any stripe, I think, are problematic. I really do. I think we should learn something from our Eastern cousins. A bit more Buddhist, meditative, mindful, for less trying to believe in prognostication and prophecy. Let's see. We've spread ourselves too thin without prioritizing our own country. I agree. It's happened to all in the West. And like I say, much of this is aimed at breaking the West, particularly the US. Let's see. Demonetize the Jew. Remove interest in banking. Reparations for Zionist damage. Yeah. Look, I'm of the opinion that, look, give them that little shitty piece of real estate on the Mediterranean, but take out their influence. Stop giving them special favored status. Stop listening to them every time they cry about, oh, God, wow, it's me. That's such a big, like, just, you know, treat them like you would anyone else. And yeah, that would probably solve most of the problems. Let's see. They don't bring 8 billion people through a depression. They definitely want people buried six feet under and have less people when we get on the other side of the Great Depression ever. Maybe. Maybe. Look, there was a video that I put in, you know, everyone sort of talking about the national, what's it called? The American lab that did the fusion experiment, national ignition lab, something like that. I forget. But, you know, there's a new kid on the block with respect to that. And, you know, maybe I'll just play that real, real quick. Let's do this. What am I looking for? This. This, this is very very interesting. Now, the images you are seeing right now have been a closely guarded secret for years. This is the first time footage of this technology has been shared publicly. A technology that has the potential to change the course of human history. A privilege Helion Energy granted us when we visited their facility. What I am sharing right now is going to be studied by nuclear physicists around the world, trying to reverse engineer the world changing machine. This is Trenta, Helion's sixth generation nuclear fusion generator. This fusion generator is unlike any other, using a completely novel approach to achieve nuclear fusion, adapting knowledge developed for ion propulsion in space. The generator forms two mirrored rings of plasma on either end of a reactor, and in a tenth of a thousandth of a second, they fire them at each other, sequentially activating powerful magnets to squeeze and compress the rings towards the centre, where they collide, converting the astonishing kinetic energy of the ions, travelling at 300 km per second into thermal energy, raising the plasma temperature to tens of millions of degrees, hot enough to overcome the electromagnetic repulsion keeping the ions apart, and allowing them to diffuse, forming new atoms and releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This isn't the world of fairy tale. This is already happening. I watched the bright pink flash of fusion multiple times inside the control room of Trenta, safe away from the gigawatts of power surging through the capacitor banks of the reactor. It became mundane pretty quickly, to the point that my reaction to the feat became oddly subdued. But make no mistake, what Helion has achieved here is astonishing, initiating nuclear fusion reactions with ease. So, let's jump into it with Helion's brilliant founder, David Kirtley, giving us the world's first tour of Trenta. Welcome to Helion. So yeah, can you just start explaining what this machine is? Yeah, so you're at Helion's Redmond facility. Here we're standing in front of our sixth generation machine, we call this one Trenta. This is the sixth generation of machines that form, merge and compress fusion plasmas to fusion conditions, doing fusion. We're looking at this end of the machine, but it's mirrored on that end. Can you explain why you do the pulse reaction towards each other? Yeah, it's a great question. The fundamental concept of how these systems work is, unlike most fusion. And here we inject a fusion target, we call this one a field reverse configuration, then using pulse magnetic fields to very high pressures, we compress that fusion plasma up to fusion conditions. One of the challenging parts is how do you get that target, that initial fusion fuel, into the compression chamber and do it in a repeatable, symmetric, high energy way. And so one of the things that we pioneered was a concept of merging field reverse configurations, merging these plasmas. We actually have a symmetry on either side of the machine. We have these injectors, we call them the formation section, where we actually form this initial plasma. We inject the fusion fuel, we then accelerate them, merge them in the center region, where they take all that kinetic energy that we put into them when we accelerated them and they stop, they stagnate, converting that kinetic energy into temperature, into thermal energy, and that starts the fusion reaction. We then can compress it all the way up to the full fusion conditions. And the actual plasma generation happens on this end, right? The plasma generation happens right here, interestingly enough. So over here we're standing in front of what is called the diverter. This is what happens after the reaction. Here is our formation section. Here is where we initially inject our neutral