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Ep 179.4: Remdesivir / Plandemic timeline, 2015-2016. Was Ralph Baric set up w/ DEFUSE?

Good afternoon, everyone. It is Tuesday, November 15th, year 2022, uh, impromptu show here, episode 179.4 on, uh, the 179 series we are covering, uh, in, uh, we are reviewing in real time our analysis of a timeline which we are building out, a timeline which relates to the, uh, research of and approval of the product from Gilead called Remdesivir for people who are, uh, diagnosed with having SARS-CoV-2, uh, viral infection or dealing and or dealing with the symptoms of COVID-19.

Open that up here, and today, I have no idea how long this show will be, but the title of the show today, and I will open up chat in a little bit, is reviewing something called the Diffuse Proposal, something which was reviewed by an independent effort called DRASTIC, the DEFUSE Proposal, uh, something which was, uh, advocated for or constructed by EcoHealth Alliance.

So, if this is the first time you're watching this show, we are unapologetically a deep dive, research, analysis, data collection, and archival effort at Houstonic ITS, Houstonic River in Connecticut. My name is Mark Kulacz.

I worked for over 20 years in the data storage industry. Many of those years as a software engineer, I am a U.S. patent holder, uh, did a lot of work with device drivers, operating systems, etc. And my career eventually morphed into technical training, research, competitive intelligence, uh, and working my way up to a product marketing director and competitive intelligence analyst for companies like EMC Corporation, Data General, Dell, uh, Corporate Technologies, NetApp, uh, Datto Corporation, and Mercury Computer Systems. I, uh, used the techniques and the capabilities that I've acquired as a competitive intelligence analyst, uh, to, and have been applying that to topics related to major world issues. Uh, not all of them, of course. No one can do all of them. Uh, but it just so happens that this freaking pandemic has consumed a lot of them. And I started to do this several years ago, but, uh, dedicated, uh, effectively myself full time to it, starting about a little over three years ago. And by the way, this program is made possible by patrons such as these amazing people here. We do have a Patreon account. It's just Husatonic, H-O-U-S-A-T-O-N-I-C. And we have close to 120 people signed up for patronage. A few people have dropped recently. I understand because I'm not looking to win any awards as a party favorite. Um, if you want to do it, if you want to do analysis, if you want to do it right, you're going to have to break a few eggs in the process. Uh, but at the same time, you don't necessarily need to be, uh, the bull in the China shop. So I don't know, maybe that doesn't make any sense, but anyways. Yeah. So there's, there's the quick, the, uh, uh, the quick background and let me see here. Let me open up this link and I'm loving it.

And this is the document which we are going to, uh, uh, review. Um, so you can see here project DEFUSE, defusing the threat of bat borne coronaviruses. This was put together, including multiple organizations, but the lead organization is EcoHealth Alliance. You may have heard mentioned in us Congress over the last few years in particular, uh, when it comes to the hair pulling, uh, the acting out to the stage fights. Between Rand Paul, uh, the Senator from Kentucky, I believe. Right. And Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the NIAID or NIAID at National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases. The EcoHealth Alliance is a nonprofit with about, uh, you know, 10 to $25 million a year in revenue. And they are funded by United States government, intelligence agencies, health agencies, uh, non-government organizations, such as the, I believe the Bill and Melinda Gates organization would be probably a big sponsor. A few dollars coming from other countries and a research, uh, diseases, which are impacting animals, which can also impact people. Uh, they study things like anti microbial, uh, uh, uh, resistance to antibiotics. This concept that germs are going to get tougher and more violent because of the use of anti… widespread use of antibiotics. Uh, conceptually a good effort, a good effort to, uh, want to protect the animal health, ecological health and people health.

If there really was a threat and if the science really did work as some people say it does, we absolutely support it. And we would encourage you to support it as well. Problem isn't necessarily responding a certain way or having certain policies to certain threats. Question is, is are those threats even real in the first place? Uh, and if they aren't, then why are we even arguing about it? So, uh, because of the initial, uh, narrative that, uh, COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a, it was this virus happened to just occur naturally, uh, because of the interaction between animals with each other and people and animals and people pushing deeper and deeper into the forest. Bringing back certain animals, not cooking them properly, having bad sanitation and viruses just mutating and then leaping somehow or another from an animal to a person and then person to person, et cetera. Uh, that that's what caused this, um, uh, thing. That's the narrative and EcoHealth Alliance and the people who led EcoHealth Alliance were very much involved in that, uh, research or in that evangelism early on in the pandemic of, uh, late 2019, early year 2020.

And curiously, many people, uh, related to EcoHealth Alliance, um, were looking at the stuff before COVID, for years before COVID, matter of fact. And the, uh, the same institutes and some of the same institutes in the United States, which seem to be so prominent now in the news and seemingly, uh, feeling so they had the power to, uh, to control every aspect of people's lives because of this new threat. Or also institutes which provided funding to EcoHealth Alliance.

So a group called DRASTIC, drastic is the right way to describe it, but a loose, uh, uh, aggregation of people who didn't necessarily believe, uh, that this narrative was 100% accurate. Some varying degrees. Some people thought it might, some individuals thought it was maybe 95% true. Some people thought maybe it was 0% true. But they wanted things to be more truthful. Okay. And, uh, I know I'm not describing DRASTIC perfectly, but several, uh, individuals, maybe it was dozens, uh, started to work together to do some research, uh, and to provide this information to the public, uh, all at their own expense. Because apparently government agencies and the media weren't going to do that on their own. And that was the DRASTIC group. So, uh, we see the URL here, So I guess there was a WordPress site for drastic and, uh, drastic has, um, and this is, I always encourage people to do this, uh, collected and archived some of the data, uh, about what EcoHealth Alliance was up to, uh, to help better capture and maybe allow other people to analyze what EcoHealth Alliance was, uh, was up to. And, uh, this, uh, this document here focuses on something called the, uh, “Project DEFUSE, Defusing the Threat of Bat-Borne Corona Viruses”.

Now, in the title of this video, uh, I said, uh, was Ralph Baric set up? Was Ralph Baric a very, a senior, well, uh, highly visible virologist at the University of North Carolina? Um, Ralph Baric has been mentioned hundreds of times in US congressional testimony right now, uh, as being one of the people most involved in potentially, potentially projecting and maybe even, maybe even being part of the cause of this pandemic in the first place. He seemed to have a lot of inside knowledge. He seemed to be in a lot of the places years before this outbreak even started.

