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Ep 191.1: ICardiac Technologies - Whose heart can handle the (personalized) medicine?

Good afternoon. Good to see Jimmy back in the chat. Wednesday, January 11th, year 2023, everybody.

It is 12.36 p.m., just a little bit after noontime. Feels like a longer day than that. Lots happened already today. And I am broadcasting. My name is Mark Kulacz, and I'm broadcasting. I should put my name up on the screen every once in a while. It wouldn't matter. Even if you saw it, you wouldn't be able to spell it right anyways. Some people do, though. Watch me enough. Mark Kulacz,, coming from 30 miles, 20, 30 miles. I don't know.

We measure things by time and time of day to do that time, as opposed to miles these days. How far away is California? Seven-hour flight.

And the topic of today's show is just an introduction to a company which has been sold and incorporated, or I should say brought into the fold of Phillips Corporation, a company called iCardiac Technologies. There's not a ton out there on them on iCardiac, so we've archived a few things on this particular subject here. And the topic of how drugs are trialed is kind of a big deal.

There's endless debates online. Some say that the new world of drugs, the mRNA that provides a platform, if you will, is going to totally change the game about how drugs need to be trialed going forward. There's statements that there only needs to be a limited amount of trialing between modifications because the base platform is all that matters, etc. Of course, there's the other side, whatever the side is, that would say that there's only a few animals, if any animals at all, that are being used these days to qualify whether updated versions of this medication is going to be used. The whole concept of an emergency use authorization, the ability within the United States of America to no longer to allow medications to be used to go to market and to be available to citizens, bypassing all traditional food and drug administration testing and all other quality controls because there may be situations where something is happening, some new viral outbreak, whether it's an active bio warfare or an active nature, that is just so lethal that there is no alternative but to start using medications which haven't been tested yet. And it's kind of scary, going all the way back to World War II, even before then, you see this manic push to find situations or doctors to start testing medications on people and now we are just, I think we have a government that is actually just fabricating or even creating scenarios where we have no alternative but to have medications bypassed. If there was one, one thing that I think all conspiracy theorists should be able to agree on, it's that if there's one permanent ruling class, one class of people that rules the earth, that more or less owns everything, the permanent eternal deep state, if there's one thing that they would like, it would be eternal life or much, much, much longer life. I think we could all pretty much agree on that. And that would mean that if that's the most important thing, not oil, not gold or diamonds or knowledge or whatever, it's how do you do that? The only way to do that is to have humans to test on. That's it. So to think that this is just some fringe idea that the permanent ruling class that the permanent ruling class, the deep state, whatever you want to call it, right, would be hell bent above anything else to find reasons to find ways to turn humans into test monkeys. You would be mistaken. It is the top of the list. Everything else pales in comparison. Now, maybe once upon a time, it wasn't understood exactly how many people would be needed for medical experimentation. I think that there was, people were viewed as more, there was a lot of commonality between people, so much commonality that you would only need some people to test on. And eventually, I think it was discovered that the more people you have, the more data you can collect. Of course, that realization came after population controls were enforced. So right now, we are heading towards a population decline on planet. And this ruling class, this permanent class that needs humans to test on has now realized that they need humans. The humans are going bye-bye.

And at the same time, and I'm so appreciative that Jonathan Couey, GigaOhm Biological, has repeated this, there has never been more diversity on the planet at one time than there is right now. It is unprecedented. That's not to say that, I mean, there's always been migrations, there's always been integration of different civilizations, of different cultures, etc. But never before have we had everyone going everywhere. It's radical not end at this level of population as far as we know, as far as we know. So this moment has to be utilized.

Hence, in order to these new medicines, the mRNA medicines, the DNA medicines, the gene therapies, they may provide some immune qualities. The whole issue of are they transfections or are they, of course, we're talking about Moderna and Pfizer stuff right now, whether or not they're transfections or whether or not they are vaccines is, it is a transfection and it's also a very, very poor vaccine that may not actually do anything helpful. So, you know, if I want to call this bottle cap here a cassette player, well, so be it, right? I'm selling this bottle cap as a cassette player and now you have to say, well, that is the worst cassette player in the world. It does nothing but sit there and look like a bottle cap. You kind of get the point. Anyways, so based upon individuals who are in the news right now, in the alternative media, you know, we go through the being promoted, talking about the vaccine safety, talking about the heart issues, etc. Sasha Latypova, who is right now, I guess, the person of the past couple of months, who I am not too happy that she is trying to pin so much of this on the United States military, COVID-19, that is, and she doesn't seem to get into the topic of exactly how lethal the base virus was and focuses mostly on the mass genocide, which is being caused by the vaccines, as opposed to, well, why were people killed in the first place, potentially, to bring this stuff into fruition? Remember, not one jab, not one, not one single injection ever would have happened.

