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Neurotoxicity of GP120 and RSV Invading CD4+ Cells With St Nick

…go through a refining process with the flour. So, I'm all about natural flour and shake. I don't like weed that is boosted with any kind of help besides, you know, minerals, you know, doing good, good conventional organic, you know, intelligent plant science, but not dumping a bunch of steroids on the plant. And I definitely had a renaissance with the scientists in Amsterdam. So I really, really appreciate it and respect. I think it's called Green Seeds. Oh, what is their dispensary? It's the big lab. And they went all over the world and got all the land erases. They found some wonderful new sativas. And in part, they were driven by that interest in the sativa crosses. And the sativa crosses have some compounds, including CBG. And the G of all of those is, we call it CBG for grin. It's quite, it literally, you know, doesn't make you euphorically happy, hysterically happy, but as opposed to some of the strains that you'll just eat your own head, you'll just go into a very negative space and, you know, you just can't wait for it to wear off. The sativa strains with the CBG are one of those things that they were after. They liked to, they were looking for strains that would elevate you, that were functional, that you could think or be creative or be productive, not getting stoned. And there's a real simple issue about the sativa versus indicas. The indica plant produces six times as much flour where all the chemistry is. Go figure, you know, who would have chased after sativa genetics a hundred years ago? Nobody did. So they were these little strange, unusual strains around the world. But anyway, that was, that's my cannabis story. I think, you know, I'm, I prefer the sativas for sure, and, but again, the, the kids that I saw, you know, where I sort of 30 years younger, I could, I could see that being a real- A risk? Yeah. A difficult, a difficult environment from which to extricate oneself once, once you're sort of in that environment, easy access and super high potency. And so any, any allusions to sort of it being therapeutic, I'm, well, I think, I think sort of, there has to be sort of warnings on it and, you know, the, you know, cannabis psychosis is a thing and the- In the 50 plus years that I've been on this planet, I've never witnessed or experienced a case of pure cannabis psychosis. Are we talking about a punctuated event like the cop who brought home the cannabis from the, from the evidence room and he and his wife then called and said, I think we're dead. They called 911 and said, I think you need to come us. I think we're dead. No. Are you talking about, you know, you're talking about an ongoing condition? Yeah. I'm just talking to people who are just chronic heavy users and- Well, yeah. Dopamine. Yeah, there's, there's that aspect to it, but, you know, there's a, there's a sort of ideation that comes with, look, and part of that is useful in a way because, you know, it, it sort of any of the sort of psychedelics and I would, I would certainly put cannabis into the sort of psychedelic category. Make you reassess and re appraise many of the structures and institutes that you have in your life. And, well- Go ahead. Sorry. Well, I was just going to say for sure, it can imbue in you a certain mistrust of the, the orthodox, the, the controlling structures, which I'm, I'm all for. You know, I want, I want people to be critical thinkers rather than drones, but again, again, there's this, this issue around, you know, look, I, I am one of those people that would just wake and bake all the time, right? And I was functional, right? I got my PhD and I go, but I, I was a heavy, heavy user of cannabinoids and it was unhelpful in my teenage years. I had to stop and then I went sort of back to it in my sort of later twenties and it, it wasn't till, well, I was just smoking so much that eventually I was like, oh, my heart can't take it anymore. I would smoke and just think I was going to have a heart attack most times. And I never found it any good for pain control. I found it tended to aggravate pain and, well, the, and so there was a trade-off. I appreciated the sort of high and the mental creativity, but then there was just the, and you know, it's that consequence of having my own dealings with neuropathy. Do you remember, do you remember when a naked bearded Terry Jones told those people to get off his juniper berries? Yeah, of course. Okay. I've got in my, we'll say a path, you know, in my, in my lifetime here, I've, I've had an experience with cannabis that never became acute, but I've had similar points where I understand this is too much and too often. And it can't be ever something, you know, it needs to be a tonic. It needs to have a healthy balance in life and not be something that puts my social or my career or my, my wellbeing at risk and have me sidebar other things so that I can be stoned. So yeah, I've had, I've had realization moments like that, but another piece of my path was the comfort and the miracle of what became cannabis medicine or excuse me, became known to Americans as cannabis medicine in the age of HIV and watching people who couldn't keep anything down. Just instantly. I mean, everybody would bring them the best stuff, healthy stuff, everything they could think of, whatever they wanted and they couldn't, and they were just wasting away and they'd have a cannabis brownie or in more recent times, something like Rick Simpson oil.

If they're really, you know, if there was the presentation of a cancer or something was really going off the rails and it was a miracle of comfort and healing and had a stabilizing effect. And that of course, in that whole experience of caring for someone in an acute state, providing palliative scare… care, and then the, if you are emotionally invested with them, because that's always been my position. I've never been, I've never worked in the hospital. I couldn't do what Karma doc does, but I've been a personal caregiver in a number of situations where that comfort and relief is spiritual. It's so meaningful and we all got a little more time with the person and they weren't in so much suffering from the body. And so that's where I'm very defensive of it and probably, you know, not probably, I'm sure I'm biased about it. And I agree with you about kids, about heavy use, about early access, about dependency risk. And, you know, my parents dealt with sex and drugs by not dealing with sex and drugs. Besides, if a sibling and I ever got in trouble with something, then we'd get the big lecture. But these were Puritans. They just didn't have any context. They had nothing to offer, let alone good critical thinking skills like, hey, when you're faced with that choice, think twice. You know, they just, they didn't even, they didn't have Nancy Reagan platitudes. It was really just, they were very square. They're very nice people, but just square, you know, wallflower folks. And they were never the life of the party. They were never, you know, driving along in the dark, you know, in a convertible Mustang in the middle of the night. You know, they never had those wild experiences or took those life threatening risks. And I think a lot of kids today probably, you know, are running rings around their parents with the electronic communication, the back channels, the way of knowing how to get around their parents, you know, faking parents out so that they can party. That's generally what it comes down to. Yeah. Well, you know, were this 30 years ago, I would be completely on board with that. But again, this, these super potent strains and technologies now, we're dealing with a different beast. And do I want to stop people having access to it? No, I don't. But for sure there needs to be adult conversations. And like I say, I would never ever want to restrict someone who does need it medically. But there's the, there's that tricky zone, right, as sort of teenagers are finding themselves and I can just see it making it far, far more complex now because of the delivery methods, that again, potency, ease of access. And the problem is, is that once you've corporatized it the way that it is being done at the moment, then there's just the profit motive that gets in and that, you know, the people running those dispensaries don't care, right? They would rather, they want to see queues of people coming through the doors rather than being the nurturing family setting where a little, a pipe or two between yourself and granddad might consider the best weed in the Shire. Yeah. Right. And so, yeah, I really, I really wish there was a, I don't know, maybe there are better ways of doing it, but I'm concerned about what I did see in the US and look, I was smoking it all and trying it all and enjoying every bit of it, but I did know that it was coming to an end and, you know, I get back to Japan and it's just sobriety for me here. And so, you know, it was easy to sort of break out of it, but I could certainly see where I in the US that I would develop the behaviors and pathways of being very much a sort of functional stoner again, even in my fifties, especially when you can just slip those pens in your pocket and it's like one, two hits. Well that's the question is, can you, you know, with great power comes great responsibility. When you have access and not upset your own apple cart and not just compulsively like I'm having a stressful moment, I'm going to go toke instead of, you know, don't abandon, like you said, critical thinking, don't abandon all of the other faculties and functions of our minds and how we interact and how we deal with things by escaping into a cannabis dependency or a nicotine dependency or a caffeine and sugar and cream dependency Starbucks. You know, we, I don't, I don't want to try to come across because we, you know, we went from the brain into healing and therapeutics and now we're here in the cannabis space. I don't reflect and equivocate and say, well, let me tell you about what I've seen with the Americans and food and sugar, Americans and alcohol, you know, we can, we could, there, there are areas if for improvement across the board, but in the cannabis space, I think this, this is all very, very sound, you know, from personal experience and, and as a parent, I very much appreciate the tone of concern and precaution.