gas. So the gas is ejected from a flow manifold, a fuel manifold here. We puff in gas in a neutral gas that's just at room temperature. This gas fills this chamber over the course of several thousandths of a second. At this point it's room temperature, it's very low pressure, a fusion fuel mix of deuterium and helium-3. We then ionize that gas. What that means is we start to heat that with a combination of RF and electric fields, which then take the electrons that are orbiting the nucleus and tears them off of the nucleus forming a plasma, charged particles, positive and negative charges in this area. We then form what is called a field reverse configuration where what we do is we take the magnetic field that's keeping this plasma. This part is ionized. It's, for us, relatively cool. It's about a million degrees. But that's still so hot that it can't touch any of the walls without damaging materials. So to prevent that we have magnetic fields that thread through this entire machine, keeping that hot fuel, that hot fusion fuel plasma off of the walls. But what we do here, which I think we might just watch all of this, it's fascinating. And by pulsing at very high intensity, over 100,000 amps per coil, we then reverse that magnetic field, trapping magnetic energy in a closed field. This is called a self-confined, self-organized plasma. It's a really unique version of fusion fuel that helium and very few others do. But what that enables us to do is form a closed magnetic topology, a closed plasma object that we can do things to, we can actually do work on. And so at that point, we now have a closed field reverse configuration in this formation section. We then start to pulse these magnetic field coils at high pressure, sequencing them. And they get sequenced as we go down. We call that peristaltic acceleration, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste. It accelerates that plasma out of the formation section, which had all the complex ionization, gas injection, and all those things, into higher field section. At this point, we've now moved into what we call the acceleration section or the plasma injector, where literally here we are now continuing to accelerate this plasma to over a million miles an hour, 300 kilometers a second and higher, down the length of the system. But as we do that, we start to compress it already. So as we increase the magnetic field through adiabatic compression, ideal gas law, as you increase the magnetic pressure, the plasma then compresses, decreasing in radius, but increasing in pressure and temperature. So as it's left the formation, it's on the order of several million degrees. But now we start to compress it. We start to accelerate it. And if we've done everything right and sequenced these in just the right way, this plasma field reverse configuration has now accelerated all the way to 300 kilometers a second. It's heated to on the order of 10 million degrees. And then we inject it into the main compression section. You notice here the bolts, the pressure, everything goes up because here's where we really do the fusion. If we've done everything right, this FRC that we've injected into the main compression section has met its mate that we made symmetrically on the other side. And what they do is those two collide. Those two plasmas collide. And here's the really important part. They stop. They stagnate. They take all that kinetic energy we added, all that velocity, and we turn that into thermal energy. It super heats up. And if you've done everything right, in the middle of this, you have a system that's on the order of 10 to 20 million degrees sitting in this main compression section, ready to do fusion. So now you rapidly, as fast as modern technology will allow, we increase the magnetic field to high pressure, compressing that fusion plasma all the way up to fusion conditions, over a hundred million degrees. Fusion starts, fusion begins, large amount of fusion is happening. Inside this core compressed FRC now, this core compressed fusion fuel, fusion reactions start to occur. Those fusion reactions are creating new particles, deuterium fusing together with helium-3 to form helium-4 and an extra hydrogen. And both of those two particles are very high temperature now. They're born inside the fusion plasma, applying pressure back on these magnetic fields. That works just like in a piston, where in a piston you compress the fuel, it begins to burn, it then gets hotter, it pushes back on that piston, only we do it all electromagnetically. This is a truly innovative concept. With tokamak reactors, like the massive ITER reactor being built in France right now, electricity is created by converting the kinetic energy of neutrons expelled during fusion to heat, by slowing them down in the blanket walls. This heat is then transferred to high pressure water to create high pressure steam, which turns the turbine attached to an electric generator that rapidly rotates the magnetic field around copper wires to generate an electric current. Helium is skipping steps one through four, and going straight to moving a magnetic field around copper wires. This is where I think this, already it's ingenious, but the fact that they've taken out all these intermediate steps, the heating of water, turning of