All lives would have been saved if the darn thing didn't happen in the first place. If the darn thing didn't happen in the first place. And you know it wasn't an accident. It was an intentional thing. So, sorry, I know that the stuff is these jabs are bad. That's my belief. Sorry. But if you don't want to get into the root cause of it, and I don't mean, oh, here's a whistleblower document saying it's Ralph Baric and Zhengli Shi and DARPA. You have to believe that. That's all you need to know. And anyone in the United States who says it has anything to do with vaping illnesses, they're a conspiracy theorist. You have to ignore them.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Sorry. We don't go there. Those people say that we should be censored, by the way. That's my train of thought right there. You have to look at the reasons why the emergency use authorizations of these medicines were allowed in the first place. If that's not being done, it's all going to happen again. So we're all just talking about how we're going to respond next time. There's going to be a next time, because no one is preventing the next time from happening. You see what I'm trying to say? There's going to be another pandemic. It's going to happen. I don't know how it's going to be seeded the next time. I don't know. But it's probably going to happen. And no one is doing anything to stop it, except myself, or at least trying to raise awareness of how these things could have happened, and that it was an engineered system, and that it's just strange that many of the people who seem to have had a vested interest in these vaccines, in this transfection technology, and now sometimes are even the people spearheading the charge to be the heroic patriots to say that they might have been bad, are the same individuals who were part of making this whole thing happen in the first place. No one is, and very, almost no channels are talking about that. This is one of the few channels that does. So with Sasha Latypova, or Alexandra Sasha Latypova, a Ukrainian who came to the United States in 1997, the same time that the United States was starting to build up unique relations with Ukraine, and moved to Rochester after going to Dartmouth, was part of the founding team of this company called iCardiac Technologies, which did have a contract with Pfizer, was one of several companies they had a contract with, and we're going to review what they did. And it's basically, it's a heart monitoring technology. And the reason why companies, they say they were investing in companies like iCardiac Technologies for trials, well, some of it was for trials to determine if new drugs, generally speaking, could cause heart problems. There was a medication called Vioxx, V-I-O-X-X, out of Merck, which in the early 2000s caused some heart problems. But also because in the future, in the future, there may be new medicines involved, which might cause some people to have heart problems, but not everyone. Does anyone out there really think, does anyone, first of all, I'm going to say hello everyone in the chat. Does anyone, first of all, I'm going to say hello everyone in the chat. Does anyone here actually think that either Pfizer or Moderna are actually surprised that there are heart problems?

Say yes or no. This is a yes or no question. First of all, quick shout-outs. Hey, Missy Kins.

Kate, how you doing? Always here. David, Bruce. Every single one of us is part of the test. Yes, and that's actually part of this question, too. Hey, Taz, how you doing? You're all over the place lately, my friend. Karma, good to see you. This is the question. Do you think that they are actually surprised? I know that many are doing shows about this topic. They're trying to say that the heart problems are real. They aren't real. Talking about the athletes having problems, um, the whole, uh, “died suddenly”. Do you think that they are surprised? Like, oh my goodness, we ran some tests internally. We didn't expect something like this to happen. Let's see here. Kate says no. Tyrone says no. TCG, nay. David, Bruce, no. Tilliam, no. Taz, no. Karma, doc, LOL. No, okay. All right, guys, bingo. You're all on. You're all on. They're not surprised. Now, what we don't know is how long do they plan for this to go, right? Maybe they just expected a few.

Maybe they expected to create a scenario where the narrative is going to be, well, the JAB saved a lot of lives, a few are lost with heart issues, but good news, we have technologies that we've actually employed during our trials where we can actually test and monitor people based upon rhythms of their heart, based upon their genetic predisposition and determine if they are going to be capable of handling gene therapy going forward. I think it was known for a while, but how do you get to a point?

I mean, this is a hype. This is a little bit of speculation here. How do you roll something out, knowing not only you're never going to be able to pass all the hurdles, but also knowing that it's going to cause heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, heart disease, all the hurdles, but also knowing that it's going to cause potentially a fair number of heart problems in, I don't know, 1% of the population. It's going to be the biggest breakthrough in medical history. How do you roll out a product like that? You're going to need one heck of a pandemic to push people over the edge to fall for that one. Well, guess what? That's what we had. That's what we had. So, either there's going to be no more DNA or mRNA medicine in the future. That's a LOL. That's a capital LOL because it wound up not being safe. We tried it. People had heart problems. We're never going to do that again. Obviously, that's not the case. That's not the case. It's going to keep happening. The narrative is going to be, look at all the lives it saved. It's obviously the net benefit was a plus.