And anecdotally, because I've had a whole, I've been uncle to a whole lot of, you know, nieces and nephews that weren't really mine, you know, in Hawaii, they call that your Hanai family, your extended family. So uncle Nick to a whole lot of kids, I've been able to watch sociologically what happens in this parenting scenario, what happens in the puritanical model, a Mormon household, an agnostic household, a household where parents are trying to hide their own chemical use from their kids. And the kids know all about it and are running rings around the parents. I've seen a lot of this. So I've got some data points and I, I'll say I appreciate, and I think I see the best outcomes in situations where parents let the kids party at home. Yeah. And I think that would be the approach I would take right now. It would, it was, it was far, far better for me as a youngster that my parents tolerated me smoking at home than going out with, well, look, back then, you just, you're in that, you're in the drug environment and you just run into all sorts of nitty-gritties. And you know, crime was, yeah, look, I had loads of friends who were, I can't remember them taking up burglary and that sort of thing. And I can, the, the being in positions where they're saying, oh, you've got to come along, it's a blast and everything. And me saying no, and that was down to sort of having, well, I was shit scared of my father beating the shit out of me that would sort of stop that. And he despised the fact that I would smoke pot and, yeah, take psychedelics and what have you. But you know, they, they accommodated it begrudgingly, but I'm thankful for that, that secure space, I guess. And but then again, you know, the equation has changed, right? You don't have to be around the sketchy geezers who just do anything for a laugh. You can, now you can go to the dispensaries, but the, like I say, the technology and the potency just make me dubious and it seems, like I say, it seems crossing over into a weaponization of what should be a more wholesome activity. Yeah, it should be tonic and contemplative and uplifting, not, you know, trying to push cannabis to become heroin. And when I see the wax and the tars and all of that, it's like, well, I tried the vape pens and I'll tell you this, quite frankly, I do not use cannabis to just get a buzz of any type. You know, I've got PTSD clearly from what happened in the 80s and 90s left a mark on me. I'm not suffering, I don't have trouble with sleep, but I do use cannabis therapeutically. But definitely it's like, no, if I'm heading into any sort of a situation where I've got had my thinking cap on, you know, there's this, this check of self control. Is it my life? Do I have time? You know, but I don't do any of the tinctures I for when they first came out, I tried the tinctures and the vapes and, you know, I think I tried the wax one time and it was so strong and they did it in the dispensary, it was a patient dispensary, but they were just sort of crossing over into recreational legalization and I went in and they were like, oh yeah, you want a bong hit on the wax. And I immediately felt like I needed to go home and be away from people. I was like, okay, this is too stoned for public. This is not good. And yeah, I get it when these kids, you know, there are some kids now on the other side of that. Oh, hang on. I just, uh, someone, someone sent a rumble chat and, um, saying don't spend it all on weed that you can, you can have a, uh, you had enough. Thank you, Amanda. That's very much appreciated, um, uh, yeah, sorry to interrupt, but it's all right. It's all right. We're just, we're opining, but I agree with you about the concern with, um, changing it, you know, changing the product, but what I was, what I was going to try to close up with was just seeing kids checking themselves and you know, since the Nancy Reagan era, there's always been a group of the jocks or the, you know, you want to, you want to label the different social groups, um, the squares, the nerds, whatever, um, who are very anti-drug and they reinforce each other with positive peer pressure. And they're like, look, you don't have to go and join that group because there's enough people that really are having a great life and having a great time. And it doesn't involve hiding from your parents, uh, lying to your parents, sneaking around, trying to avoid, you know, adults realizing that you're using all of that. Yeah. My teenage years. There's, there's a capture in the sentence. Um, yeah, like I said, there's pros and cons and I guess we'll see, we'll see how it goes.

And I would put it in the, in, you know, the broader context right now, which is, you know, it concerns me when I see reprobates like Yuval Harari turning around, basically saying human… humankind has become superfluous. You're all useful, uh, useless eaters. Um, the only solution we have for you is computer games and drugs. And um, this, and this I think plays into why there's been this, um, sea change that you've seen particularly in the last 10 years, right? You don't think that it's just bad PR for the war on drugs. They just, they're never, they're not winning it. You know, the really bad drugs are getting worse and they find their way. They're getting so concentrated that it's much easier for them to get across borders and get into populations and we all understand the costs. Um, but anyway, I don't know. That's a good question. And, but, you know, has the, has the decriminalization of pot stopped the, um, tidal wave of fentanyl flowing over the borders? And you know, I would, I would put fentanyl in the chemical warfare category and it hasn't stopped. So, um, you know, big picture, I would, I would be of the opinion that you should decriminalize all of the, you know, what, what, let's say the classic drugs that we have last, last century, right? You should, you should be able to get those, but there should, there should be a, and that includes, um, opium and morphine for those that need it. Um, I wouldn't, um, I don't want to be sort of hypocritical in that. Um, but these synthetic analogs that are flooding the market, I'm, I'm all for as harder crackdown as possible on that, because I do think they are just so life destroying and, you know, some of the pictures use the images you see coming out of, like I used to live in Philadelphia, and you know, there were parts that were pretty sketchy, um, but it looked a paradise compared to what I see now coming out of there. And, um, it's, that's, that's a human tragedy on a mass scale and it's, and it comes with a very significant body count each year. Um, it's, you know, it's not just a few thousand, you know, they're topping a hundred thousand a year dying directly because of their exposure to these compounds. Um, you know, that's, that's a war time measure, I would say, that you need to be, um, cracking down on. I guess, you know, you need a carat and a stick in this situation, but, um, but then it just, it just makes me wonder, you know, maybe it's convenient for those string pullers and those behind the scenes to sort of have that, um, social chaos running rampant, because I don't remember it being like that 20 years ago when I lived in the U S I mean, San Francisco had its moments, but, um, Philly as well, but I was there, was there the zombie plague? No, not, not that I could see. Maybe I was a little insulated from it, but it seems, it seems a more recent phenomenon.