turbines, this one looks like a winner to me. If I had money I'd buy shares in this company. Creating electricity directly from the magnetic field, cradling the fusion reaction at the centre of the machine. As the fusion reaction occurs, the energy it generates begins to push back on the magnetic field confining it, moving it, as David said, like a piston. It's this changing magnetic field that will generate Helion's electricity. Skipping all the initial steps needed to boil water and turn a turbine should, in theory, make it vastly more efficient. While also unlocking the major benefits of a superior nuclear fusion fuel mixture. One of the problems with tokamak reactors is their choice of fuels. The fuel mixture of choice for tokamaks is deuterium and tritium. The availability of deuterium is not a problem, it's everywhere. This is a bottle of heavy water, water with two deuterium atoms instead of two regular hydrogen atoms. It's cheap and safe, I can even drink it. However, tritium, as we spoke about in more detail in our last video, is extremely rare. We only have about 20kg of it in global reserves, and a single commercial scale tokamak is expected to burn through 300g of it a day, giving us about 2 months of operation with the world's entire current supply. Tokamak generators will manufacture tritium on site using a lithium breeding layer. When the high energy neutrons from our nuclear fusion reaction collide with the lithium in the reactor wall, the lithium splits into tritium and helium. This is a reasonable solution, but 80% of the energy of the tritium-deuterium fusion reaction is carried by those high energy neutrons. So, we have effectively wasted all of our energy to get back to square one. To combat this, the first layer of tokamak walls will be made of beryllium, a neutron multiplier, which creates two neutrons when struck by one neutron, giving us one neutron to create tritium and one neutron to generate heat. However, beryllium is extremely expensive. The entire annual global supply is just enough to build a single tokamak generator. Beryllium also contains uranium impurities, which will be encountering the high energy neutrons too, making the beryllium blanket dangerously radioactive over time, which will make disposing of it expensive. This all points to one massive problem. Tokamak reactors are going to face the exact same issues as nuclear fission energy. They will be too expensive and won't be able to compete with cheaper forms of electricity. This is why helium is using a completely different fuel mixture. So, helium's approach to fusion use a deuterium and a helium-3 fuel. Deuterium is really common, one part in 500 in all water, it's in the coffee you drink, and safe and readily abundant, and low cost as well. We buy it in compressed gas cylinders, it's already purified, but you can imagine doing the purification yourself, it's pretty straightforward. The helium-3, however, is ultra rare, and in fact, while helium-3 was theorized in the early days of fusion as being the best fusion fuel, because of its rarity, there haven't been a lot of approaches that have used helium-3 or demonstrated helium-3. To our knowledge, Trenta was the first system we know about that did bulk helium, deuterium-helium-3 fusion for a power generation application. One thing Helion has done is we patented a helium-3 process of creating helium-3, of taking two deuteriums found commonly in nature and at high pressure in a fusion system, ironically, fusing them together to form helium-3, taking one more deuterium, fusing that with the helium-3 to make helium-4, and that's what makes the electricity. So it's only the reaction of the deuterium with helium-3 that generates the... The deuterium with the deuterium generates some amount of electricity, a small amount, it generates about one-eighth of the deuterium-helium-3 reaction. What influences that? So what influences the amount of power output per reaction is the actual atomic physics that's happening, where when two deuteriums combine, they have a few reactions, but the one we care about most will create a helium-3, and that helium-3 will have a lower mass deficit, so the amount of missing mass of that final product. So E equals MC squared, and that mass deficit is the amount of energy that's released in terms of the particles that are created and their temperatures. And so deuterium-helium-3 has a larger mass deficit when it forms helium-4, and so you end up with more energy trapped in that helium-4, as well as in the other proton that is made. There's quite a lot to break down there. As David said, the energy released depends on the mass difference in the final reaction. But how we can capture that energy changes with the products that are created, too. Two types of fusion can occur when fusing two deuterium atoms. One creates a helium-3 atom and a neutron. Most of the energy of that fusion event is carried away by that neutron. Tokamak reactors generate electricity by converting the kinetic energy of neutrons to heat in their walls. But helium's energy capture system can't generate electricity with neutrons, because they have no charge. Helium needs charged particles to push back against the magnetic confinement to generate electricity. That neutron just flies right through the magnetic jail. The