If we only had some technologies now to help us going forward to know who can handle it and who can't. We don't know. Now, of course, there's a lot of variability. It could be baseline health, epigenetic factors, DNA factors, injectant site location. The type of lipid nanoparticle could impact it. Variability in spike protein expression. That could be a factor. There are many, many pieces of information that go into this table, but I will bet you that if you look through all that data and run some analytics, you'll find a pattern where 99% or more of the people who had heart problems check a few specific boxes. I'm not even willing to guess, willing to wager which boxes those are, but almost all of the known heart problems that we've seen and we visible could have been avoided if we just screamed out a few people based upon factors which perhaps aren't already known yet in great detail. Hence, this company, iCardiac Technologies. Now, there are some other companies which do similar work. I don't know exactly how many competitors iCardiac Technologies has, but iCardiac Technologies was founded... Let me bring up a little map here just to give you guys a little context.

It was founded by a company called iCardiac Technologies. It's a company that's been around for a long time. It was founded in Rochester, New York. Now, Rochester, New York is actually, believe it or not, Rochester, New York is in upstate New York.

It is on Lake Erie, Lake Ontario. It is actually rated as one of the most livable cities now in United States of America based upon economic opportunities and based upon the cost of living.

Although the state taxes in New York, the state of New York are horrible, there's plenty of housing and you don't have to spend as much to live there as you would in the greater Boston area. If you zoom out a little bit, you'll see it's on Lake Ontario here, probably a couple hour drive or so, maybe a little bit less from Buffalo, quite a few hours, probably four hour drive from New York City, but not that far. This company, iCardiac Technologies, was created in Rochester. Rochester has a relatively thriving community of little technology startup companies. Now, I've always thought that one of the main reasons why Rochester would have that particular community was because of the moderate cost of living. It's not that bad. It's not cheap, but it's certainly not as bad as other major East Coast metropolitan areas. It's not that far from some of the better-known schools anyways in the United States of America and some talent. I think they have a decent transportation etc. Office space is available and they have local incentives to bring in some of these startup companies. I happen to know about Rochester a little bit. I don't think I've ever actually driven through Rochester, but I know that the previous company of mine, Datto Corporation, had their second or third-largest division in Rochester because the founder of Datto Corporation, Austin McCord, went to RIT, Rochester Institute of Technology, which is a pretty good school. Of course, you know about Datto, D-A-T-T-O. As a matter of fact, if you go through YouTube and if you look at some of the awards for local startup companies, there's actually one, I think it was like 2012 or I don't know, 2013, where the top three included iCardiac Technologies. No, it was 2018, excuse me. Relatively recent, matter of fact, iCardiac Technologies was one of the top 18, excuse me. Relatively recent, matter of fact, iCardiac Technologies, which at that time had already been purchased, and Datto Corporation. Can't make this stuff up. So I founded this company because it was co-founded by Sasha or Alexandra Latypova, whose daughter is known as Soph, S-O-P-H. You can find some videos on Soph out there. And there she is. This is an article from 2006. I'm going to read one of these, and then I'm going to go through some of the consortiums that they were with. Some interesting connections about how some of these trial companies all seem to network together. I wonder exactly how much independence there is in some of these companies. Some of the other co-founders like the Alex Zapesochny is a very, very, actually started a software company in Ukraine because he's Ukrainian. The company's web page is Support Ukraine. Interesting. And also a big John McCain fan, if you go through his Twitter history. Interesting. So what we're going to do is we're going to read a couple of these newspaper articles from back then.

We're going to go through a couple of the trade magazines, just so you get an idea of some of the products they were working on and the value proposition that was put forward. And then maybe look at one of the consortiums, et cetera. And I'm not going to talk too much about Sasha Ladovova. Perhaps we'll do some shows on her in the future. But because of her prominence right now, we are highlighting iCardiac technologies. And perhaps while she has said that she had helped drugs, pharmaceutical trials in reality, and she has said it was cardiac related, I think that there's an angle to it that is very, very interesting and not necessarily invaluable either. I mean, this is, we should know every dimension, every aspect to the impact on overall human health when we are trying new medications. But I think that it was understood a while ago that the nature of drug trials was going to change because the nature of medicine was going to change. I think that was known before 2020. I think that was known before 2010. Maybe all the I's weren't dotted, T's crossed, exactly how to get from where they were to where things are right now. But I think it was, there was some foresight. So with that said, either way, I got my new, I didn't exactly get all dressed up today, but new cryo chamber, yes, yes, I'm a massive cryo chamber fan. T-shirt came today, a little bit too big. I should have gotten a size smaller. Sometimes you never know these days. All right, so let's get down to business here. Okay, this is from the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, October 30th, 2006. iCardiac, capitalizing on growing startup market. The venture capital market for aspiring entrepreneurs is now wide open in Rochester, says Mikhail Toderman, a founder and chief executive at iCardiac Technologies in Brighton. Toderman's company, iCardiac, in Brighton. Toderman's company is a startup with an exclusive agreement with the University of Rochester Medical Center to commercialize software that analyzes information from clinical trials on a drug's impact to the heart. iCardiac Technologies, which officially opened in April 2006, closed a $2 million venture capital-led round of funding recently and should be receiving another multi-million dollar investment soon, said Alex Zapesochny.