Um, seeing footage, I mean, seeing is believing when you see footage of people on the street just sort of bending over and crumpling from, you know, basically a pre overdose state with, with a heavy, heavy narcotics, um, it's very difficult. Um, I find myself psychologically wanting to distance myself from them as another being and, and sort of put it out of my mind. It's, I guess it's like, you know, a defense mechanism after, you know, after having to take in and deal with what I saw. Um, it's, it's another chapter of human suffering and, uh, it's not, it's not an accident. They didn't find their way to some little plant in, in the park that is making them that way. It's another human being making a poison and making a profit off of them. And the whole issue of where are they in life, sociologics, why did they go to chemistry to begin with? What led them down to the heavy, heavy stuff? That's all very complicated and very important. Um, but the end point for their lives, like you're saying is, is punctuated by this market and by this plague. And I agree. We have to keep up the pressure on pharma, uh, and on, uh, pharma producer and pharma constituent, uh, ingredients. And that's what it seems is now the way around. I might've, I might've even gotten that from the raccoon cave. Someone, I think someone posted something about, um, the, the components, the ingredients and how they're getting from China into Mexico. And they are very easy to get through, uh, as the result of keeping them in an uncombined state when it's the base ingredients, they're not regulated. And so you just don't make, you don't ship cookies. You ship flour and sugar and chocolate chips. So someone just said, Oh, good to see you, James. So failed pharmacy, opioids and tranquilizers, benzos have flooded the market for seven years now on top of the fence. Um, yeah, uh, I, I wouldn't, I wouldn't disagree with that. And this is, it may be a controversial position, but again, um, for, you know, the trouble that Oxycontin caused, I would say the draconian withdrawal of access to it probably caused even more problems, better, better to have these people in settings where they can be medically observed, I guess, um, then left to the predations of, uh, cartels and, you know, people that don't care, but they just want them to buy the next hit. And, um, again, I wouldn't, yeah, I, I think it was a mistake to pull Oxycontin the way that they did. And yeah, it's probably an unpopular opinion, but, um, they, they set themselves, you know, they started the market and they started the, um, you know, the dependency and you know, not everyone was going and getting Oxycontin for, I don't know, sprained ankle. Um, but you know, there's always a percentage that are going to go and do that, but then remove that access to them, then they're just going to go and find the next best thing. And in this case, it's this weaponized, um, chemical warfare that's being, being unleashed.

So you know, let, let people have access to Oxycontin, let people have access to benzodiazepines. It should be a case that you should be able to, um, without, um, shame, you know, go and get your prescription if you're functional, right, and use, use those medicines as you see fit. And if people are able to do that with, um, cannabinoids, et cetera, great, uh, more power to you. Um, but the, the chopping and changing and opening the door to, let's say things like, um, but the thing is fentanyl is just, it's permeating into everything, right? So people, people think they're buying some ecstasy and, um, they end up with a fentanyl overdose and it sort of got so bad that they're, they're now, I don't know how true the story is. Perhaps it's just, um, urban legend. Yeah, but now they're, um, they're kitting out schools with, uh, Narcan, like nasal Narcan sprays. Oh, that's an easily verifiable change. And I, I think I've heard the same information, um, from parents. So and you know, that's, that's kind of tragic and, you know, just, you're going to have, you're going to, well, you used to have some stoner kids, et cetera. And just let them, you know, that was a, that was a, maybe I'm looking at it through rose tinted spectacles of the past, but, um, if there was a way to sort of claw back to that sort of state and yeah, I get it that you're giving money and handing over control somewhat to pharmaceutical companies, but far better that than, um, what, what we're seeing right now. And the, we're not going to be able to get all of this fixed correctly if we don't break the CIA. Right. It apart. Right.

And I mean, and God knows what the other entities are. I mean, isn't, I, I have, I have heard, uh, very fascinating revelations, I think from Mark, um, about interplay between the CIA and, uh, the Italian mafia and it's a hand and glove relationship and it works very well. You know, you've got your, your, your in country agents all over the place, but I've also heard from other sources that keep an eye on this, that, um, it's kind of an inverted relationship now as far as power and control. And I don't, I don't have any specific someone, you know, it was someone that I trust and appreciate their access, uh, gave me a little bit of data about that. They didn't say much more about it, but inverted that, uh, the, the transfer, you know, the, the switching of the servant and the master, it's a reverse parenting situation now, according to this person that the leverage, the problem is, is that the people who went to the mafia and said, Hey, you can do our dirty work without our fingerprints on it. Here's some money. Let's go into business together. That quickly turned into a growing body of leverage on the part of the mafia. They had leverage and you know, the CIA couldn't kill them all and they could say, we want you to do this. We want this change. We don't want to do that. Um, they, they were able to start calling the shots. That was the, that was the skinny on, on how he described, uh, the changes that have occurred in the last, say 30 years, but that relates to international drug trade. And um, you know, I don't know what the real role of the CIA or any of its, uh, courtesans are in the Mexico U S border, which is, you know, one of our big vulnerabilities. But I mean, if they're, if they're shipping stuff into Mexico in a container as a constituent element or ingredient and then using Mexican labs and then using mules to get what used to be, you know, the, the dollar value of a giant brick of marijuana taped up and wrapped up on your back would be, I don't know, a few thousand dollars. And now they can get tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars on an individual mule. I mean, it just, it's business sense, right? So you've got that pressure of an entire country. And I don't mean every Mexican is involved in this, but, but, you know, the fact that that's where it's happening, we have to look at the reality of the geopolitics. And so that's, that's another complicated piece. Yeah.

And you know, I, I, I put this all in the context of this fifth generation hybrid warfare that we're dealing with right now and how to, how to rein it in. Well, you know, I don't have better solutions beyond trying to withdraw and insulate yourselves from it because it's, it's such a pervasive doctrine and essentially any, anything and everything is open to weaponization, especially, you know, especially anything that draws masses of people or people's attention. And that goes for social media. It goes for more meat space activities like, well, you know, how do people get into the drug lifestyle, it's often through sort of partying, et cetera, and all of these seem ripe targets for infiltration, subversion. And I think we're seeing the, the results of that and, you know, when did it start? You could, you could argue, you could go back to the, hey, Ashbury hippies, I guess. Are you, are you going to overlook thousands of years of opium dens? What are you talking about? Where do you live? Where do you live, sir? It's just those, like I say, I think it's prudent to accept that people have always, it's always been a fact of life. Drugs and human beings, not just human beings, there are multiple animals that will make a beeline to ward stuff that gives them altered states. And I think it would be better to sort of accept that as being part of the spectrum of human behavior and, and doing our best to accommodate it such that you don't open the path for these organizations to engage in, in warfare on specific populations. And well, and we have real time opportunity to observe states and countries who have converted from a no, a policy of 100% no illicit drugs to legalizing one or more cannabis among them. And then watching the real world data on violent crime, on overdoses, many measurements that would be important to look at the before and after, and there's not a whole lot of data yet for after, right, we're still, it's aggregating, but that's something that is, is interested. And you know, I, I think that a lot of the data, well, early on seemed to suggest that you did get reductions in crime once you sort of decriminalized these sorts of behaviors. The problem is, is that, is that the case now in the United States? I'm not so sure. And you know, this, this brings us back to the point around when you, when you're dishing out highly distilled THC that, you know, is delivered in vape form, it's hyperdiscreet. How easy is it to get people into states where their normal faculties that would prevent them from engaging in, how to define it? Well, we can just say sort of antisocial like behaviors.