helium-3, however, carries about 0.82 mega electron volts of useful energy that the generator can capture. In a second possible reaction, deuteriums can create a proton and a tritium, with the proton carrying 3.2 mega electron volts of energy and the tritium isotope carrying 1.01. Helion's generator will capture as much energy as possible from these particles before exhausting them through the turbomolecular pump in the diverter section, with the protons regaining an electron and becoming hydrogen, and the radioactive tritium being transferred to remote storage. Here, it will beta decay into helium-3, but this process takes 12.3 years to occur. When it finally does decay, that helium-3 can be fed back into our generator. So, Helion has two pathways to create helium-3 for their primary fusion energy reaction. When deuterium and helium-3 combine, they create a helium-4 atom and a proton, releasing 18.3 mega electron volts, more than the 17.6 mega electron volts released from deuterium and tritium reactions, and on a mass basis, four times more than a uranium fission reaction. Being able to generate your fuel right where you need it is a huge advantage, but David Kirtley had an interesting alternative. It's a very good business case of you could do it that way, or you could do it where you have one dedicated facility and all it does is fuse deuterium and make fuel and then put it in a bottle, separate it from all the other gases, and then ship that to your generators and have the generators just make electricity and not deal with the fuel processing. I think that's a good outstanding business decision that we don't know. One of the things that you have to keep in mind is when you do the deuterium fusion, that's when you make the neutrons. So the neutrons come from the deuterium and deuterium fusing together, and so there's some really maybe advantageous things of separating those two machines. One of those advantages is prolonging the life of our generator. The high-energy neutrons from the deuterium deuterium reaction can damage our generator. This is a huge problem for tokamak generators, because 80% of the energy in the deuterium tritium reaction is carried by the neutron, but the neutron generated when two deuterium atoms fuse has five times less energy, reducing the damage it can do. However, they are still damaging. If we could design a cheaper, more robust reactor purely to create our fuel products, that could be economically beneficial, especially if there are multiple generators that all need fuel supplies. Replacing one fuel generator that can feed ten energy generators is a lot cheaper than replacing ten hybrid fuel and energy generators. So there are many benefits from moving away from deuterium and tritium, but the deuterium and helium-3 reaction does require higher temperatures, and this does pose an engineering challenge, especially as helium progresses to their commercial-scale reactor. So right now we're building Polaris, their seventh generation system. The goal is that it will demonstrate electricity production for the first time, come online in 2024. The stepping stone between our seventh generation system, we're building Polaris, and the eighth generation system is a lot of the engineering around the system that we want to turn up the power output, the yield even further. We want to make sure we're taking that electricity that we're recharging capacitors with, turning that into 60 hertz AC and putting that on the grid, and then also repetition rate. That's a big one. Is that going from operating every few seconds to now operating multiple times a second is another engineering jump leap we have to make in some of the thermal engineering, structural engineering, and gas handling systems. What do you think is going to be the biggest challenge in making that jump? I think if you ask any engineer or scientist on my team, you're actually going to hear a different answer for what is the hardest thing that we're trying to solve. My personal belief in building the steady operating systems that we built in the past is it comes into the thermal operation of these systems, whereas things start to heat up, they change, the structural mechanics change, and these pulse magnets, the way the fusion plasma actually the wall temperature changes as it changes in temperature. We saw that in our earlier subscale systems, and so we expect to see that on the big scale systems too. And so, understanding that, predicting that, and then engineering all the mechanisms in place for that I think are going to be some of the most exciting engineering challenges that we're solving right now, and so we're hiring those teams to solve those problems right now. Were there any surprising learning moments recently that you've discovered with Trenta? There were some exciting things that we learned on Trenta that were unexpected. We were really worried early that the timing accuracy is emerging these two high-speed possums over a million miles an hour, compressing them, working on getting their alignment, that that would be really a tough challenge. And what we found that is, in practice, it's actually quite a bit easier than the theory or the basic computation simulations would actually show that we can, with a lot of essentially freedom, merge these and