Oh my goodness. No wonder why people go to war in Ukraine. How do you pronounce a name like that? Zapesochny. I'm just going to say Zapesochny and I know it's probably wrong, but you know what? My stepdad gave me a crazy Polish name, so you just got to learn. You just got to toughen up your skin and deal with it. President and chief operating officer of iCardiac. That's a far cry from the scene six years ago when Toderman helped seek funding for virtual scopics. Another UR, University of Rochester Medical Center, spin-off focusing on medical imaging systems.

It was able to pull in $10 million in investments after three rounds of offerings. Virtual scopics is now profitable, Toderman says. Now there's a lot more appetite for doing startups here, he said. With the success of virtual scopics, Toderman, 35, began looking for new ideas to invest in. He turned to his wife, Sasha Latypova, who also worked at virtual scopics, and Zapesochny, 35, his childhood friend from Brighton High School, about putting their experiences together to form another startup. That's how iCardiac was born. And why didn't that image load? Let's just do a refresh here. Excellent. There we go. Now we can see part two of the, of this.

With highly publicized cases of negative effects of drugs such as Vioxx and Fenfen on the heart, more companies are cautious during the testing phase of their drugs, Zapesochny said.

The former general counsel at Linnell Systems International, Zapesochny was on the executive management team when the Pittsburgh Security Systems Company sold earlier this year for $440 million. Not bad. Toderman, Latypova, and Zapesochny began talking about how to put their recent experiences to work. Toderman and Latypova remembered meeting a group of heart researchers in the Heart Research Follow-Up Program at the Medical Center. This would be UR, University of Rochester. Dr. Jean-Philippe Kuderk and Dr. Wusiak Zariba were interested in the startup, Zapesochny said. The three partners and their families contributed $250 million each to the iCardiac startup. The three worked without a salary for 10 months, Zapesochny said.

Wow, doing pretty good. Having just moved to the U.S. in 1997. Already the startup has signed on a number of pharmaceutical companies as clients, Zapesochny said, declining to reveal who the customers are. And it moved to a new office on Allen's Creek Road this month to accommodate its growth. iCardiac employs 10 people, so it wasn't a big company at that time, and is looking to hire their software engineers. iCardiac technology has great potential in the pharmaceutical research marketplace, said Jean-Philippe Kuderk, Deputy Director of the Office of Technology Transfer at UR, University of Rochester Medical Center. Okay, so they signed a deal, so not bad. So they start in 2006. Think of how fast this moves, okay? You're opening in 2006, and by 2007, they already have a deal with Pfizer. That's pretty good, going from technology at the university, startup company, Pfizer. Where else have we seen this stuff? On the other coast, Seattle, technology coming out of the University of Washington, boom, goes right to a company, boom, they start making millions of dollars. All right, let's look at, wow, this one, this is the Rockchester Business Journal.

Are these all Russians, Ukrainians? D says, well, we know that Sasha Latypova was born in Kyiv.

She's Ukrainian, she came to the United States in 1997. The other partner, Zabaskini, he's Ukrainian, although he came when he was an early teenager, I think. He has a software company called Mac Kyiv. So basically, it's a Mac software company in Kyiv, Ukraine. So yeah, yeah, lots of Ukrainian connections, oddly enough. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, oddly enough. I don't know, I mean, given the fact that Ukraine has been in a constant state of war for like a billion years, this must be some pretty smart people there who have been willing to survive that long. Perhaps why there's so many in these technology companies in becoming billionaires. All right, so this is from 2007. Literally, this is only like two months later, wow.

iCardiac Technologies signs deal with Pfizer. Medical technology firm iCardiac Technologies Incorporated has linked a multi-year, multi-million dollar deal with Pfizer Incorporated, which includes an undisclosed equity investment in the local firm. The alliance will introduce an undisclosed equity investment in the local firm. The alliance will involve the development and validation of electrocardiogram-based biomarkers using iCardiac Technologies software technology platform. Comprehensive analysis and repolarization signal, CARS, CARS. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. The companies, Monday, announced the agreement at the Cardiac Safety Assessment Summit Conference in Arlington, Virginia. To me, this looks like Pfizer wanted some technology that was being developed by somebody at the University of Rochester. That's how fast they went from, hey, I have an idea, you know, at the restaurant while eating their tapas, to creating the company, to getting technology from University of Rochester, to going to conference, to signing the deal. All right, this is a script. You've watched my channel. How many times have we seen this script before? I want everyone, you know, people work hard. I want them to be successful. Sometimes people get lucky, strike it rich the first time. Good for them. No hard feelings, man. No hard feelings, but it's usually a script.