How to stop that? I, I, I don't know. And I don't, I don't want to be, I don't want to be the stick in the mud. I just, I'm trying to look at this as someone who's had the experiences and just saying, I know, I know what the good sides can be, but I also see what the pitfalls can be. And working right now in the context of what I see as a very, very sophisticated intensive taking place right now. And it's, it's covering many, many aspects of our lives.

And you know, maybe, maybe all of it is to push you towards this sort of hyper controlled surveillance networks. Maybe, maybe that what they want is that they'll say, oh, we'll give you the access to the drugs. But again, you've got to submit to the electronic profiling. The electronic profiling and the leverage, it'll be ongoing. So there'll be a price point. I think I've already seen examples of this, where if you use a, a digital currency, it's one price. And if you use cash, there's another. Americans have been conditioned to that for years at the gas pump. And we're, we're just, we're blind to that. We're like, oh, oh, yeah, it's much cheaper to pay cash. Let's just pay cash. You know, it's, we, you know, it's, it's built in. So I'm concerned about that. I'm concerned about how just the apathy of the majority and the failure to think critically, like you mentioned, and look ahead to changes and what that might mean for us. And also then in the midst of it, for those of us that might be hyper aware or very, very concerned about losing those controls and having a new global currency is the Cassandra syndrome. And what we do to ourselves, how we tax ourselves, how we get all worked up, how we, we stress our bodies out. We affect our relationships and our families because of our stress about the things that we see emerging and our inability to warn anybody about it effectively. So that's the other area where we have to be cautious. We just, we have to keep taking our own temperature and go ahead and let it go. And it's like, Hey, you know, if I saw a giant boulder rolling down off of that mountain and it was going to crush the house, would I yoink the kids up? You know, there was no hope of escape. Would I even let them know? Or would I sit down and play a game with them and have a wonderful moment and be present with them, you know, while the inevitable came towards us? That's, you know, that's a question everybody has to ask, but we just have to be careful about our, our, the amount of time we stare at it.

And this comes as someone who went too far with HIV science and at the expense of certain friendships and associations, people didn't want to talk about it. They didn't want to engage on the possibility that for me was unfortunately some kind of a trigger and I just wanted to push it on them. And it, you know, it was, it was the cost of the friendship. And that's a risk that we can all carry in this COVID era or what's next, you know, the next big thing is remembering that we may have a critical capacity in ourselves. We may have this hunger to keep digging and reading and exploring and getting answers and that that is a worldview and that there are a lot of people who would rather not know. They would rather the bolder, just take them out. And, you know, so that's, that's another part of the conundrum, but the lesson being, you know, pull yourself back, calm yourself down, step away, step away from the heavy duty stuff occasionally and be sure that you're being present in the places that matter. Yeah. Things I wrestle with every day, just to, yeah, I was, I was determined that I was going to take the kids out for a walk today. And, well, I wasn't feeling well, so I fell asleep when they came on. Daddy was asleep. Well, that was your brain healing. Well, I'll take the, I'll take the win then. Sure, sure. I'm, I'm making an excuse for it.

But I'm always making an excuse. Let's, let's, let's just do one more thing, one more paper. Sure. And we don't, we don't have to do it in huge detail, but it sort of plays into, because I put it in the title, so I wanted to get your thoughts on this. So our favorite monkey Coryza Virus infects CD4 T cells. And it's a, oh, let me just put the link in the discord for you. And I know we sort of touched on this somewhat the other day. So, is this, is this a, I need to change the screen. My concern right now is that, due to the assault that we're seeing on population scale immunity, that we're going to see opportunistic infections and presentation of disease that normally would, wouldn't be a problem, but is essentially going to sort of be overwhelming. Now, you know, the classic disease for CD4 cells being infected is of course a good friend, HIV. We can now add SARS to that equation. Were, were you aware of monkey cariesa virus, RSV infecting T cells? I had not studied the pathways. So no, this was news. And yes, I just saw this first time the other day. And immediately the thought to me was, it's one of many presentations that's going to complicate COVID as people get that, you know, their counts get knocked down and down and down. You just have less, less soldiers to default, you know, to defend the fort, you get overrun. And then it's that Russian roulette wheel of what is the latent infectious burden in each one of us? What have we been exposed to that our body has kept in check? And basically it's been invisible. It's been a, it's been a non-issue for us. But then we enter into this era of progressive loss, you know, a staircase of loss and loss and loss of T cells. And then you start seeing the assertion of opportunistic infection. So yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be across the board. And this is one of them. This one stuck in my cross sort of, you know, we were talking about the shamanic compounds and alkaloids and in that space, I, you know, I was also studying the early HIV stuff. And that's when I was looking at our long-term RSV studies in New York. And I found a study in children that showed the data curves and they apparently didn't know enough to fudge the data back in the sixties because the curves show when people normally get their vaccines for the fall and then the following, you know, closely correlating wave of pneumonias and deaths that occurred every year right after that. And I'm like, well, that's, you have to go a lot farther to say that's cause and effect. But then you find out that the products were made on a variety of the Vero cell or variants of primate cells. And it becomes quite simple to see how RSV could be in the cell culture, in the product and going right into people's arms. We refresh people's memory as to the history of RSV and the name changes and cause I didn't know this till you explained it to me. Well, sure. There are a number of pathogens that we are familiar with that we call by different names. Originally they came into human medicine and into our collective biology or public health by way of contaminated products. One of those instances is when in a couple of different sites, I've heard now kind of two different pieces of the origin story, one about a military base where someone went back to the barracks and after getting a jab and got everyone sick and then they cultured it and realized, hey, this is CCA, Chimpanzee Coryza Agent. And in another instance, it was children who received a batch of vaccine and many of them presented an aggressive pneumonia and they found the same isolates. So that was the first name. The timeline, we're at about 1955, fast forward a year and they have renamed it to respiratory syncytial virus, RSV, which you're seeing in the news today suddenly in the last few weeks as the next monkeypox, the next big scary thing to promote you going in and getting as many jabs as you'll take. And RSV has been in the human populations since then. And part of the risk would be that we produce a biological product using a cell culture medium that is contaminated with RSV to begin with. So that's what we're talking about. I have not done a multi-decade analysis of the source materials for all biological products that's beyond me, but that's something that bears examination and understanding how to eliminate some of these disease risks from human beings. Well, what are we sticking into ourselves? And that's one of the places where we could go after root cause.