I myself have also been very skeptical and I must say slanderous of Ralph Baric because, uh, while we're all being told that this is a natural unexpected event, his name is all over research papers that go back years about new viruses leaping to people from bats and he's doing research in Wuhan where the outbreak happened. So I, as well as many other people have completely fallen into the trap of blaming Ralph Baric for a lot of our problems right now. Uh, let's see here. So I'm going to show the cover of, let's see if I can find it here. I actually want to show this cover here. Second, I should have had this available ahead of time. I can't find my Ralph Baric. I've done a video on Ralph Baric before, a whole video, and I, let's say I dressed up Ralph Baric a little bit. Okay. I put, uh, uh, and I put, uh, some sunglasses on him and I put a big, uh, a big bling, uh, dollar, uh, you know, diamond studded dollar, uh, pendant, uh, as a necklace and, uh, you know, just had some fun. Uh, because, uh, uh, certainly he wasn't being totally truthful either, um, and saying that it was just natural and, uh, this was in early 2020. It was clear he wasn't telling everything that he knew, right? Uh, but many people, so many people still just seem so supportive at that time in early 2020 of the fact that this threat, this, uh, this new virus just came from nature and had nothing to do with lab work. And even though he had been studying all of these coronaviruses, uh, it, it seemed as though, it seemed likely. Okay. It seemed likely that Baric was, uh, very much involved in, in the research, uh, that led to, that led to, whether it was accidental or not, um, the, uh, the outbreak of COVID-19.

Now I bring this up because I think I'm going to delete that video. If you want to run out, you find run out and find it right now and download it, feel free. All that you're going to find is me being, uh, like saying this guy obviously knew what was going to happen. And I'm going to delete it for these reasons. Okay. I'm going to delete it because I'm, I'm just so frustrated at that time that my belief was clearly this guy is part of making this whole thing happen. Um, and, um, and as, as time goes on, as I'm, and as I'm going to show by looking at this diffuse proposal here in particular, a few quick clear specific data points.

Well, I'm not going to say that Ralph Baric is an angel. Uh, I believe Ralph Baric has been set up as one of the fall guys for coronavirus for COVID-19. I'm going to repeat that. I believe Ralph Baric has been put into a situation to be set up as the fall guy for the, uh, for the potential creation of leak of intentional use of SARS-CoV-2, which led to the, uh, the COVID-19, uh, the pandemic. And I think I'm going to, I'm going to be standing by that position. So, uh, with that said, that's kind of the kickoff for, uh, the show and what we're going to do as part of that is we're going to quickly look at what the heck this diffuse proposal is and the timing of it. We're going to be looking at the early timeline, the Remdesivir timeline of the moments just before, months before President Trump was elected president in, uh, 2016. Uh, and then the few months, uh, that, that November, December, early January, just before Trump became president, he was inaug, he wasn't, uh, uh, inaugurated yet. Okay. Uh, he was still the president elect and then, uh, the year of 2016 afterward, 2017, which was the first year really of Trump's presidency, starting in January 20th of 2017.

I believe that by looking at that timeline, I propose, uh, my hypothesis, the better way of wording it is, is that if you look at that timeline, you will see Ralph Baric before the Trump presidency, still working on coronaviruses, still working with individuals in, uh, in, in Wuhan, I believe. Um, but you will see him never talking about Remdesivir. You will see Ralph Baric talking a lot about, uh, various types of therapies and monoclonal antibodies and even ZMapp previous to the Trump election. And then you will see afterwards Baric being pulled into a whole bunch of other meetings with people who seem to be really, really hot on using Remdesivir for a potential Ebola and coronavirus outbreaks in the future. And there's something about the way the information has been presented and it could have just been coincidental, might've even been intentional. Where, when I look at this DEFUSE proposal and when I look at the analysis of it, it feels like, again, it just could be coincidence or maybe it was even intentional that there's an attempt to embrace Ralph Baric as part of this thing and sort of carve off an entire network that's also very clearly showing signs of a, of premeditating a COVID-19 event. And, well, again, I don't know, I'm not saying Ralph Baric is an innocent person, but in his defense, it's unfair to suggest that he was a mastermind. It feels, and I think that this unfortunate interpretation that can be gathered from this DEFUSE proposal, I think shields or protects people who I'm going to continue and I'm going to grow more and more critical of.

Because not only does the pandemic itself have an air of premeditation to it, which is bad enough. There appears to have been an orchestrated effort to ensure that low risk available therapies or the most promising paratherapies for this were going to be excluded from access to them by Americans.

And there was, at the same time, an effort to promote some, in particular, Remdesivir, one of the most dangerous therapies.

And also, we're going to look at a product called ZMapp, a product which is a combination of three different monoclonal antibody technologies. And the more you look at ZMapp, and I've made a mistake of just not really thinking enough about it, you're going to see, I think there's a big backstory with respect to the espionage between China and the United States, as well as agencies within the United States. My goodness, we're already 25 minutes in and I just gave you a monologue of a show that I just conceptualized an hour ago.

Okay, so let me open up the chat, everybody. And I'm probably going to open up the chat, you know, the audio is not working, something like that. Let's make sure that volume is muted. And I will be playing a couple of videos during the show as well. All right, 57 people watching. I like it. Something that I didn't even promote. Let's see, so starting from the bottom, DJ, good to see you. These connections are just too much for me. Well, what we're going to do, DJ, is the connections are there if you want to dig into them. Okay, so it's important that we only discuss that when we're speculating things we say we're speculating. We're putting forward hypotheses which need to be tested, we say so, and that all the evidence that we use is as accurate as possible and totally sourced, and those sources are archived. At some point, all of these details and all these names and all these connections need to be simplified to something that someone can ingest and, you know, however you hear that word phrase, elevator bitch, it needs to be easy to digest and easy to repeat and easy to repeat without mischaracterizing it. Now, if I could just open up an email or a document that had the simple synopsis already done and ready to go, oh, that would be great. But I don't. That synopsis is effectively, how would you say it, it is the polished diamond. It is the enriched uranium. The polished diamond does not already exist. There are, there's the carbon crystals. There is the raw diamond rocks out there, unpolished, uncut, buried under the earth. There's lots of gold that is distributed in small amounts over large areas that some people don't know about. There's the raw materials. At some point, we need to, you need to finish product, but hopefully, I know my program is not for everyone because we are not just looking at the finished product. We are actually part of doing the digging, doing the mining, doing the cutting and the polishing and everything else, trying to figure out, okay, what are we going to make out of all this stuff, right? And that's just not for everyone. And that's cool. I'm okay with that. Someone's got to do it, though.