Now, exactly who helped make those connections? Well, I don't know. Under the agreement, iCardiac and Pfizer will collaborate on a research program that includes a series of studies. Over the term of the alliance, iCardiac will receive an equity investment and technology license payment and research and development funding. It will retain commercial rights to the validated technology platform and new biomarkers for future application in cardiac safety clinical trials and technologies, officials said. Biomarkers are often used to measure the effects or study the progress of a disease.

A cross-licensing arrangement will allow iCardiac technologies to receive rights to ECG analysis technologies developed within Pfizer. The long-term goal of the deal is to improve the precision, increase the speed, and decrease costs of cardiac surgery. Improve the precision, increase the speed, and decrease costs of cardiac safety clinical trials.

Let's see. We quote, we are extremely pleased that Pfizer has partnered with iCardiac in further developing iCardiac suite of ECG-based biomarkers and its COMPAS, C-O-M-P-A-S, that probably stands for one of the things that we mentioned earlier. Pfizer platform technology for advancing the field of cardiac safety testing and pharmaceutical research and development, said Alexandra Latypova, aka Sasha, co-founder and executive vice president of iCardiac technologies. Dubbed COMPAS, the iCardiac technologies technology was developed over a decade ago. So that brings us back to, if this is 2007, that brings us all the way back to 1997 now. Wow. A decade ago at University of Rochester's heart research follow-up program.

Researchers use it to analyze data from ECGs and other types of heart monitors to test the safety and efficacy of drugs. John Philip Kudrick, chief technology officer, CTO at iCardiac technologies, and assistant director of University of Rochester's heart research follow-up program, is a principal inventor. So again, Alexandra Latypova, as intelligent as she is, being the Ukrainian survivor, is not the inventor. She has a business degree. University of Rochester last year licensed technology to iCardiac technologies. Uh, uh, uh, iCardiac, excuse me, cardiac safety is one of the most challenging hurdles in developing new medicine, says Kate Robinson, Pfizer spokeswoman. Oh boy, Kate, Kate Robbins at Pfizer, the Pfizer spokeswoman back in 2006, couldn't have been more right.

Quote, we support the development of new tools that may enhance our ability to predict, predict the safety potential, the safety of potential new medicines in early stages of development and research. Unquote. The company plans to use proceeds from the Pfizer investment to accelerate its research and validation efforts and hire staffers. Uh, Alex Zapesochny, president and chief operating officer at iCardiac technologies, told the Rochester Business Journal. Uh, the firm this year plans to execute on its research goals related to the alliance with Pfizer and pursue other applications for its biomarkers. Other applications. We, quote, we're going to see if we can get other companies besides Pfizer to join with us as part of a broader cardiac safety alliance to further accelerate finding the solution to the problem of the disease. Uh, cardiac safety alliance developing in 2007, including Pfizer. Do you really think that they, uh, they didn't expect heart problems from new medicines? The local firm is in the process of approaching the top 10 pharmaceutical companies to gauge their interest. Uh, this is from January 20th, 2008, strong pulse at iCardiac medical tech firm. See, uh, seems poised for success bringing university Rochester work to market. So most of this you read earlier, but, um, it's this part here starting, uh, a couple of paragraphs in, um, I'm certainly pleased with where we are so far as the best skinny said, but more importantly, I hope this becomes a success story that the community can build on and create synergy. The iCardiac team is using technology developed by university Rochester researchers, John Philip, uh, uh, Kuderic and one of the most successful researchers in the world by university Rochester researchers, John Philip, uh, uh, Kuderic and Walshiak, uh, Zareba that analyzes electrocardiograms, determinative medications are causing abnormal heartbeats.

By 2006, the commercial appeal for such a test was heightened after several drugs, including Fiox, Fenfen and Selden were linked to fatal heart attacks and other cardiac troubles. In response to those scares, the United States food and drug administration announced that any drugs that lengthen the micro second gap between heartbeats beyond a certain point would not be approved. Latypova said, even the FDA recognizes that this test of the QT interval is too broad and has halted the development of scores of drug compounds that might not pose any heart risk. It's a, it's a one size fits all approach. Hmm. That doesn't sound like someone that, uh, that wants the, uh, uh, to make sure that the drug safety, uh, comes before pushing stuff out to me.