Now it's funny the divergence of thinking that I see across the social media that I'm perusing for data, I guess. And, you know, there are those who are very much in the vaccine camp who were convinced that all the excess deaths that we're seeing, et cetera, are entirely down. COVID on the other extreme, it's all a consequence of the COVID shots. I'm wary of engaging in sort of binary thinking and I wonder how much, I think it's probably likely to be a combination of the two, but in how many, I mean, I'm trying, I'm trying to think about the rollout for children for COVID vaccines. I know they've, I know they've just sort of approved six months old. Now, most of the children who are impacted by RSV, I would make the presumption that it tends to be the younger end of the spectrum. So they wouldn't have had exposure to SARS. So in my mind, it perhaps points to COVID as being a precipitating factor in this instance. Maybe COVID is presenting mildly in children still, but the underlying mechanisms are still the same. The T cells innate immune system is being impacted by the exposure, but just because of, obviously it's a young immune system, generally you're not seeing it. But now... But the secondary conditions present. And I wonder if that's what we're seeing right now. And it concerns me that there's another illness that just, yeah, suddenly T cells are a target. And yeah, I guess my question is, if HIV children, right, do they require sort of interventional treatment? Are they treated from the earliest ages with the protease inhibitors and the full spectrum of... Kevin, that's so sweet and so naive. I love that about you. Do you think Gilead and Pfizer would lose an opportunity to have a lifelong customer? Are you kidding me? No, they love HIV babies. And yes, they're put on combinations. And I'm so grateful that so many people have continued to live their best life as a result of staving off what was occurring in the eighties and early nineties. It's a horrible position to compromise to, but I'm glad they're here. I'm glad that the therapies are available. What I care about is why they were needed in the first place. So, are we going to be looking at children now? Well, I guess what they're going to be offering is just alternatives around vaccines, I guess. I like to lean into the plant science. So, I'm all for going back through the last 30 years of the material and finding, fishing out all of the beneficial polyphenols that they found, the protease effects of certain plant compounds, the protease inhibitor effects. If the problem is replication, persistent, ongoing latent infection, spike expression over a long time index, if that's really the clinical outcome for a large percentage of people, then I would be leaning into that. I would be like, don't worry about, yes, you have to treat symptoms, but let's go upstream of what's causing the symptom and see if we can squelch it, kill or collapse its ability to replicate anything. But with all of the people that have seemed to bounce back, and I know that everybody that has a rallying cry, you know, a champion story about, well, I took this and that, and I feel great now. I don't know if they've had a baseline and comparative T cell count analysis, so we can see what does that really mean. You may feel great, and that's wonderful. Is there an underlying subclinical condition that we need to be aware of and track that change over time? So that's another part of the equation, but I would just say we're in a new era, and certainly every one of the gay men that I knew had a creeping sense of doom, and some of them heard Peter Duisburg and gave up on their critical thinking and their self-control, and what they had learned was preventing them from getting infected. They gave up on safer sex because here's a scientist who is telling them what is much easier to hear, and that is this is all because of somebody's toxic lifestyle, and men who weren't going out and taking heavy drugs and were not staying out all weekend or going to the circuit parties or any of that, people who were leading quite sensible and healthy lives gave up on safe sex, and the lesson being is that we all need to, we can't keep looking at the FDA and the CDC. We have to trust that we need to be skeptical about their positions for therapies because of the inherent conflicts of interest, and that's a sad state to be in, but it's also a compass. You're like, oh, you want me to take remdesivir? Well, who's got the patents? That's the simplest litmus test you can start with, but in that we find there's a universe of non-Western medicine, and guess what? Western medicine in many, many cases, the pharmacology are poor analogs, they're concentrates and distillates of natural plant medicine, so they can't hide the world of nature from us, they can't cut us off from the ability to compare and analyze and take anecdotal data points and cluster them together into stronger evidence and do science and learn our ways around this, but the other part is we're still learning about, it's kind of like Jack in the Box, you keep hearing doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, we keep these new difficult realizations, like the fact that it gets into the CD4 cells, keep popping, so we have to steel ourselves against that as well, but I like all of the common sense therapeutics, I haven't seen woo-woo and put the amethyst crystal and pray to the moon, and God bless anybody that needs to do that, I love you, but we've seen very practical therapies like NAC, we've seen people checking new experimental therapies for toxicity and side effects that would be undesirable, and I like that dialogue, I like public health as a continuum in the public arena, it can be owned by the public, and of course, none of the institutions in the West are going to allow that to happen, they're trying to cut our ability to even get homeopathic products, to be able to order herbs on Amazon, it's insane. Yes, so my concern here is that a goal of this fifth generation warfare is to corral and control populations, and I don't have any problem calling it biowarfare, they don't need the super lethal agents, they need these degrading incapacitating agents to sort of flourish, and how much sort of probability do we give to that premise right now, looking at this data that that's where they're pushing, they knew that this would be a consequence of one, the release of SARS being the most recent, but we could take that back further, and them now expecting or being able to predict that we would be in this denuded state that would see these otherwise regular seasonal diseases get out of hand, and the initial data I would say for this year seems to be pointing in that direction, that these diseases are causing problems, and if, well I guess it comes down to what's the time scale for that, and I guess we have an answer already that when they're talking about pan flu viruses being mRNA technologies, and you know this is something that Mark sort of raised and something that I've harped on about in the past, which is that the technology is becoming available where the money for the pharmaceutical companies is not in finding a patentable molecule and then having exclusive rights for 20 years, we're coming to a situation where you become the source of the patent, right, so it's individualized mRNA like therapies that they can continue to charge full dollar for because it's unique to you, and you're at the same time, well pushing or allowing the surveillance state through the medical system to get the control that they're after. It's tentacles around your life and your behaviors and your tendencies, and start giving you gentle electronic nudges the rest of your life, yeah, yeah, yeah, well so let's look, let's take that scenario you're describing and look at a real world case study that unfolded over the last 20 years, 25 years, and that's GMOs and the honey pot for farmers of getting into GMO product, so they went from having a miracle seed that was designed because of a insertion in the germ of the BT gene, which is resistant to glyphosate, that's why they chose the BT gene, because they found it thriving in a puddle of glyphosate in the 1960s, this was back before the patent was sold to Monsanto, and they said, hey, this is really interesting, so if we put this germ, if we put this gene in the plant germ, then we can spray it with as much glyphosate as we like and all the other weeds will go away, well we're not going to talk about the whole, you know, plant story of super weeds resistance and all of that, but that put farmers into a state where they became literally patented and contracted, if the neighboring farmers pollen blew over onto your non-GMO product, Monsanto would come and sample your field and then fine you and say you're growing our patented product, so let's take that case study because the same people that owned Monsanto at the time, let's all say it together, Pfizer, who sold it to Bayer, oh my god, that's like a paper clip, all in and of itself, but add in Merck, you know, and we've got the triple threat, but you know, that's really