You know, there's a lot of very hardworking people out there that are doing other things and they have great interviews and good guests and they're entertaining. But, you know, this is, you know, this type of work doesn't really necessarily well easily transition or convert into a show. So you, almost every one of you in the chat here, your rare birds, embrace it, right? And, you know, some people need to get into all of the details, but at the same time, I know that it is impossible and, well, and just, it's just implausible to pass all that information on from person to person to person. So, hopefully, our goal is at the end of our shows to know how to reduce it and make it something that can be passed on. You know, the simple story here, if you want to get into a simple story without even getting into names.

Yes, it does appear as though it's obviously a lab, a lab agent was used. I believe it was not an accidental release. I believe that the quantity of material which would have been necessary to cause the chaos and havoc that it did in Wuhan was not a lab leak. It was not, as Jeffrey Sachs says, a lab leak. It was not someone tracking something out on their shoes. It was not an oopsie. It was not from nature. It was an act of warfare. It was a biological warfare attack. And there are several people who are very much involved in that. And they had a list of things which they hope to achieve. There are several people who are being set up as fall guys for that event. And I think that there is a very large effort on all sides of the political aisle, including mainstream and alternative media, to keep this narrative under control.

This is not a popular narrative. It probably does not look very good at all for my nation, my homeland, where my family lives and where my generations of my relatives will continue to live. It does not look very good for us. Sorry to say. Hey, John G. Oh, good, good. I'm glad you like it so far. I'm glad you like the 179 series so far. We're putting a lot of data out there. And anyways, I really do appreciate the super chat. So what we are getting into here is we're actually having to admit a lot of our own mistakes as well. OK, I think I've been I've been quite wrong on on on Ralph Baric. But that's the that's the high level story here.

And not only are the details that this does this research show that the US or agencies and non-government agencies, global agencies working with the United States or some of these parties in the United States look bad. But I also think that if as we really get into the details, if we really assess what the heck happened in Wuhan and why what happened in Wuhan didn't spread in a way within China or even internationally, the way which the movies told us things were going to spread. In there, buried within there is an understanding of what is I suspect what's really going on with viruses, what what they are and what they are not. And again, there's so much money and there's so much that the the real arms race of the world right now is genetics is hiding behind a cloud of what viruses are. What viruses are and what viruses are not and pandemics, et cetera, et cetera. So that is like a quick way to be able to review this without even getting into any of the names and the connections and so on.

Right. Let's see here. End of days profit. We're in the third season. You're actually in the fourth season and the days. This is actually the fourth I three full years. Do I have that right? Three full years finished because we did. I left my job full time job in 2019. Coincidentally, and if you wanted to actually think of this in a skeptical way, I would understand that it was in the summer of 2019. So that means you went to the summer of 2020. That's one year, 21, two years, 22, three years. We are actually starting our fourth year. I was in college for four and a half years, give or take. So it's kind of weird to think that this is all I'm, you know, closing in on a stretch of time, which is almost starting to rival the amount of time I spent in college. That's a very that's weird way of looking at it. But OK. Oh my gosh, there's no way I can keep up with all these chats. Hey, Simon Phoenix, good to see you. I have not checked any of my discord messages, so I apologize for that. Michael Morehead. Oh, thank you for appreciating the show. You drive a tractor trailer 12 hours a day. Awesome. Awesome, Michael. What kind of cab you have, Michael? I have to admit, if you if you if anyone were to look at my view history on YouTube, which I make public, maybe I shouldn't. But I do. You will find, you know, top fuel dragsters. You'll find tours of of long, long range rigs with not like just a sleeper cab, but I mean like the the the five star sleeper cabs, you'll see, you know, concrete. A lot of the videos I watch are not even on YouTube right now for research purposes. Anyways, I do a lot of C-SPAN stuff and I find things in other channels. So let me know what type of cab you got on that on that truck, Michael. I'm always curious. The jab is the bio weapon, T. Jordan says. T. Jordan may be right. We know no one disputes that the jab does something. It causes a trap. Now, there's actually more and more dispute right now as to how this jab works.

There there's more voices who are worried about the the the total structure of mRNA therapies, the the lipid nanoparticles, which are used to encapsulate the RNA. Can they themselves cause harm to the body or is it the is it the proteins which are expressed or is it the fact that the the mRNA is designed to target some ethnic groups and not others? Some have said that one of the have speculated that one of the reasons why China did not have COVID that bad is because China engineered the virus or engineered the other therapies in a way where the proteins expressed by the the population of people which would be considered Chinese, mainland China, their their their body's chemistry. They're at they epigenetically do not produce the spike proteins exactly the same as other people. Hence that sign. That's a sign that maybe it's a Chinese or Chinese was involved in engineering this biological weapon. That is an interesting hypothesis. Okay. I'm getting a little bit off the track here, but I have to just meant follow up on that. And and here's the data that just proves that and I don't have it in front of me, but you can look this up. The population of of Chinese people, ethnically Chinese in the state of California experienced a mortality rate from COVID-19, and we know that a whole bunch of things were thrown into the pot there. It's not, you know, symptomatically being diagnosed with COVID-19 doesn't mean you have the virus, but just bear with me. Okay. The mortality rate of that population in California was not that much different than other ethnicities within the state of California, including Latino, Caucasian, mixed race, etc. So if there was an engineered bio weapon that targeted some races and not others, if the race that was supposedly not to be targeted because it was tuned for their, their, their, their genetics were, were to be Chinese, the data within the United States suggests that that just didn't happen here.

So if the rate of mortality in China was so low. One, the explanation for that would not be that this virus, whatever the virus was, was designed to not impact people of Chinese ancestry. That hypothesis is just not true. In that case, there is some evidence that there are some lineages of people with Jewish ancestry who are impacted less. I haven't looked into that. I've heard those claims. That's Ashkenazi Jews, which are not really a big population worldwide. Maybe true. I don't know. I don't know. I just haven't looked at that, that angle.