Latypova said, even the food and drug administration recognizes that this test of the QT interval, uh, is too broad and has halted the development of scores of drug compounds that might not pose any heart risks. Hmm. Think of all of those people that are dying because they just can't get the drugs. Icardiac Technologies has a solution for that. That's why pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical industry wants a more precise measurement. And one reason why venture capitalists were willing to invest in Icardiac spin-off is because they know that they're going to be able to invest in Icardiac. They know that venture capitalists were willing to invest in Icardiac spin-off from University of Rochester, which is Icardiac, uh, technologies overall. Uh, and the government, the, the government, the government, the government, the gov, and the government, the government got involved and the government provided the University of Rochester researchers and electrocardiogram databases to further develop the technology. How nice is that? What a sweet deal. I'm telling you what, I'm so glad that the United States of America treats its immigrants with such warmth and hospitality. You know, I mean, I'm, I think that, you know, when people visit a country, you know, you should, you know, make sure that they feel welcome, have a good meal, show them your best side, right? But I must be a really scornful person because I don't actually take it to the point where I say, here, why don't you take this technology paid for by the taxpayers at the University of Rochester? Why don't you then get government assistance to get all of our electrocardiogram data? Oh, oh, and then let's give you some business loans. You know what? I must, I must, I'm sorry. I just must be a really tough person to live with.

And the government, and the government provided the University of Rochester researchers with access to its electrocardiogram databases to further develop. That's wonderful. Thank you, United States of America. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for sharing all the data that you have on my heart with other people so that they can make money. Then last year, the iCardiac team members realized their test could spot variances, variances within the baselines of the ECG data, which opens the possibility that individual patients can be tested to determine if their hearts are prone to adverse effects from a drug. That paragraph is gold. Last year, the iCardiac team members realized their test could spot variances within the baselines of the ECG data, which opens the possibility that individual patients can be tested to determine if their hearts are prone to adverse effects from a drug. Meaning, in the era of personalized medicine, you can now know, you can now know potentially if you have the right equipment, and if you have the right data given to you by the United States government and the right algorithms, you might be able to know someday which people are going to have adverse reactions to a medicine. Now, thinking optimistically, that sounds great if you have a great new medicine. It also means, it also means that it's possible, it's possible that there could be a medicine which selectively causes heart problems developed. I'm not saying that happened. I actually don't think that's happened. But you know what? It's possible. If you know which people are going to respond well, that means you also know which people are not going to respond well, right? It stands to reason. In other words, this is bio, this is bio warfare, this could be bio warfare technology. I'm going to read to this little section here, a couple more paragraphs and I'm going to look at comments. If so, pharmaceutical companies might be able to return some banned drugs to market. Well, that's one nice thing, always those orphan drugs. The reality, the reality, quote, the reality is no drug is safe for everybody, he said. But with this test, you could basically predict which person can take a drug and which can't. Now, that is not the definition of trialing a drug. Trialing a drug means, is it safe? Generally safe for everyone. That is the traditional definition of trialing a drug, right? Is it safe? If I was a food safety inspector, restaurant safety inspector, okay, I don't go, you know what? I would go to the hospital, I'm a food safety inspector, okay? I don't go, you know what? I want to make sure that you're serving tacos, that if you're serving tacos, we can tell at the door which people are going to get sick eating your tacos and which ones aren't. This way, the people that will get sick eating tacos won't be allowed in. That's not how you approach it. No, you say, are your tacos safe?

Generally speaking, okay, every once in a million, someone's going to get a little chicken bone, you know, stuff happens, right? But overall, are your tacos safe? You don't go, I just want to make sure, we want to help you develop a taco safety profile so that the people that you know who can handle your tacos are the people, only people who you will receive your tacos. You don't do it like that, guys. You don't do it like that. This is not drugs. That's not the way food safety works, restaurant safety works, and this isn't really how drug safety works. This is a new spin on it. This is not really trialing in a traditional sense.

This is, and it's really these paragraphs, which is why I'm doing this stream right now. That's really the big thing. Now, you know, we got some more stuff about the, how they created alliances and, let's see, how long have we been going here? 51 minutes. Let me just do a few more minutes here. But that's the money right there, all right? Now, this isn't really a stream about Sasha Latypova, but I always look at the whistleblowers and go, okay, look, real whistleblowers are never heard about, are silenced, like myself, completely silenced, more or less, or they fall off parking garages. Or they drop dead at airports. That's usually what happens. They tend not to get promoted all over the place by all the alt channels at the same time. It usually doesn't happen.

So I'm just trying to figure out what companies they work at, and then what's the angle?