who the players are, now do I think that Pfizer really cared about feeding the world, no, I think Pfizer unfortunately is peppered with some people who are in strategic positions and roles that are influencing a psychopathy in their approach towards public health and the safety of their products, you know, and for varying reasons, either greed and psychopathy or something else, they, you know, have a philosophy. We might look at it as psychopathy, but they look at it in very rational terms from their perspective, which is that it allows ever more accruing of control and power into that corporate domain, and you know, we've got this problem now of this public-private partnership stakeholder, all that nonsense jargon that they have spew out at you endlessly. Yeah, pharma and the NIH and the DOD and all of its little redheaded stepchildren, yeah, definitely. And you know, this brings me to the point I keep raising, I know it's a black pill, but over the long term, I'm not sure, I'm not sure what we can do, because it seems, it seems fait accompli with respect to their side, right? They have the resources, they've got the motivation, they've got literally everything, and the problem is, is that they have a compliant population right now who is inherently unquestioning of the narrative that's being put out by, I hate using the word, but the stakeholders. And yeah, you know, I've sort of applied. So you're being tempted by surrender, or just, it seems like such a complicated knot, there's no way that we could possibly untie it and untangle it all. Well, it's more the issue around this type of warfare that we're engaged in, it's the old, what was that movie? War Games, is it? Not to play, right? Not to get involved. Well, the thing is, I'm doing what I'm doing right now, and what you're doing is we're directly engaging in that type of warfare. And you know, are we are we helping it along almost by raising, raising the issue? By calling it out or raising, raising consciousness, raising awareness about it. I don't think so at all. And I'll tell you why. Regardless of how overwhelming and frightening and intimidating and unpredictable all of the bugaboo stuff is about, you know, three letter agencies, you know, they're dark denizens, people, you know, Mark and I have talked again and again about scientists getting bumped off or journalists, investigators certainly getting bumped off when they're on to something big, is that we are in a new space. And we have the ability not only to reach all around the world, like right now we're doing, but we also have the capacity to preserve and perpetuate that information. And what those folks in power are most afraid of are the guillotines and the masses. It's part of why they feel intimidated to begin with. Think of the principle, right? I mean, you go to America. How many hours did you drive through wide open spaces where there are no people or hardly any people? We, we, we aren't exhausting the planet's capabilities. We're not very good at adapting and getting rid of our toxic models, but we're, you know, we're certainly not on the verge of everyone dying and no one having any food. That's part of the narrative and it's part of the control, you know, same with energy and playing geopolitics to create scenarios in Europe and the UK of not being able to turn on the gas or, or playing with the market prices. We saw it in the U S when they were playing the Enron game, moving electricity back and forth across the grid, and then people were getting electric bills for $1,200 because they ran their, their air conditioners. You know, there's, there's all, we always have to be on guard for that. And that's the thing that I don't want to say, well, you can't just give up and give in. And you can't fool yourself that you're going to find some safe space where we've solved it all. It's going to be an ongoing vigilance. And I'm, I'm down with that, right? And you know, I've sort of made the point that it's, at a abstracted view, it's about lineage progression, right? Making sure that your next generations are able to learn, take, take the data that we've been able to accrue, apply it and continue to be fleet of foot and adaptive in, in their responses to, to the stakeholders and the, the impositions that they want to put onto our lives. But, you know, taking, taking the worst case examples, you know, should they, should they really come down hard where travel becomes incredibly restricted and, you know, we've seen attempts at that beginning to be rolled out in Europe right now. I'm, yeah, I'm, I'm unsure how best to maneuver around that short, you know, I'm happy to sort of do this and have conversations, bring the data out into sort of public, have the discussions, not be afraid to have, to make sure that no topic is off the table for discussion. But there's, I've got this nagging feeling that we may, we may be perpetuating it somewhat and, or, or not even so much perpetuating it. It becomes like, like there, there are people that sort of go to war, right? And then they'll voluntarily go and, you know, fight in Ukraine, because they love war, that type of thing. And I'm just, I'm, yeah, I'm concerned about us becoming addicted in a way to the, the fight that, yeah, perpetuates it and... Oh, sure, sure. No, I see what you're saying there. Well, and that's where, that's, I would just say, I've already mentioned that step away, step away from the fight, keep, keep a clear sense of context about what's happening in your garden and your pets and your children and your loved ones, you know, just get grounded and come, come back away, you know, come back from the, because it is, it is a maelstrom of new information for most of us, applied learning. There's a sense of eureka, there's a sense of aha, you know, I've solved it, oh, I found the paper, this is the answer. We've been watching all of us do that for three years now. This is it. Oh, look at the, you know, we're all crying eureka again and again. That's got to have a stimulus response mechanism in there somehow. So you know, we, we can, we can just continue, like you said, to spread, save a little bit of that common sense butter and make sure there's enough to spread all the way across the toast. So be, be aware of yourself, like you're aware of your other habits and behaviors. And particularly don't overburden people. Don't be a pedantic cunt, excuse me, but don't, don't, I'm, I'm yelling at myself about that, but don't wear people out with this stuff and erode that very source of nutrient that you need. The very reason why we would do this fight to begin with, you know, make sure to guard them from this. They don't need to buy into it. They don't need to understand it like many of us do, and they're not coming down the rabbit hole with, they'll be there for us when we come up. But this, the lesson that I would share with everyone is please don't engage in conflicts and debates with people, even when you've got scathing bits of scientific information. And I don't mean out in the public square. I mean in our personal circles. Preserve that space and heal that space. Because guess what? We're, none of us are done with having loved ones have sudden unexpected illnesses and deaths. We're all going to continue paying the piper for a while here. And you know, that, that just underscores the need to preserve that, that healthy space for ourselves. So, you know, I'm sorry, I go on about that, but you know, you, it's, it's tonic and it's healing and it might be something that you read. It might be music that you listen to that unlocks your, your emotional constipation and you let your grief and anxiety out, maybe in the privacy of your own car on the drive to work, but you find the places to get tons out of your body from all of the stuff we've been consuming for three years and make sure that you have a clean, clear grasp of the pieces that are important to hang on to. I'm not going to go back and try to document all of this. There's so many people doing it like Charles and, and Jonathan and yourself, you know, whatever pathway people are on or what effect they have on history aside, you know, it's, there's enough people doing this piece. I'm trying to make sure and part of the, the re-injury of my own PTSD, but also the healing and the synthesis of it is to have these conversations and to have people, whether Punjabi Prepper agrees with the semantics of our scientific argument or not, that isn't the objective. It's to bring the information forward, enter it into the historic and Akashic record and to help people understand where they can go to find the evidence. Not my opinion, not my personality, not how I feel about interpersonal politics or any of that, but about something very important that's affecting policy and behavior in many governments and entities around the world that we've got to get a handle on or we might not ever get a chance to get it, you know, take care of it again. So those are some thoughts. Yeah. You know, my, my feeling is, you know, we have a window right now with, because I do think they messed up with SARS, right, and I