Oh boy, I see a lot of great, a lot of great chat in here, but I have to, I have to follow up on this. All right. Okay. Oh, you didn't send me a message. Okay. Simon. Okay. Good.

All right. So let's look at the date of this DEFUSE proposal. Okay. And I'm going to upset some people with this. I know. So the, so this PDF, by the way, is not just the DEFUSE proposal. This is a collection of documents related to the DEFUSE proposal, which was assembled by the DRASTIC group. So we see there's the code there. Lead organization, EcoHealth Alliance. I'm just checking because I want to see if I can get a description of, oh, Michael, it's got a day cab. Company pays for hotel fees. Oh yeah. Oh my goodness. So if you don't have a sleeper, thank goodness you're getting a hotel. Thank goodness. Thanks for sharing that, Michael. And so cool. I have a trucker listening. So cool. I love that. I have a few in my family that moved out to Oregon. I've lost track of them.

All right. So DARPA PREEMPT also on this proposal. Lead organization, EcoHealth Alliance. Also involved, Duke, Duke Medical School, University of North Carolina or UNC, Wuhan Institute of Virology, USGS, that's the United States Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center, and the Palo Alto Research Center. “Project DEFUSE, Defusing the Threat of Bat-Borne Coronaviruses”. Principal Investigator, Technical Point of Contact is Peter Daszak.

You can say Daszak if you want. He has said in an interview that the appropriate Ukrainian way to be able to say the name is Daszak. EcoHealth Alliance, New York City, et cetera, et cetera. So places and periods of performance looks like December 1st of 2018 is when this grant started. This proposal, $14 million, date proposal submitted was March 27th of 2018, so that is about a year and a half. And you don't do a grant proposal in an hour, meaning that it probably took weeks or months to write this grant proposal. That means that the authoring, the conceptualization of this grant proposal was probably sometime in 2017. The conceptualization of this grant proposal, therefore, was probably sometime after the start of the Trump presidency on January 20th of 2017.

That's important, right? That is when they rented out a conference room or they had some meetings and they met up at Starbucks, who the hell knows, and started to conceptualize this because it does take quite a while to write such a big proposal. We'll look at some dates in here. So these are things which were as part of one of the documents which were included from EcoHealth Alliance, March 24th, 2018. It says, Dear Committee for DARPA, Preventing Immersion Pathogenic Threats PREEMPT. Please accept the following proposal. Okay, so he is talking about DARPA here. That's interesting. That's immediately interesting. Now, the version that's available online is a scanned PDF, which means that it's actually not searchable by text. Kind of a bummer. I actually did download a copy and run a PDF, I should say, an OCR, optical character recognition on it. Let's see here, one. So, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. How many times does DARPA show up in this document? Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. Thirteen times DARPA shows up.

Now, DARPA as an acronym, it might sometimes be written out as the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, but I see 13 mentions of DARPA, but also I only see one mention of DTRA in this 57-page document or 75-page document. Huh, why is that? How is it that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, an agency that is within the United States Department of Defense, an agency which is best understood by looking at this image here, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency was created in the late 1990s. It's a matrix organization that exists within the United States Department of Defense that, although they are the Pentagon, they see themselves as sort of the communication network of high-level secrets of highly classified information. Information about energy reserves, information about the development of biological warfare agents, or information about where the nukes are, stuff like that. Big, big, big secrets. And they are in the middle of the Pentagon. Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, and so on and so forth. They are the glue. So as an organization, which is the glue, they kind of are the Pentagon, but they're kind of not the Pentagon.

Now, they have researchers, they have projects that they fund, and they have a budget which I do not think is as big as DARPA's. But boy, they are in all the wrong places at all the wrong time, or the right places at the right time, depending on how you look at it. They had a conference talking about the possibility of a biological warfare attack in a major U.S. metropolitan center, such as New York City, which would use anthrax or smallpox only the week before September 11, 2001. Things like that, right? You'll find the DTRA involved in that. You'll find the Defense Threat Reduction Agency really active in funding biological research and other biological threat collection activities in nations like Ukraine.

You'll find the Defense Threat Reduction Agency was inspired by a program run in the United States called the Noon Luger Program, which is part of the denuclearization of the planet, but in particular Russia. And that was, of course, inspired by a fellow named Dr. David Hamburg, who was a very American president of the Carnegie Institute and really close with a lot of the New Age Russian leadership, Gorbachev, etc. So why is it that this DEFUSE proposal has all these mentions of DARPA, lots of DARPA talk, but very little DTRA? It could just be a coincidence, but a lot of EcoHealth Alliance funding has come from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. But for some reason, in this DEFUSE proposal, we don't see so much of it. I want to highlight this, because it is sort of suggestive of a narrative.

This could be further evidence of this narrative, that there is major divisions within the United States government right now. There are major fights over power. And one of those divisions, and it's not a clean, like everyone on this side is fighting for this team and everyone on that side is fighting for that team. It's not really that clean. But one of those is the old military versus the new military.

You could also see that as the Pentagon versus the Department of Homeland Security. And the Department of Homeland Security has pretty tight relationships with the health institutes and other intelligence agencies and the State Department. So DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, which is funding some freaking scary things like robot dogs with machine guns on them that can just walk up to people and go, you know, you're breaking the law and start shooting. They're funding some scary stuff. OK, so I'm not like, yay DARPA. But DARPA is really a Pentagon agency. And DARPA is trying to, has been investing and researching genetics, vaccines, et cetera, biological surveillance. And they are effectively in competition for subject matter expertise with agencies within the National Health Institutes and the Department of Homeland Security.

Now, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, although they are in the Pentagon, they have a very odd way of showing allegiance to the Pentagon. There's a lot of times where they won't actually share with the Pentagon what they're up to. Now, there is an abundance of corruption within the Pentagon, a lot of corrupt generals. The United States has been involved in a lot of wars which make absolutely no sense whatsoever, which have killed people in other countries and have killed Americans also, left a lot of kids without parents. So, again, not saying that the U.S. Pentagon is full of angels here, but at the same time, not saying the other agencies are either. So the Defense Threat Reduction Agency is, in a way, a competitor of DARPA. Not because the Defense Threat Reduction Agency has all the facilities of DAS DARPA or as many dollars to spend, but their allegiances with other research agencies within the United States government, effectively, if they were seen as sort of a funnel or a way to exfiltrate technology within the Pentagon to some of these other agencies, sort of makes them competitive with DARPA.