get really good results that are really repeatable. Some of the things we did find, however, that are a little bit more challenging is as these plasmas got hotter and we got above 10 million degrees and got to the 100 million degrees, what we found is that there's probably some other effects, good effects, where we're producing more fusion than we may be predicted, but the fusion plasma interacts with the vacuum chamber a little bit more than what we thought as well. And so what we're having to do for future systems is build them just a little bit bigger, about 25% bigger than what we'd originally planned to account for those things. And so there's some engineering iteration that has to happen as we discover the advanced physics and the engineering of implementing these systems in practice. This is another one of the benefits of Helion's system. It's a much smaller generator than other generators like ITERS Tokamak, which makes iteration far easier, as larger machines will be more expensive to build, making the capital cost of learning a much larger barrier. Polaris is their 7th generation system, and it's 25% bigger precisely because of the lessons learned from Trenta. The physics of fusion is a new frontier, there are few textbooks to learn from. Helion is helping write the first textbooks, and one of the things they discovered is that gyro orbits are larger than they expected. A gyro orbit is essentially the radius at which those fuel ions orbit around magnetic field lines. It's affected by the temperature and thus the speed of the ions, and the magnetic field strength. Helion discovered with Trenta that these orbits are larger than simulations calculated, which meant the ions could impact the generator walls, and given their temperatures, this was a no go. So Polaris is 25% larger to account for this discovery. Polaris will also be the first generation to begin capturing electricity, but that's a lot easier said than done, and will need the very latest electronics to work quickly enough. In Trenta, there are stacks upon stacks of capacitor banks. 90% of Trenta's power goes towards generating the huge currents needed to generate its magnetic fields. The magnets that form and push the plasma forward run at 100,000 amps, while the main compression coils at the centre of the machine run at 1 million amps. Drawing that kind of current from the grid is impossible. So, Trenta needs a way to store power locally and discharge it quickly to achieve the necessary current. Batteries can't discharge that quickly, so Helion is relying on capacitor banks. We took a look beneath Trenta to learn more about them. So what you're seeing here, this is actually one capacitor unit. And so if you're used to other electronics, a capacitor... Each of these boxes is one unit? Each of those boxes is one capacitor that has several kilojoules worth of energy storage in it. And then we have hundreds of those capacitors that all in parallel, in a modular way, make the main bank. In parallel to that are other capacitors that are slower response, higher efficiency. Those are run with semiconductor switches. And then even some capacitors that are very old, that are maybe 20 plus years old, that we use for some of the formation sections, some of the injector, the initial ionisation sections. I mean, the issue with them being older, is that just like the length of time you've been working on this technology, you just had these lying about, or is it better to use newer? It depends. So what we've seen is over the years, the way the pulse power technology and community has evolved, some of these capacitors are actually still the highest performing capacitors, because the industry doesn't manufacture a lot of these for our type of application. Now, one thing you'll see later in our facility, Antari's facility in Everett, is our new capacitor manufacturing line, where we're making custom capacitors designed for exactly this application. And those outperform even the older technology. Is there any issue with just the rate that when you get up to faster pulses, that these might deteriorate over time, or? Yeah, so one of the keys to these systems is as you're running them, what we call repetition rate, where you're pulsing not once every 10 minutes, like Trenta does, but you're pulsing every 10 seconds, or once a second, or 10 times a second. Now, the lifetime of the capacitors, their ability to handle throughput, average throughput, and the heating in the capacitor starts to become engineering issues that we have to consider. Luckily, as we've evolved, so has the capacitor technology, and so self-healing and other capacitors that have long life, maybe not pulse, but are long life, those capacitor technologies are now enabling for us to do this. On subscale systems, not on Trenta, but Trenta has done over 10,000 high power pulses doing fusion. In some of our subscale systems that we did earlier that weren't doing fusion, but we're making these types of plasmas, we've done not tens of thousands, but we've done billions of discharges with capacitors and run them steady for months on end at hundreds of hertz. So we have a lot of experience in building steady operating pulse power systems that are quite a bit smaller than this. And so a lot of the work we have now is taking those