don't, I don't know what caused them to sort of flick the switches when they did and, you know, it might even be something just as mundane as their dislike of Trump. I don't know. I'm, I don't think we can ever sort of fully disentangle the, the signal from the noise in that respect, but the... We're not read into those activities in those compartments. Yeah, we will never have the smoking gun data from inside the machine. You know, I think there, there's such a lethal circle of policing in that space. I think there is, I think that's one of those fascinating James Bond spaces where we would all be just bowled over, all be kind of be shot at how much surveillance and coercion and other activities, wetworks occur. The more important and the more, you know, the higher up the ivory tower and operation is, the more pressure and scrutiny there is to keep it airtight. Yeah. And, you know, with the, with the untiments that they're just, like I say, they're worried about our numbers, but the problem is that most people, most people just want to go along to get along and I, I've always said, you know, every soul has pressures, but you're not saving everyone in the current circumstances. So it's about making sure that there are networks and I don't know, you have these, I guess we're, I guess we're international. We can say that much. I've got America, Japan and India in the house, UK, I know that much and we, I don't know, you make it, it sort of takes on the role, I'm not saying it should replace your religious doctrines or whatever, but you should, I think it should be ranked up there with them that this scientific, because that's, that's primarily what it is because it revolves around the sort of technology and so science is a good way of encapsulating it. We maintain the records and like you say, the narrative and the discussions and dialogue such that it translates to the next generation coming up and you know, maybe, maybe it's the case that opportunities become so limited in that space that it will get, it will be easier to get people to convert. I'm convinced that a lot of the reason it's so difficult right now is because of the way that they've weaponized debt and people are just crushed by it and so there's a very tangible fear of losing your ability to keep a roof over your head and you know, that's a big ask of a lot of people to say, are you going to put that on the line for, well, it's an ideological battle, I guess. That's precisely right and I would remind you that, and you know this, but I would remind everyone in those, when we're beginning to get wrapped up in those kinds of scenarios or there's shadows on the wall that look like that's going to happen, that it is so much more preferred for anyone that's trying to creep in with these draconian policies and this new era, the great reset that they're trying to instate, it's much, much, much more preferred that we just cave in, that they win without firing a shot. They would much prefer that. They don't want to upset the apple cart. Now, they don't want to stop culling the population and rolling out ways to get us down to 500 million, but you know, regardless, they don't have a fight in them. That's why they work through these third parties and these subversive tactics. They are not tough. They are not base. They are soy boys. So you know, that's it. There's not an all-powerful demon. We've seen these images in our media and we are so wired into that model of thinking of good and evil or force-counterforce and that the other side is this quite diabolical and amazing and resourceful villain. And they're just quite selfish and that's why I say psychopathy is because that's how I categorize their worldview. I'm like, if you lack any kind of compassion for your other living entities, whatever the nuances are, there's lots of gray area, but just saying they don't deserve to be to exist because I don't prefer them. You know what? This is the body alerting you and I are freaking antibodies, Kevin, and we're going to find those cells and through the tactics that keep our kingdoms intact that do not require us to abandon our reason or our better judgment, we're going to use good, you know, as advanced talking monkey skills as we can to permeate this awareness broadly to continue to state it in terms that are simpler and clearer and tie back to externally verifiable information. The classic model of science, we have to keep translating and simplifying and simplifying. Until I did that work, people were not getting the HIV stuff because I would rattle off vocabulary and bits and pieces and locations and scientists and it was too abstract and it was too overwhelming. But then when I put it all together and said, all right, that's too, you know, and I listened to people, I took the notes, I took the criticism. That's when the story, you know, finally was in a shape that people could digest it. And we have to keep doing it with this story and the unfortunate challenge for us is it's unrolling right now. It's not all in the past. Oh, yeah. I'm learning about it right now. And that's the thing right now is that it's like I say, they've gone all in. There's no way for them to come back from this, the directions that they've taken, because I think they've just revealed too many of their cards anyway. And so, well, I guess it's a case of sort of hanging on to the sides or whatever, whatever you can grab hold of. And I always say, we've got to make sure that we get through to the other side of all the changes that they're instantiating. And you know, to add as a caveat to that, you know, the world always has changed, right? And new systems have always been put into place. So there's nothing new that we're dealing with right now. I guess the only difference is, is the coordinated fashion in which it's being done, right? You know, whereas you could look at the industrial revolution and you could argue that that was more sort of organic, as, you know, it was introducing the necessary technologies and the markets doing their thing, whereas, and so that was more sort of bottom up, whereas now we're seeing a very top down dictatorial approach to it. And which is lovely. Everyone knows where to target now. I mean, look at all the laser pointers on the target. That's fantastic. It's not as subversive hand in glove. It's like, we think we are superior and we are going to redesign the whole world in our image. And guess what? We've, that's, you know, we've heard that song a couple of times in history and we're going to, you know, we know where the, where the squeak is, we know where to put the grease. I'm very surprised that Bill Gates went and did another public tabletop exercise. Now he popped, it was a pop-up in Chile. I had no idea it was going to happen until it was already, you know, past, past the event. Oh, the contagion one, the catastrophic contagion. Yes, yes. Yeah. I'm just, I'm just wondering how much they've played that one out. And so this, this is why I sort of come back to the discussion point earlier, that they've maybe already achieved maximal results in that space, right? They've gamed it out and now what we're going to deal with is the consequences of this degrading at the individual and public level of collective immunity such that it, it shuttles people in to the medical side and the medical side is the way that they enact their tyranny. So yeah, just, we just flogging the dead horse here just, just by keeping on focusing on it. And, you know, if there was more, more concrete steps to take, I don't know. Well you don't know when you're going to reach someone's mind or when your words or your evidence is going to find a party you didn't even know existed and what kind of an influence that'll make. So that's where I would return and say as another, another tenant of keeping up hope is you have to accept that you're going to live with an uncomfortable uncertainty. We all want control, right? We don't want mud in our house so we have a little hedgehog with the scrapers on it and we scrape our shoes off. We control the dirt. We don't, you know, we don't want a certain thing so we do another stimulus response. We want control over the situation. We want it to conform and comport to a model that we can get our arms around, that we can verify and we can trace it from end to end. That's our nature and we can't have that yet. And it doesn't mean that the bits and pieces that we're finding along the way aren't, you know, smoking guns or very important or critical pieces of the overall arc. What the cool part is, is that so many eyes in so many countries are looking at different threads. You know, you think of it like a root system underneath a tree. All those little threads, those little filaments reaching out to different institutions, individual scientists, contracts, patents, conventions, papers, you know, there's so much evidence and so many people looking for it. The jigsaw puzzle is big. You know, it's going to take a lot of pieces but they're all there because they all had to brag about it. They all had to get positioned for it. It would appear from all of the patent