So oftentimes, you will see, you know, when we're talking about COVID-19, all the focus put on DARPA. But if you look at the history, the history shows that there was a lot of research done in other agencies as well. And I know that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency has a much more effective connection with U.S. media and a lot of, how would you say, politicians who get a lot of airplay.

That's one of the first things that I've noticed right now about this DEFUSE proposal, a DEFUSE proposal which was only conceptualized after the start of the Trump presidency on January 20th of 2017. And it was actually put into writing during the year 2017, submitted in early 2018, and then approved in the middle of 2018. For a total amount of $14 million. Now, I would love it if $14 million appeared in my checking account, and I think most of you guys would too. But in the terms of the U.S. government dollars, $14 million is like finding a quarter in the couch. You can't even buy a gumball anymore with it as a civilian. It's not a lot of money. It's enough for the average person to go, wow, $14 million, think of how that would change my life. But in the U.S. government terms, it's really not that much money.

So, of course, this talks about what we got back, coronaviruses, viruses leaping around between animals and the study of these things, et cetera, et cetera. And the very first names we put up there in this are Professor Baric, University of North Carolina, Professor Wang of Duke, Dr. Shi of Wuhan, and so on.

And these are the doctors. These are the scientists which are described in this DEFUSE proposal, which is highlighted by DRASTIC, as all you need to know, a big part of the corruption, right? And Baric is right at the top of the list. Number one, number one bad guy, Baric. Maybe he's number two bad guy behind Peter Daszak, but Baric is high on the list. You need to know that. You need to know how bad Baric is. I've done shows trashing Baric. You know, why wouldn't I?

You know, we couldn't even get to the point a couple years ago of getting enough people to see that this was possibly not a natural virus. And Baric was up there, you know, totally holding the line. And you see his signature and all of the other the same documents that the other as the other people who are defending the zoonotic narrative. You saw that he was doing work on all these coronaviruses, studying these coronaviruses. It just seemed like not a very risque statement to suggest that Baric was somehow involved in this. But that's it.

And through here, you're not going to see a whole lot more discussion about Ralph of other people aside from Baric, Wang, and then people at the EcoHealth Alliance. Now, on the other hand. All right. Whoops, I did a typo there.

On the other hand, there are documents which involve Ralph Baric and a whole lot of other names. OK, so here's a document or here's a research paper that was published on October 4th, 2017, meaning that the work started again, probably right after the start of the Trump presidency or just right around early 2017. Broad Spectrum Investigational Agent GS5734, and that's Remdesivir, for the treatment of Ebola, MERS, coronavirus, and other pathogenic viral infections with high outbreak potential. A lot of big names on there, including Emmie de Wit.

Emmie de Wit is the very first person in the world, possibly still one of the only people to photograph using electron microscopy a SARS-CoV-2 virus. And she took that snapshot in early 2020. That's the famous photo, colorized, of course. And here she is three years before, would you believe it, working on a document about using Remdesivir for coronaviruses. Who else do we have on here? We have, we do have, of course, Ralph Baric is on this paper, but he's sort of towards the end.

Now, alarmingly, most alarmingly, this name here is also on this paper, Sina Bavari. Now, I was wrong in saying Sina Bavari was with the United States, was running Fort Detrick, or at Fort Detrick, USAMRIID, for 20 years. He was actually at USAMRIID for 28 years. And for 15 years, I believe, until the date that he left in September of 2019, Sina Bavari was the scientific director of USAMRIID. That's a big good job. That is a very, very big job.

Now, USAMRIID works for the United States Pentagon. They are Department of Defense. But I highlight, I have to highlight Bavari here because Sina Bavari got into some trouble. All right. And let me show you what that is all about. Now, unfortunately, there's no Wikipedia page on Bavari. So my archive is one of the only ones you're going to find out there on Sina Bavari. Now, let's see if we can find that research here. Really, really important paper.

So in August of 2016, this is, what, two months before the election, the United States Army says the science director, the science director of USAMRIID was creating an environment of fear at USAMRIID. And let's read this a little bit, okay? A controversial leader is creating a culture of fear and is stifling cutting-edge research at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, USAMRIID, according to a newly released Army report. The Army's investigating officer urged that the leader, science director Sina Bavari, be removed from USAMRIID and reassigned to a job without supervisory duties.

Wow. I'm telling you what, something big is happening for an investigating officer to make a claim like that about a longtime director of USAMRIID. Bavari continues in the position, however, and there's no evidence the Institute has acted on those recommendations. At USAMRIID, Sina Bavari oversees the majority of the Fort Detrick institutes research departments, including staff members who work on immunology, genomics, bacteriology, and virology. The Army found in a 2015 investigation that since Sina Bavari took that position in 2014, he has created an environment of fear at the prestigious lab. Okay, so maybe he wasn't scientific director for 15 years. I know that he was running the anthrax research for a long time.

Okay, so he got moved up to science director only in 2014, five years before he left. So I apologize for that, Miss Lee. Either way, he was there for a total of 29 years. Now, I want to go forward a little bit here. The hot potato stuff, okay? So the transformational leader is – this is a long article, but there is a specific part that we have to read here, which brings it into why we're highlighting this, okay? Here we go, questions of support, this section here. The Army investigator determined that Sina Bavari uses his power and authority to limit researchers from submitting grant proposals and getting funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a Department of Defense agency that is a major USAMRIID funder. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency declined to comment. Agency spokesman Ron Lova said it would be inappropriate for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to comment on a USAMRIID matter or employee. Sina Bavari opted to submit a limited number of proposals to the agency, which were subject to his approval, instead of allowing researchers to submit their own proposals. This may have kept researchers from securing funding to support their own staff and goals, according to the Army report and Sina Bavari's response to the Army investigation. He argued that his approach eliminated a process that created internal competition and replaced it with team collaboration.

Quote, to ensure that the collective wisdom of USAMRIID's outstanding scientists are fully applied to solutions for the warfighter, I am slowly changing the way in which we work with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency or DTRA, Sina Bavari said.