All right, what's the angle here? Well, while I agree with Ladovova's assessment that these drugs do not seem to be helping anyone and are causing a lot of harm, I don't believe that it's an act of genocide. I don't believe it's an act of genocide being run by the military to depopulate the planet. And you know what? None of these, not one injection would have been needed if we had some clarity on exactly what caused this thing in the first place. Not one. So while some people do need to focus on the medication part, the vaccines part, we need more people to do the real breakdown of exactly how people died. What got this thing jump started in the first place? What caused 1 million actual excess deaths? Because they happened. But why? What was the justification for all of this stuff? All right, I'm going to do some quick comments here. And yes, everybody brings metadata. And you know what? Some people get caught in bad situations. Some people have to bring some bad baggage with them. Some people may look, have a really bad look, but bring something good to the table nonetheless. I don't know anyone inside and out. Who knows? But just the same, that doesn't mean you have to refuse to look at what's right in front of you. You have to find a balance there. And this topic of personalized medicine is big. Now I'm not going to U-turn my channel into getting into the jab stuff. Not the most qualified person to do it. But on a topic like this, where I can go through the archives, the newspaper archives, the business relationships, and everything else, I can pull something like this out. And this is kind of a big deal. And I will bet you iCardiac Technologies is not the only company that was involved in this. There were multiple other companies. You can go through these Cardiac Safety. I actually have a whole page about this stuff here. Let's see. What was this consortium?

Let's see here. This was kind of an interesting thing.

Consortopedia. I'm sure they actually have a website. The Cardiac Safety Research Consortium, the CSRC, launched 2006. Biomarker Research. The exact same year that iCardiac Technologies got their... Oh, Duke University. How quickly we get back to Lin Fa-Wang. The Cardiac Safety Research Consortium supports research by engaging stakeholders from industry, academia, and government to share data and expertise, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, I think if you start going through it, you're going to find some interesting things about exactly what was causing Fioxx and some other products to have heart problems. You may actually see things that are somewhat related to intracellular communication. You may find traces of concerns and technologies which actually bring you all the way up to today. And if you look at the... Let's see here. Consortium History.

Oh, this one's interesting. Cardioncology. Remember, mRNA medicine, synthetic exosomes, were developed for cancer research. They weren't developed to help people handle hay fever. Sponsors and partners. Go through this list here. iCardiac, iCardiac Technologies. Of course, the big companies are here. AstraZeneca, Bayer, Midas, et cetera. Sanofi. And this company here, WCCT Global. It's West Coast Something Trials. Something Trials. So why am I highlighting a heart safety consortium that has both iCardiac Technologies and WCCT Global on it? WCCT Global, by the way, was purchased by Alta Sciences a few years ago. Well, nobody asked, but I'm going to show it here. I'm highlighting WCCT Global because the president was Robert Malone and vice president was Jill Glass-Pulmulon. 2013 Orange County Register. WCCT Global also worked with National Institutes of Health for the Human on Human Flu Research and was a primary contractor for Walter Reed. Again, heart safety issues. Pretty fascinating, guys. Let's see here. George Webb has been talking about multifunction cardiogram technology developed by Heart Care Operation. Yes, it has. Send him a message. I think he should watch this program. This has been some good programs over the past couple of weeks between Peter Duke and George Webb. And I think they're just going to call their show right now What? Breaking the Narrative? Collapsing the Narrative? It's a pretty good name for a show. About heart issues. And Peter Duke has a dad who was a doctor and George Webb, I think, has a son. I mean, I have lots of nurses in the family, but I'm the least capable person of really providing deep insight on heart issues and using the right terms. All I can do is find the business relationships and go, well, that's an unlikely random person. I mean, I'm not going to do that. Well, that's an unlikely random coincidence. And they can make of it what they will. It'd be interesting to get their spin on it. Interested in what their spin on it would be. Hello, McDuff.

By the way, McDuff is going to host a rock star show tonight with Saint Nick and myself are going to be on 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time tonight. I am really, really, really looking forward to that. It's going to be a lot of fun. Hopefully, that's still on McDuff. Malone does get around. He is a very impactful business person. Very, very impactful. Why that is, I honestly don't know, but he has many, many tentacles. And it's definitely playing a role in trying to rescue the narrative, that's for sure. Hey, Christie, take care. Hey, Aaron, good to see you. I'd be interested in who in the government signed off on ICU's in the database of information.

I would be too, Aaron. You're going to want to go back to the beginning of this one, McDuff.

I'm only going to go on for another minute or so. I have a couple of things to take care of around the house and I need to do some prep for tonight. But that's just a weird statement. The government made its database of heart data available. First off, how did they even know that this company was out there? How did they know this company might have benefited from it? Why would you just offer it? What are the security implications of that? Who's heart data? Military heart data? Citizens? What was the profile? I'm a little uncomfortable with that data. I'm actually not a big, I don't fight too hard for data privacy. If someone wants to use my data, it'd be nice if I just knew about it, that's all. And if my data is being used for profit by someone, I would have a right to know. But anyways, I'm not even going to get into that whole issue. That's a whole rabbit hole. But yeah, who did that? That's just one of those statements. Like, wow, interesting. And the big bomb in there is that they knew, they weren't looking at it purely as, is the drug safe?

That was not how this technology was being used. That's the traditional way. Is the drug safe?