experiences and that engineering experience that we have at Halion and combining that with a large scale pulse power fusion systems and merging those two together into the Polaris system. With the size of this capacitor bank, you would think it holds an astounding amount of energy, but the total capacity of the bank is just 10 million joules. The equivalent energy of about 22 bananas, or in terms of a typical Tesla battery pack, that's 2.8 kilowatt hours, one thirtieth the capacity of a typical Tesla battery. However, we aren't expending that energy in an hour, we are releasing it in 100 microseconds. These capacitors release a lightning bolt of current through the machine, gigawatts of instantaneous power, but it isn't an uncontrolled burst of electricity like a lightning bolt. It's a carefully controlled orchestra of switches, releasing and controlling this much electricity with a microsecond precision simply was not possible when the concept was first envisioned. Within those 100 microseconds, thousands of operations occur across the machine. Each row of electromagnets along the machine need to activate 300 nanoseconds after the previous. They need to trigger just as the plasma passes by, travelling at millions of kilometres per hour, to push it even faster towards the centre. That would be impossible without modern day microprocessors and fibre optics. And even then, Halion needs to factor in the speed of light through the glass fibres, the time it takes for a current to propagate through a tiny semiconductor switch, and account for every other delay in the system. Legacy electronics simply have two wide margins of error to account for those delays properly. Without fibre optics, those millions of amps travelling through the system would induce currents in other parts of the machine and create misfires. What Halion is doing right now is astounding. The sequence of events to cause fusion in this machine is a delicate symphony of electronics, pushing two plasma rings into a violent collision, and catching that collision in a magnetic trap in the centre, which proceeds to shrink until the ions trapped within it have nowhere else to go but to fuse, overcoming one of the universe's strongest forces to create new elements in the belly of a man-made machine. But, Halion isn't done. They are already building the next step in their quest for clean, safe energy for humankind with their seventh generation machine, which will do everything Trenton can do, but faster, and add another process, capturing the energy of the expanding plasma to generate electricity, adding even more complexity to the delicate symphony, with the energy flowing back and forth from capacitor banks like the tides on a shore. And hopefully, if all goes according to plan, each turning of the tides will push a world-changing electricity source onto our grids. I have never been particularly hopeful that nuclear fusion power was ever feasible, but speaking with David and all of the talented staff at Halion, and the recent news from the US Department of Energy about their net energy output from their inertial confinement reactor, it has really made me feel that this technology may not just be possible, but potentially around the corner. We shot hours of footage at Halion, and cutting it down into a cohesive and entertaining YouTube video meant that a lot of interesting information was left out. It would be a shame for those interviews to be stored on our internal servers, never seen in the light of day. So, I have made two of the longest interv... Right, there we go. So, you know, there is a new world emerging, for sure. Now, the discussion has to be about how we as the Untermensch are corralled and nudged in that new world, and, you know, things like this give me hope. The Malfusians can go suck a fat one, as far as I am concerned, because I do think human ingenuity will always, always find a way. And look, at the beginning of that stream or clip, you are watching them create fusion, one burst after another after another. And, you know, I get that it's sort of sales pitchy, and... But, you know, the concept seems sound to me. I like the fact that it's not reliant on, you know, what is essentially 18th century ideas about heating water and turning turbines or pistons or what have you. It's all done within the device itself and all the... No moving parts, just generation of electricity and magnetic fields, through manipulation of plasmas. And, you know, this is probably, you know, it's closer to the fundamental mechanisms that we find around the universe that we live in. And the future isn't all completely dark. What's dark is the fact that they want to initiate all forms of inane controls, again, to commodify and nudge your behavior. And we have to say no to that. We can have the super efficient energy. You know, I don't think it's free. I mean, I imagine a device like that requires maintenance. You've got to have people running it, et cetera. You know, robots, et cetera, will probably do it. But it's there and it can only improve. And you know, when you think about it, it's also a technology for space travel, right? These pulsed ion trains. Exhaust is the wrong way to think of it. But, you know, once you're sort of pushing out and you can use that to propel vehicles in space. I