So I bring this up because one of the main problems with Sina Bavari at USAMRIID was he was getting very much entangled, protective, and controlling of USAMRIID's relationship with this Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the DTRA. Sina Bavari was manipulating, controlling, protecting contracts, relationships, communications between USAMRIID and DTRA. USAMRIID gets a lot of funding from DARPA also. So why is he doing this? And why is it that when we look at the DEFUSE proposal, we see 13 references to DARPA, DARPA, DARPA, DARPA, and only one incidental mention of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, even though the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, at least up until 2016, gave far more money and contracts to EcoHealth Alliance than DARPA did? Seems like there's a little bit of a U-turn here, suddenly, with this particular effort. Hmm. Also, there's no mention of anyone else other than Ralph Baric in here, yet we see equally interesting and damning documents about coronavirus research, in particular coronavirus research, which is going to be using Remdesivir, with a whole bunch of other people, including the science director of USAMRIID, Sina Bavari. The same science director who has a whole bunch of conflicts of interest and a questionable relationship now with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Now, also on this list, we see Heinrich Feldmann or Heinz Feldmann, a German. Now, remember Sina Bavari is an Iranian. He might have gathered US citizenship. He came to the United States at 17 or 18 years old and is running USAMRIID. Is that an immigrant success story or something else going on here? That's a pretty high profile role. Now, Heinz Feldmann is a German who is running something called the RML, the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, which is in reality the first United States bioweapons research facility. They were created in the early 1920s out in Montana. They did a lot of research with tick-borne illnesses, coincidentally. And they report the Rocky Mountain Laboratory is part of NIAID. They report into Anthony Fauci. And also on here we have Heinrich Feldmann's wife, Friederike Feldmann. Oh, oh, and curiously enough, Emmie de Wit, who is a Dutch woman, reports to Heinz Feldmann. And she also obviously works in the Rocky Mountain Laboratory. And then we also have someone who's done a lot of work with Sina Bavari, Veronica Solovina. Now, I don't know where she's from. I don't think she's US born, but she has now become a senior vice president within Merck Corporation.

Oh, boy. And then, of course, we have Ralph Baric's boss, Mark Denison, Thomas Schiller, who is one of the co-inventors of Remdesivir. A lot of people with a lot of interest in Remdesivir, using Remdesivir, with coronaviruses. But when it comes to this DEFUSE project, we only see Ralph Baric. We basically see almost no mention of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency or any of these other researchers. Now, Baric is a coronavirus researcher, coronavirus gain-of-function research guy. So just because the other people were looking at GS5734, Remdesivir, perhaps it's justifiable that only Baric is mentioned here.

But there's another thing that comes out in this document here, in these collections of documents regarding DEFUSE, and collections of documents which demonstrate the suspicion that we should have for Ralph Baric. And those documents include, I'm scrolling down a little bit here, a few white papers that Ralph Baric and other people found their names on. And let me see, I'm closing in on the end here, so we're just about to find it, and obviously you're not meant to be reading it at this speed here.

Okay, so here's one. Now, this is a document that was published, it was really written in 2015, and it was published on January 6, 2016. It actually was received for review on September 4, 2015, so it was important. It was received for review before the 2016 election, which Trump won. And the title of this research paper is SARS-like, WIV, that's the Wuhan Institute of Virology Poised for Human Emergence. So, this is a very suspicious sounding research paper, okay, talking about coronaviruses, talking about bat source coronaviruses, SARS-like coronaviruses from bats, being poised to leap to people, Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Again, sorry Ralph Baric, you know, I made the mistake of maybe going a little bit too hard on the paint with you, but this still looks pretty, you obviously had some inside knowledge of weird stuff that was going to happen. So, but while this paper shows potential knowledge of the future from Ralph Baric, okay, I highlight it because this document, in addition to just talking about the potential emergence of a bat source coronavirus and doing some of the research in China involving the Wuhan Institute of Virology, this paper gets into therapeutics against emergence, therapeutics against WIV(Wuhan Institute of Virology)-1 emergence. And we'll read it. Having established a potential threat based on replication in primary human cells and preference for the human ACE2 receptor in vivo, we next sought to determine if monoclonal antibody therapies could be used to lessen disease similar to ZMapp for Ebola.

All right, hold the phone right there. What is ZMapp? ZMapp is a cocktail of three different monoclonal antibodies, which was developed in Canada at the National Microbiology Laboratory, the NML, by a Dr. Gary Kobinger and by a Dr. Guanggao Qiao. Gary Kobinger is still, I don't know if he's still there, but he is, he's still alive, he's still active. And Guanggao Qiao is a female Chinese scientist who was at the Canadian Institute, and I can pull up a picture of her, for nearly 20 years. She was removed from the Institute, the National Microbiology Laboratory, in early June of 2019, because she was accused of, or suspected of, she's actually arrested and has not been seen since, I don't know if she's still alive or not. She was suspected of smuggling secrets and Ebola samples to China, working as a Chinese spy. Now, she might have been working as a Chinese spy, and she might very well have provided materials, samples, viruses to China, to the Chinese government, to the Chinese Communist Party. She might have. I don't see clear evidence of that, or I haven't seen evidence because there's never really been a trial.

What I do know is that the other scientists who history is showing are some of the good guys, like Dr. Francis Plummer spoke very highly of Dr. Guanggao Qiao. As the inventor of ZMapp, ZMapp got a lot of visibility, and actually I'm going to play a couple of video or two on it, because it was used as a therapy for people who were struck with Ebola in 2014 and 2015. In fact, although it wasn't 100% successful, it actually gained some fame and visibility as being a therapy which could save someone's life even if they were infected with Ebola, whatever Ebola is or isn't. Okay, let's just again stick with the narrative. Ebola is this horrible virus that just breaks out every once in a while because of bushmeat or something like that in less developed areas. But a therapy that works against Ebola, wow, that's good. That's pretty powerful. That is pretty powerful. And she goes missing, or she gets arrested, I should say, by the Canadian police and never seen again in June of 2019, only a few months before the COVID-19 pandemic starts. Now, her arrest is not necessarily said to be related to ZMapp. It's said because she was sending Ebola samples to China.