Are the tacos safe to eat at your restaurant? You don't go, hey, we want to have a tool to figure out if people are genetically predisposed to have heartburn eating at your restaurant. Are people predisposed to have heartburn eating or diuretics eating the tacos at your restaurant? No. Are the tacos safe? That's the traditional way. Now, the future of medicine may have this spin on it in the personalized medicine space. But the very fact that this whole thing of looking at heart data, looking at other genetic data, perhaps to determine if medicine is going to be safe, that really is personalized medicine. That's what that is. This is what Margaret Hamburg said on her very first day as the food and drug administrator for the Obama administration is that the future is personalized medicine. All roads, all the entire push of the FDA was going to be get to the new era of personalized medicine. And boom, here we are. Here we are. So, and, you know, I have no hard feelings about iCardiac technologies being involved in that at all. But it should be understood that what they were offering was more than just a general way of testing medicine, I believe. And this stuff kind of is suggested in their own paperwork about the future. Oh, yeah. By the way, I have to make another minute or two for this one here.

Okay. Sorry. I did lie. I did lie, I guess. I guess. Let's see here. Okay. So, I mean, I haven't done an exhaustive research on this particular topic yet. But this is a research paper from August 6th, 2020. Treatment with a Volan Uricin, something, something, something, antisense oligonucleotide targeting APOC 3 mRNA does not affect, you know, the QT interval in healthy volunteers. This is an example of, and you can actually see in the equipment that was used, iCardiac technologies. EKG laboratory iCardiac technologies incorporated with expertise in analysis and interpretation. Oops. I'm sorry. I'm not even putting it on the screen. Let me go back up to the top here. Treatment with this mRNA does not affect the QT interval in healthy volunteers. It's a test where the equipment that was used was this iCardiac technologies equipment. Now, remember, Sasha or Alexandra Latypova had left iCardiac technology. They sold it for a healthy profit, used it to buy a house in Lake Tahoe, and they sold it for a healthy profit. They sold it for a profit, used it to buy a house in Lake Tahoe, Napa Valley. But this is, so they're using this technology now to determine if the heart is impacted by the expression or the blocking of certain proteins from the body. In other words, that this concept of using heart monitoring to determine the impact of things which, determine the heart impact of things which can be causing the expression or blocking or whatever of certain proteins, this concept has been out there. I'm not just speculating about it. This has been looked at in 2020. I don't know how many other research papers are out there like this. I suspect because iCardiac technology is now part of Phillips Corporation that it is actually a lot more out there than we know about. Probably a lot. This is just like a two-minute search, but I think because of the buyout and rebranding and so on, we just don't know about it. So what's the analysis here? You can see the signs of the change in the way drugs were going to be trialed going back at least 15 years. Clearly one of their top concerns was the heart. Guess what? Pfizer, Moderna, rollouts, biggest problem, heart.

I did a quick poll with you guys. Do you think the companies were surprised? No, they weren't surprised. Here's a company that was going back to 2006, got technology that was already 10 years mature out of University of Rochester, immediately inked a deal with Pfizer Corporation. All the newspaper articles suggest that they knew the direction was going to be personalized medicine, not traditional drug trials, personalized medicine.

It was known a long time ago that that's where all roads were going to go to, and guess what? Here we are. If you look at iCardiac technologies or probably other companies in that heart safety consortium, that cardiac safety consortium, you will probably see other technologies have already been used to measure the impact of the heart based upon various nucleotide sequences or mRNA or DNA medicine, which has been in trial for a while right now.

I'm sure that there are other people such as perhaps George Webb, Peter Duke, Paul Cottrell. I don't watch his show, but I know that he's spoken a lot about this. Again, you watch the shows that you watch, and there's probably many more, maybe Kevin McCairn, I don't know, who can look at something like this and maybe build on it. Maybe it's all baloney.

I don't think so. I think it's kind of a big deal, and it shows a lot of foresight. And this is the deal. If there was foresight, if they're not surprised, then that means that we are already going down a path that has been wargamed. This has already been wargamed. Massive levels of heart attacks. They've already went through all the scenarios. They've already expected this. They already know where it's probably going to go. Maybe a few monkey wrenches have been thrown in. I think the whole, this talk about LabLeak was completely unexpected and has made things a lot more difficult than what they were expecting. But anyways, that all said, I have to scoot right now. Thank you for joining. I hope this was useful. Give it a thumbs up. I do, again, as always, appreciate all of the supporters of the channel, Patreon, etc. PayPal. A couple of people sent some Christmas cards. P.O. Box 505, Southboro, Massachusetts. Really do appreciate that. Looking forward tonight, 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, with the beautiful and amazing Saint Nick going over the dark history of HIV. Looking forward to it. Thank you, guys. Love you very much.