don't know if it's not light speed, but I imagine it gets pretty nippy once it gets going. So the planets suddenly become a lot closer. And that's the they used it in that satellite that sort of flew past Pluto. That was a sort of iron drive. And this it's this this type of thing that does give me hope. All right. Let me just finish up now. So let's see. Janice says practice those smoke circles. I was sucked up doing smoke circles. Let's see. I should appeal the accounts, write multiple appeals if CMA hits years before the proud grid is restored. And you know, again, I just like I've got a feeling that what's his face? Is it suspicious observers, something like that? Okay. Okay. I get the feeling he's grifting a little bit on the idea of these coronal mass ejections, etc. Human beings have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. And, you know, if those events have happened, yeah, they may be disruptive. But that's why they built all those deep underground bunkers. See, I asked as I sent a donor to the jail. Thank you very much. You can have a much much appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Remember, said said Kevin Christmas drink. See, even if this is a bunch of nothing, we really are able to do some insane shit for being monkeys. Yeah. And I don't I don't think that's nothing. You know, you sort of see at the beginning, where is it? Where it's sort of flashing in the background, right? Room of Trenton, safe away from the gigawatts of power surging through the capacitor banks of the reactor. It became mundane pretty quickly to the point that my reaction to the feast became oddly subdued. But make no mistake, what helium has achieved here. So, yes, the moon. Yeah, moons covered in helium free. Remember, they said that then are us and FDX were real too. Just again, this doesn't look like a small hat operation to me. It's still read to me. Damn it. Yeah. Helium free is in abundance in the moon. Yes, it is. We've just sent a big rocket that's going around the moon right now. And, you know, a whole new world. The world will change, folks. The world will change. The world doesn't look like it did 100 years ago. And it's going to look different 100 years from now. Just push back against the degenerates at the top who are all into kiddy diddling and all sorts of wrong. Let's see. It sounds amazing, to be honest. His lispy voice makes me worry. A lot of hands while talking. Is that Irish or male Siri? It was kind of, how should we say, a kind of gay sound in Irish. Let's see. 2024 invest now as we leap. It's exciting, though, as a nerd. I agree. Don't look at his hands or mouth clips. CIA training must be ignored. We just did an EUA and taxpayer funding. We just need an EUA and taxpayer funding to go. What happens if they break through the walls? Well, as a plasma like that, it would just discharge and cool down. These aren't ultra radioactive elements. So clean, I guess there's the tritium to deuterium, deuterium to whatever to make the helium free in the 12 year half life, et cetera. I love this. Yeah, Phil, we have worries. Yeah, we have worries still. We have worries because of how they want to control you in the coming years. They want to keep their piece of the pie. It is what it is. Just say no. Say no and have lots of kids. Wait a minute. That looks like the inside of the Home Depot. Well, you know, shelving and racking. It's kind of universal. Pretty badass, says Jigs. I agree. I'll give you the link for the video. Only released a couple of days ago for Shizzle Kev. What process creates an amber glow, though? That's what I've personally seen that I assume helps power UFOs. Amber glowing portholes exhaust vents near the front end backs of points, flat diamond aircraft. I don't know. Maybe it's something like this. Again, I imagine this. I don't know if it's producing more energy than you put in. You can, I guess, use it for propulsion. I don't know. Let's see. Thought we were supposed to be doing things cleaner. Less cleaner waste. It is clean. Whatever process creates a large bright light that magnifies 25 times its size to shrink back to normal blasts itself off faster than light. Then we have the machine schematics to travel at the speed of light, but we don't have the brake mechanisms worked out. And then there's the G-Force. I guess we can figure it out as we get there. Let's see. Jigs says poor Africa can't even use their own oil. Energy for thee, not for me, the Malthusians. Careful Kev, the weight would only spuro if you built in space colloidal rockets with a big heap of satellites. Not sure what that means. DJ says poor Africans haven't even figured out what oil can be used for yet. Hilarious. If we have advanced energy, what about infrastructure with a threat of EMPs and wait two years for transformers and months and years for more transformers and the rest of it to get fried? Well, you know, this is, can't we bring those sorts of industries back? Give stuff for people to do, maybe, for those that don't want to just live off the universal basic income. All right. So that's me done. I hope you enjoyed today. I thought it was an interesting stream. I will be back maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. But in the meantime, take care. God bless. I will see you in the next one.