First off, if you are smart enough to be working for the Chinese Communist Party as a spy for 20 years, all of a sudden you're going to start using FedEx to send Ebola to China? Come on. All right, if you are a super spy, I'm sure that you have connections and ways to be able to send around suspicious, dangerous packages without it being caught. So she went into the front door, she basically even said what it was, and she had done this before, and then suddenly it's a crime. It just doesn't—that doesn't add up. Sounds like something else was going on that led to her arrest.

And the more you dig into it, and if you look at USAMRIID shutdown in 2019, it seems as though one of the things that might have led to her arrest is the possibility that she might have been able to highlight that this ZMapp monoclonal antibody treatment was pretty effective against things like Ebola and might have also been effective against things like coronaviruses, emerging coronaviruses, again, whatever the heck they are. You know who else said that ZMapp might work well—has worked well against Ebola and might work well against an emerging coronavirus? Ralph Baric.

So let's go down the list of people that think that ZMapp might work well for emerging coronaviruses. One is a Chinese woman, is the inventor, our co-inventor of ZMapp, who was arrested in June of 2019 and never seen again. I suspect she's dead. Probably fell off a parking garage, just like Dr. Quan Teh Jeng. Another person is Ralph Baric. Ralph Baric, who is now being demonized by the left, by the right, and by the independent media, and by the researchers involved in DRASTIC, who are reviewing here the DEFUSE proposal. Another person that might have suspected that ZMapp would be good against this strange new emerging coronavirus would have been Dr. Guanggao Qiao's longtime peer and someone that spoke very highly of her, and that was Canada's number one HIV researcher, and I think one of the best scientists out there, Dr. Francis Plummer, who died on February 4, 2020, in Kenya, of sudden unexpected reasons.

You see there's a little bit of a trend starting here, and Ralph Baric, before the Trump presidency, never mentioned GS5734, never mentioned Remdesivir. And then after the Trump presidency, okay, after the Trump presidency, he's getting pulled in with a bunch of other people. A bunch of other people, none of them have died, who are pushing for Remdesivir for potential future coronaviruses. Not to mention, a lot of these people are associated directly or indirectly with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the DTRA. There's a lot of names on here that are DTRA people. Yet, this DEFUSE proposal and the collection of documents associated with it has 13 mentions of DARPA and only one, and I think it was an accidental inclusion, of a mention of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Now, the timeline shows, if you look at the timeline of Remdesivir, there is a manic push to quiet everything else which would have been helpful against whatever the injuries were and illnesses were related to COVID-19. And I think several things were being identified as COVID-19. Some people just had the flu. Some people might have had a bacterial infection within their lungs. Some people might have had a vaping injury. Some people might have been exposed to an aerosolized agent which caused a transfection in their lungs or in their gut. Some people might be exposed to shedding. There's a whole list of things. I don't believe there's any one thing.

But, boy, was there a big push to get Remdesivir on there. And we've seen that Sina Bavari, this guy here, the science director, who had this inappropriate relationship with who? The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the DTRA. His very last research paper, matter of fact, was co-authored with a Dr. Allison Totura, who was the very last postdoc student of, guess who, Ralph Baric. And in that research paper, it was called “Antiviral Drug Discovery for Novel Coronaviruses”, where Sina Bavari, in early 2019, had the ability to project that GS5734 Remdesivir, something which has never really worked with anything before, would probably be, of all of the drugs ever discovered and researched, the most likely thing to help against a bat-sourced novel coronavirus, which could emerge in the future. How about that?

And then Sina Bavari goes on to create his own consulting firm in October of 2019, which then, in turn, he becomes a top consultant for Gilead to promote Remdesivir. How many people has Remdesivir killed? I'll bet you Remdesivir has actually killed more people than any SARS-CoV-2 virus has. It feels like this is an attempt, the DEFUSE proposal and the research of it. If you look at the timing of the DEFUSE proposal, if you look at the papers which are included with assessing the DEFUSE proposal, it feels like it's an attempt to carve off a couple of people and to protect the effort to promote Remdesivir, to protect the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, to throw shade specifically at DARPA. That's the way it looks to me. It also looks like it's an attempt to get people to not be thinking about ZMapp.

China had actually managed to find a way to get some of the recipe for ZMapp as far back as 2015. And then you look at the people within the US government that were speaking out against ZMapp, like Dr. Robin Robinson, who was the head of BARDA before Rick Bright. You see Rick Bright throwing shade at ZMapp. You see a lot of people saying, well, you know, it's interesting stuff, but it's not proven, it may not really work, etc. Some of the ZMapp technology actually wound up then being included in Regeneron's product, Regeneron's monoclonal antibody product. So it actually found a way to get back. And if not for President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, there never would have been any funding for any monoclonal antibody at all. As a matter of fact, if you look at the timeline, it almost looks as if Rick Bright needed to be removed forcibly from the leadership of BARDA, for there to be any opportunity for the lead organization for developing therapeutics for emergencies like this to give money for any monoclonal antibody or consider anything other than Remdesivir.

I'm going to look at this timeline here again, and I think we're closing in an hour and 20 minutes, and I'm going to answer a few questions. I haven't looked at the chat. This is the first time I'm actually really talking through this. Let's see, I want to go to the two-dimensional view here. This timeline here, this is really, really an interesting set of dates here, guys. And if you're driving, of course, you won't be able to look at it right now. So the Trump wins the presidency on November 7, 2016. Next week, Rick Bright is then asked to replace Robin Robinson as the director of BARDA. Then during December of 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act, which had been already written a year ago, suddenly there was a fire under everyone's butt in Congress to button it up, sign it, and then have President Obama approve it. And it became in the law December 15, 2016, and that included new flexibility and new capabilities for the Food and Drug Administration to approve certain medicines in times of emergency.

We see that on January 10, 2017, at an event at Georgetown University, Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID says that the next administration will most certainly have a surprise pandemic. The week afterwards, in Davos, the World Economic Forum announces that they will be working to fund CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness. CEPI's first director was going to be Jeremy Farrar, who I still need to research, but guess which names were mentioned in the initial kickoff of CEPI? Of Georgetown, and Rick Bright, the new director of BARDA. Rick Bright, the person who seemed to be on a warpath to ensure that it was going to be Remdesivir all the way for coronavirus, even made things difficult for monoclonal antibodies.