evidence. It's like, sorry, but this is, we can take Occam's razor and cut your throat with it because this is a clear case of preemptive, you know, predictive programming and truly a major global operation. Now, I don't have all the answers of who pulled every lever, but the major pieces are there and we have to keep finding those pieces in the dirt, carefully dusting them off and putting them in the puzzle. And that's where we don't, that's where the impetus of the ego and our, a couple of compulsions that I see happening. Like when Jonathan began this path that he's in now, you know, I have never had a conversation with him so I don't want to speak out of turn about him. But I saw some of the recent broadcasts that he did and I'm still not clear truly as to how it differentiates from the original narrative, you know, but regardless when someone like that is influenced and we see fighting back and forth, it seems like there's a schism, it's like the Beatles are breaking up, I heard conversation about that. It's very difficult because we feel like we need a hero or we need a central, a linchpin. You know, we're very hierarchical. We all say that we're outliers and we're scofflaws and we're critical thinkers, but we all still love to snap into a grid. That's another part of our nature. We like it, it's comfortable, it's known. So that's where when we say the multipolar world, the new multipolar power will be distributed, we have to be comfortable with that uncertainty as well. And that you or Jonathan or Charles or, you know, Andrew Hough or anybody doesn't get up there and have the torch and the banner and the sacred scrolls with all the answers in it. No. Get that right out of your head. You're going to have to make your own piece about this and you're going to have to chew through these details as much as you can stand and certain big pieces will cav off like when document drops happen, but you know, that's my encouragement is just be ready for an uncomfortable period and don't be so focused on having the answer. It's okay to take time. It's an organic process. But to your point about the creeping tyranny, stay involved and do what you can at the local level. What else can you affect? What else can you do? But your community, your county, your church, your city government, your state government, whatever you can't, most of us are not involved in anything at the national level, but stay engaged and stay plugged in because I think this is really an effective signaling system to one another. You know, we lit the fire on the top of the mountain and then the other kingdom sees it down the range. I think that what we see in, you know, just mass communication and the social media platforms afforded us that, but in this space, in the critical ongoing analysis, taking a new piece of evidence, really chewing it apart, not being nice to it and just, you know, we've had some moments where we say, aha, and then we turn and we look at it critically and we check it. I think this is a really critical, critical function that I don't know if it's existed before in history in the face of the challenges that we've got. So, you know, pat yourself on the back. I would say it's, you know, you can look at the samistat of literature and, you know, that's always been around and various forms of, we just have this luxury of it being sort of, well, real time and silly sound effects. True, true. What have you. Yeah, it's, I'm trying to think of a profound concluding remark to this and I guess it just comes down again to recognizing the nature of the warfare that we're in and, you know, as you said, we've got to find a way through it and, you know, we have to make sure that our tribe, clan progresses because that's what they do. That's what those on the other side do. They're in your face about it with respect to the nepotism and bending of the rules. There are Carnegie and Rockefeller grants. Yes. Those bastards. Yeah. I mean, look, it's all the same people. I mean, I can't remember who put it in the chat, but, you know, Farah is now transitioning to the World Health Organization. It's, you know, they're just shuffling seats, et cetera. So it's difficult for people to keep a track on these people, but I don't think that their goals are going to change and, you know, you can... There were people going back to the 70s looking at Kissinger Club of Rome and, you know, giving warnings back then and, oh, good old Ted, Ted Kaczynski, he had it nailed, right? And these were people that sort of screaming out to us in this current time, but now the rubber is really hitting the road and it's really impacting people on a day-to-day level. I wish I had more sage advice beyond just survive, get through. Well, that's why you invited a space cat to talk with you on a Tuesday. So I can soothe you with my Los Angeles voice and tell you that your jacket is drying. Your jacket is dry and we have a little levity because, yeah, we hit some black bills today. But I mean, so you here and me, kind of a box full of puppies, you know, they always want to jump up and lick your face. And that kind of enthusiasm returned to me after a period that was very difficult. And I don't want to drag people through what AIDS did to us. I don't need them to relive it. There've been some beautiful poignant, you know, pieces of media, writing, film, all of that about what it meant, these little cameos. And I'm not that kind of, you know, I can't produce that kind of material and that's not the message. I just, if anything, I want to share and relate that, you know, just boundless hope and tenacity. And it isn't negative. I mean, yes, we're in a life and death struggle. We have to be deadly serious about it. But it doesn't mean that we surrender everything that we are, that life becomes this gray. Remember the end of the yellow submarine when they were dropping the green apples at people. We have to keep one hand and one foot firmly planted on those things that we talked about, those connections, those behaviors, those rituals in our lives, gardening, doing something nice for your neighbor, reading something that isn't heavy science and, and intrigue and geopolitics and all of that. Read something that is enriching, something that the little child in you enjoys and relates to. Do something, do something with kids, help kids with a project, build a tree house. You know, it's, there's, there's so much that calls us back to why are we in this fight? And that's where I, that's, that's where I'll leave it is just say, you know, remain hopeful and be tenacious and, and we'll, you know, we'll continue to fight. Yeah. Good, good place to end it. So there you go, folks. I don't think we covered the papers that much, but it points, I just wanted to raise them just to say, you know, these are potential mechanisms and stuff to be on the lookout for in the, in the coming weeks to months, cause I do, I do think the signals are there and yet listen to St. Nick, be hopeful, I guess. So all right, I'll, I'll let... Did you get a notification from Rumble about why you got cut off? No, I think it's just a network issue. It was a tech thing. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It sort of, it did it a couple of times. I restarted the stream and so it might be a bit. Uh, choppy in the replay, but, um, it's one of those things. Um, all right, I'll let you go and then I'll, uh, I'll wrap it up here. So, uh, thanks. Hey, well, thanks. You got it. You got it. Good to speak with you again. Um, we'll talk again soon. I want to talk with, uh, there's a couple of folks and I've got a couple, uh, dates coming up at the end of December, um, on different shows. So I'll share those in the bunker, but, uh, have, have a good one and we'll talk again soon. Thank you, sir. Have a good evening or day, wherever you are today, right off to work. Yes. All right. Take care, bro. Okay. Cheers. All right. All right, folks. Uh, that was Saint Nick. And, uh, yeah, I wish, uh, we could have done a little more on these papers, but, um, yeah, the take home being, uh, what GP one 20, uh, can be neurotoxic even at very, very low doses. Um, so think about that, uh, from both aspects, not just, uh, not just gene transfection, uh, the, uh, the infection as well. Um, keep asking yourself why they put it in there for God's sake. All right. So just remind everyone, um, I'll just check and see if anyone did send a donate. Come on. Do it. Oh, yes. Uh, so I want to say, I bet just say thank you to, uh, someone in land and town. Nice. Um, and let's see, this one is, I'm not sure it says United States and Montana maybe. Thank you. Thank you. That's I think there was one more, uh, uh, maybe the same again, uh, maybe you got double build if, if you did, uh, let me know, I'll, I'll try and get it back to you. Um, all right. Uh, that's me out of here. Oh yes. Of course. Uh, later on today, I'm going to do a streamer canceled it last week, uh, with the powerful job person, uh, in a few hours, about, uh, six, seven hours from now. And um, yeah, we'll, uh, I'll see you then. So take care guys. God bless and, uh, see you in the next one.