And CEPI's launched officially the day before the Trump presidency begins. And then after this, a whole bunch of other things start happening in 2017, such as starting to sketch together the ideas for the DEFUSE proposal, which of course is going to blame everything on EcoHealth Alliance and DARPA. And there's a big push for now, white papers and research that suggests GS5734 Remdesivir is going to work for future coronaviruses.

See where this goes? I think Ralph Baric is being set up. Oh, you know who else is thrown in this? So two more data points here. Remember Michael Callahan? Michael Callahan, the CIA guy that Robert Malone was told not to trust. Michael Callahan, who came back from China saying that Fomotadine is showing some potential to work. You know who sank those trials? You know who was demoted from head of BARDA for saying Fomotadine wouldn't work? That's right. It was Rick Bright.

And you know which agency? That Michael Callahan represents? DARPA. Again, you have DTRA allegiances trying to steer everything towards Remdesivir, while other agencies were trying to steer things away from Remdesivir. And on the topic of Sina Bavari, while we have his name up here. I don't know if people remember this part here. But if you look at just before August 13th of 2016 article, guess what was published on LinkedIn? A LinkedIn article by Jill Glasspool Malone, wife of Robert Malone, called “Zika virus accelerating development of medical countermeasures by repurposing licensed drugs”. And you know what names? Robert Malone was listed as working with Sina Bavari and Veronica Solovina. Soloviva, excuse me. And remember, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency specifically asked in the year 2014, Link Therapeutics of Iowa to bring Robert Malone on board to be the person to essentially broker the Ebola vaccine, which was owned at that time, by Link Therapeutics. They had purchased it from Canada, developed by Francis Plummer, and make that available to Merck Corporation. Robert Malone is also a DTRA guy.

Long story short. Oh, and the person who told them not to trust Michael Callahan of DARPA is Dr. David Hohn, longtime employee of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency also and head of their vaccine research. You see, you have to see the interagency battles. I don't know who the good people or the bad people are here. I have no idea.

But you have to see the interagency battles. You can't just look at it as government versus the people or, you know, white hats, black hats, etc. There's so much money and there's so much power at stake here. And the interagency battles are really where it's at. And I am so angry at how Remdesivir has been used that I do admit I do have a bias against the push for Remdesivir. But I'm not going to apologize for that because it really has been used in a very, very bad way.

So that's kind of the show, everyone. Let me do questions for a little bit here. And I know I missed a lot of things. And if I miss super chats, I'm sorry again. Denise, how you doing? What did RT3 say? The Solar Spoon was actually the elitist oligarch secret to protect their offspring from bacteria. Interesting. I could see that. I'm rooting for the Al Capone faction. You know, it's just it's Team A versus Team B, right? You can't get caught up in taking it personally. I understand. And I'll tell you what, if it wasn't for this competition, things might actually be a lot worse. Sometimes the corruption, the internal corruption actually controls the problem. This was spectacular. Oh, thank you. It happens.

I'm sure that there's a way that we can review this and have it be more straightforward. But I was asked to look at the DEFUSE proposal. I haven't really looked at it before. But looking at it, I already knew that EcoHealth Alliance was in all the wrong places. But I was curious what it didn't mention. And if I could have predicted what it didn't mention before I researched it, I would have been right. They weren't going to talk about DTRA. They were going to overemphasize DARPA. They were going to talk about Ralph Baric. They weren't going to talk about Sina Bavari. They were not going to get into the Remdesivir versus ZMapp stuff.

We would have been right 100% on all of those things because of the other research that we've done. Remdesivir survivors. Thank you. Marie just shared an email address. Me at Follow up Marie on that if you have questions. Contacting her. Get in touch with me. Thank you, Marie. Thank you, RT3. Yeah, I should listen to it again myself.

Again, this is my first time just talking through it. It shouldn't have taken an hour and a half, but it did. Sorry about that. Hey, JC. How you doing? We live in a mad magazine. I used to love mad magazine. DARPA's man in Wuhan. Correct. John G. nails it. DARPA's man in Wuhan. Again, DARPA's man. Why not DTRA's guy? DTRA guy in Frederickville. If it wasn't for the fact that DTRA is connected with so much control over the media, I wouldn't have to be almost defending DARPA.

Holy crap. Oh, and by the way, on that note, did you notice how, recall how Joe Biden, President Joe Biden, Joseph Biden, has created a new, was it like a health advanced research branch within the executive? It's called like IARPA or something like that. You know what he did is he ripped out a section of DARPA and put it under control of the executive branch. You don't think that DARPA war is real, the war against DARPA and the Pentagon is real. Biden literally reached into DARPA and ripped out a section of their researchers who were previously under control of Pentagon and took control of them.

Now that now you see it, and now that I've highlighted this, you're going to see it everywhere. It's an interagency, intergovernment war, and it's too bad the independent media hasn't caught on to this. Instead, it's so easy to just say DARPA. But every time that's done, they're actually feeding the problem. They're not helping highlight the war within the government over control over these technologies.

Yeah, I deleted the second one, Marie, because I knew that I would find better ways to be able to go over this stuff. This one, I think it would be good enough to put onto the other channels. Fauci's definitely retiring. He's definitely retiring. Anyways, all right, guys, hopefully that was helpful. Hopefully I just gave you an hour and a half of entertainment things to think about. Remember, there's always dimensions of things. Everything you read, every paper.

I'm going to repeat this again. Do not look at research papers as a declaration of the absolute truth. Every time someone sits down to write something, it's because they want you to think something. They want you to think something exists that doesn't. They want you to think that something doesn't exist that does. They want to confuse you. It's very seldom because, oh, I just want people to be perfectly well informed. It doesn't happen too often. I try to do that for you, but I know as a human being I'm subjected to biases, and I can overcome a lot of them because I've had to do this as an analyst. I'm not perfect either, so don't just listen to me. Listen to other channels as well.

Anyways, I do, again, appreciate you guys joining. I appreciate all the support, and how the heck are we going to be closing this one out here? What are we going to be doing here? Need to think of, again, since I get copyright violations on everything, I have a lot of flexibility in which songs that I choose. Right? Let's see here. This one might work. There we go. All right, guys. That's a good tune. All right. I love you very much. Don't lose track of what's important. Please don't.

Let's see. Let's see. Let's see.